Meditation will make us more resilient to anxiety and depression.

In recent months, stress levels are higher than ever before. It is impossible to listen to or read the news without experiencing a state of anxiety and even fear. Therefore, right now, we should all pay attention to meditation and feel the full benefits of this wise practice.

In recent research from the Universities of Harvard and Siena, it has been found that meditation does more than just transcend consciousness, improve concentration and protect the heart and immune system – it can actually change the physiology of the human brain. Consistent practice helps relieve the symptoms of anxiety and depression in the people who need it most.

The study, published in the journal PLOS ONE, involved 24 people who had never meditated before. Scientists gave them an 8-week meditation course. Participants listened to weekly lectures of two and a half hours on various components and styles of meditation practice and meditated daily for 45 minutes.

Pre- and post-meditation MRI data suggest that the subjects experienced a thickening of the part of the brain responsible for emotion and perception. Such changes increase the physiological resistance of the body to anxiety, anxiety and depression. The same results were reported by the psychological indicators of the study participants.


As we have to meet the growing demands of modern life, it’s a good idea to leave yourself a little time every day to immerse yourself in yourself. It won’t be too noticeable on your busy schedule, and the proven effects of meditation are well worth the effort.

I try to regularly practice transcendental meditation, you can read about it in this post. And here I am telling you how you can meditate for beginners.

One minute is enough for meditation! Get started now!


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