Mediterranean Diet Congress

The Healthy Lifestyle will be the center of the debate at the next Congress to be held in a few days in Barcelona

Our Diet par excellence, will hold a meeting of professionals in nutrition, medicine, dietetics, etc … where they will discuss how and in what way we should improve nutrition and what postulates should be changed within the framework of daily nutrition.

The eleventh edition of the International Congress on Mediterranean Diet will be held on April 27 and 28 within the framework of the celebrations of the International Food and Beverage Fair, Alimentaria 2016.

Two interesting days with lectures, presentations, where the nutritional pattern will be explained, which from the prism of nutrition associations and international scientific societies, is and should be the basis of nutrition, in order to guarantee a healthy and dietary balanced development.

Entities such as the Department of Agriculture of the United States Government and European and international societies such as the European Society of Cardiology or the American Society of Cerebrovascular Diseases, endorse the Mediterranean Diet in its innumerable benefits for human nutrition.

A perfect environment, that of the Alimentaria Hub to be able to know first-hand the future of dietetics, from the hand of the best experts and professionals in the field of Health and Nutrition.

In search of the Mediterranean Lifestyle

This year’s congress will deal with a decalogue of topics that will be the fundamental contents of the entire program in the two days of duration. Topics such as:

  1. The role of personalized diets in promoting health.
  2. The improvement of the traditional Mediterranean diet with a higher consumption of EVOO.
  3. The difference between organic food versus conventional food.
  4. The preference in the consumption of seasonal and local foods.
  5. Current dietary trends.
  6. Introducing new healthy foods like cocoa, soy, coffee, and tea.
  7. The Foods of the future.
  8. The importance of the sleep pattern in obesity and health, and its effects on happiness and other psychological aspects.
  9. The microbiota, the germs that live in our intestines that affect health.
  10. Healthy urbanism

An important basis to be able to consolidate the Mediterranean Lifestyle that is becoming a paradigm of the XNUMXst century, so that societies create healthy habits not only in food, but also in the ecosystem of human actions that surround us daily.

We leave the full content of the event’s program of activities here linked on the website of the International Congress of the Mediterranean Diet.

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