
A XNUMX-Minute Meditation Guaranteed to Relieve Fatigue and Energize, by Integrative Medicine Specialist Soher Rocked*.

The benefits of meditation have been proven by hundreds of scientific studies. It lowers blood pressure, improves sleep, helps to relax and get rid of bad habits. For example, quit smoking or seize stress with sweets. The principle of meditation is to “calm down” the internal dialogue that we have with ourselves almost all the time. You can learn meditation in specialized centers**, in yoga classes, and even on your own. Fortunately, there are many videos on the Internet with examples of meditation. In fact, everything is simple: you need to sit in a way that is comfortable for you, close your eyes and try to calm your mind. How? Focus on one thing. For example, on inhalation and exhalation or on a candle flame. A good way is to count until your own thoughts distract you. For the first time, most people rarely get to three. So don’t get upset. When we think about something, it is absolutely normal. Let the thought come and go, brush it off if necessary, and start counting again. The more often you exercise, the easier it will be for you to calm your mind and the less stress you will experience. Here is an example of a simple meditation, the effect of which can be tested right now.

Get upright. The back is straight, the chest is straightened, the shoulders are laid back. It is good to remember that a straight, noble bearing itself contributes to the appearance of cheerfulness even without meditation, by itself.

Take three deep breaths in and out. Close your eyes. Feel the movement of air inside your body as air enters and exits your lungs.

Place one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. On your next breath, try to breathe into your belly. The hand on the chest should not move.

Exhale slowly through your mouth. Feel physically how it happens.

Imagine that as you breathe in, you are filled with energy. If you like to visualize, imagine that your body is filled with light, nourishing every cell of the body, and calming, uplifting energy. If not, then choose the image that is closer to you. There is no right or wrong option here.

Smile a little throughout this breathing meditation, even if you are not in a very good mood. It will also help you energize.

Get your attention back back to the breath every time you get distracted by something. Do it gently and delicately. Try not to be angry with yourself, do not get annoyed. You are learning!

Finish the meditation in ten minutes. Slowly open your eyes. Do you feel? Fatigue vanished.

* Author of the book “A Tired Man. How to overcome chronic fatigue and regain strength, energy and joy of life” (Alpina Publisher), which will appear in stores on February 16.

** You can learn how to meditate, for example, at the Moscow Buddhist Center. Details on his website

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