Meditation for every day

Everyone knows about the benefits of meditation, but not everyone knows how to learn to meditate. What does it mean to turn off all thoughts, breathe correctly or surrender to the flow? There are many practices and it is easy to get confused. We offer step-by-step instructions for meditation for every day.

To learn how to meditate, you need to meditate. Do not read, listen to videos, spend money on courses and master classes. Do not travel to Asia or wear special clothing. Everything is easier than it seems. Read on for some tips and get started.

1. Duration

Start small. Two minutes is a great start. This will help avoid excuses like “I’m busy” or “tired”. When the practice becomes an integral part of daily life, gradually extend the time. After a few weeks, you will be able to meditate for 15-20 minutes a day without any problems.

2. Time of day

You can achieve maximum concentration in the morning after sleep or at the end of the working day. Try to time the process of meditation to some everyday process. For example, before a cup of coffee or after a light jog. Dilute the usual cocktail of life with a drop of silence.

3 place

It is important to find a place where you will feel calm and comfortable. If you live alone, it is advisable to allocate a small area in the apartment, which will be associated with a place for relaxation. Later, you will be able to meditate in different places at any time. In transport or in line, instead of wasting energy on useless experiences, you can simply close your eyes and dissolve into yourself.

4. Posture

The mistake of beginners is to choose the wrong position. Avoid the lotus position if you feel uncomfortable in it. Meditation should not cause pain or discomfort. It’s a pleasant process.

Take the most comfortable position. You can sit on the edge of a chair, rest your knees on the floor, or stretch your legs against a wall. Meditation can be done standing or lying down, but beware of Morpheus’ guest. As soon as you truly relax, sleep will not keep you waiting.

5. Relaxation

Meditation is a daily work that requires increased concentration and constant presence. You can’t cheat here. If you are exercising in the morning, it is important that the body is rested and ready for practice. It is better not to start evening meditation immediately upon arrival home, after eating on a full stomach and playing sports.

6. Observation

Breathing is the most natural process that is inherent in all living beings. Watch as the air from the outside world enters, fills the lungs, raises the diaphragm, inflates the stomach and gives you life. Focus on a small area of ​​the body. For example, on the crown or on the abdomen. Observe the sensations.

Perhaps after a while you will feel a slight tingling, itching, moisture, or, conversely, dryness. This is a sign that you are on the right path to clearing and calming the unruly consciousness that is creating chaos in your life.

7. Thoughts

The first obstacle to meditation is the unbridled flow of thoughts, passages from the past, dreams of the future, endless introspection. Don’t blame yourself, thinking is normal. You are now learning new things, which means you have the right to make mistakes and habitual reactions.

To stop the flow of thoughts, take the role of an outside observer, refuse any reactions. Sooner or later, the thought breaks off, and the picture dissipates. Take a couple of deep breaths in and out and again focus on the sensations in your body. Praise yourself even for the smallest victories.

8. Gratitude and love

After the end, do not rush to open your eyes. Feel the love. You need to fill it up to the brim. And when it overwhelms you, give it to your family, friends, colleagues, competitors, neighbors. All living organisms. End the meditation session with the phrase: “I wish everyone happiness.” Feel how you are filled with love, unconditionally and boundlessly scattering it around the globe.

Meditation is not an escape from the world, but a way to live in it for real and for your own pleasure. You learn to rediscover yourself. People who have achieved harmony in life admit that meditation is their medicine, which is available to everyone and always, free of charge.

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