Medlar: health benefits and harms
Not so long ago, fruits with an interesting name began to appear in stores – medlar. What is this fruit? Let’s figure it out

Medlar is an exotic tree with fruits similar to a pear or apricot. However, medlar has nothing to do with these fruits. The fruits of the plant have an unusual taste and juicy, sweet and fragrant pulp. We will talk about the beneficial properties and how to eat medlar in food in our article.

The history of the appearance of medlar in nutrition

In the wild, there are about 30 varieties of medlar. The main cultivated species are two – German and Japanese. 

The German medlar has been known to mankind for more than 1000 years BC. It is believed that the medlar appeared in southwestern Asia or southeastern Europe. The ancient Greeks and Romans grew this fruit, in the Victorian era it was popular in Western Europe.

Родиной японской мушмулы считается Китай, откуда растение попало в Японию, затем в XIX веке было завезено в Европу. В Средневековье растение являлось важной и распространенной плодовой культурой. Деревья с ветвистой кроной украшали сады вельмож, а из растения готовили лекарственные снадобья. Через некоторое время мушмула потеряла свою популярность и в настоящее время не так часто встречается в садах, хотя высокая питательная ценность плодов и его целебные свойства крайне полезны для человека.

The composition and calorie content of medlar

Medlar has a rich chemical composition, due to which it has powerful healing properties. The fruits of the plant contain vitamins A, C, group B, iron, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, calcium, sugars and organic acids.

Caloric content for 100 grams47 kcal
Proteins0,43 g
Fats0,2 g
Carbohydrates10,44 g

The benefits of medlar

– Medlar is rich in phosphorus, selenium, potassium, vitamins A, B, C, PP, it has a lot of carbohydrates and fiber. All this has a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, helps to improve digestion and enrich the body with nutrients. Due to the high glycemic index, this fruit is ideal for people who are actively involved in sports: it quickly saturates the body, – says gastroenterologist-hepatologist Olga Arisheva.

Минералы, входящие в состав мушмулы, нормализуют баланс холестерина в организме и укрепляют костную ткань.

Витамин С, содержащийся в мушмуле, укрепляет иммунитет и позволяет бороться с вирусными заболеваниями, витамин А оказывает профилактическое действие на органы зрения и принимает участие в восстановлении клеток кожи, калий улучшает сердечно-сосудистую систему, а железо снабжает мышцы кислородом и помогает организму восстановиться после силовых нагрузок. 

“Medlar is useful for those who are actively involved in sports,” says Olga Arisheva. – It helps to recover faster after active physical exertion, and also saturates the body with energy.

The benefits of medlar for women

“Medlar has a beneficial effect on the female body, helps to tidy up the skin, hair and nails due to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract,” says Olga Arisheva.

Фрукт помогает устранить последствия стрессов и поддерживает иммунную систему.

– For pregnant women, medlar is useful for the ability to maintain a balance of vitamins and minerals. In addition, it helps to get rid of vomiting, nausea and other symptoms of toxicosis. However, with excessive use of medlar, it can have the opposite effect on the body, provoking an allergy, explains Olga Arisheva.

The benefits of medlar for men

– It is extremely useful for men to use medlar for gout and kidney stones. In addition, it has a positive effect on potency,” says Olga Arisheva.

The benefits of medlar for children

Vitamins and trace elements are important for the healthy development of a child. However, the main thing is not to overdo it. 

– Children after one year can be given this fruit. But with caution so that it does not cause an allergic reaction, explains Olga Arisheva.

Harm medlar

“People with type XNUMX diabetes should not lean on this fruit,” says Olga Arisheva. – It is recommended to completely abandon the use of medlar for people with allergies and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Избегайте употребления в пищу незрелых плодов.

Loquat bones contain mandelic acid, which in the process of metabolism turns into substances toxic to the body. Therefore, the bones of the medlar are not only inedible, but also dangerous to humans. Also, the fruits themselves contain a small amount of cyanide, which, if consumed excessively, can accumulate in the body and lead to poisoning.

The use of medlar in medicine

The plant is used to prepare potions and decoctions for the treatment of bronchitis, relieving asthma attacks, and in cases of inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. A tincture of medlar leaves has a mild analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. A decoction based on medlar leaves helps with viruses and infections and helps to reduce fever.

The use of medlar was also found in cosmetology. From the pulp and juice of the plant, masks, creams and lotions are made that help get rid of acne, tighten and brighten the skin.

Применение мушмулы в кулинарии

Chicken baked with medlar

Loquat sauce will give a bright fruity taste and make chicken meat even more tender.

Chickens  1,3 kg
Chilli peppers  1-2 pieces.
Butter  30 g
Mushmula  7-8 pieces.
Apple juice  30 ml
Lemon juice  1 Art. a spoon
Salt  to taste

Grind hot pepper with salt and mix with softened butter. Brush the chicken with the mixture and leave to marinate for 2-3 hours at room temperature. 

Переложить цыплят в огнеупорную форму, добавить плоды мушмулы. Поставить запекаться в разогретую до 180°C духовку на 45 минут. 

Remove from oven. Peel and mash three baked fruits into a puree. Dilute the puree with apple and lemon juice, mix the mass until smooth. Brush the chicken with the sauce and place in the oven for another 15 minutes. 

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Loquat jam

Вкусное и полезное дополнение к чаю в холодное время года

Mushmula  5 kg
Sugar  1,5 kg
Lemon  1 piece.
Water  1,5 l

Wash, peel and remove the pits and skins of the fruits of the medlar. 

Send sugar, water and lemon juice to the pan. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally to completely dissolve the sugar. 

Put medlar in syrup. Cook over medium heat for 15 minutes, then remove from heat and leave for 7-8 hours. Then bring to a boil again, cook for 5-7 minutes and leave again to cool completely. Boil the jam for the last, third, time. 

Pour hot jam into sterilized jars and roll up. 

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How to choose and store medlar

При выборе мушмулы следует обратить внимание на размер. Маленькие плоды могут быть недозревшими и кислыми, а большие — перезревшими и, как следствие, не совсем сочными. Поэтому рекомендуется выбирать плоды среднего размера и мягкости.Цвет мушмулы должен быть равномерным, без темных пятен и поврежденийХранится мушмула всего несколько дней в прохладном месте. Поэтому лучше всего убирать ее в холодильник.

Popular questions and answers

How much loquat can you eat per day?

“An adult can eat up to seven ripe fruits a day, an unripe fruit can cause diarrhea,” Olga Arisheva answers. – Also, do not exceed the established norm, since the fruits contain a small amount of cyanide, which can accumulate in the body and lead to poisoning if the product is consumed excessively.

What is the best way to eat medlar?

“Medlar can be eaten both fresh and processed,” says Olga Arisheva. – From it you can cook compote, jam, jam, sweets. However, the bones are not suitable for consumption in any form – they contain a large amount of mandelic acid.

When does medlar season start?

The fruits of the Japanese species of medlar ripen by the beginning of summer, in June-July, and the German – by the end of autumn.

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