Medicines with magnesium, or how to quickly increase the level of magnesium. Who should reach for them?

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Magnesium in the form of a drug allows you to replenish the deficiencies of this element in the body. The use of drugs that are drugs allows for a more effective absorption of magnesium than reaching for most supplements. The most important thing in the fight against any deficiencies is a proper diet. However, if a doctor or dietitian recommends supplementation, the most effective drug is magnesium.

Magnesium is called the element of life for a reason, because it is involved in most processes in the body. It affects the functioning of the circulatory, muscular, nervous and immune systems. First of all, it actively participates in the construction of bones and teeth and regulates the work of the thyroid gland.

In addition, it has a positive effect on digestion and the work of gray cells. It reduces the risk of a heart attack or diabetes.

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For this reason, magnesium deficiency in the body can have serious consequences and should be supplied with the diet in appropriate amounts, and in the case of a high decrease, taken in the form of supplements or medications.

It is worth noting that the level of magnesium in the body decreases with age. For this reason, seniors are primarily exposed to the deficiency of this element. Especially that elderly people who suffer from a lack of appetite may not provide adequate amounts of it in food. In this case, it is worth reaching not only for tablets with magnesium, but also with other minerals and vitamins (e.g. drugs with magnesium, potassium and vitamin D).

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Magnesium supplementation should also be taken care of by people who work physically and mentally, as well as pregnant women, during menopause and taking contraceptive pills.

A decrease in the amount of magnesium in the body below the accepted norm is a deficiency most often caused by dietary mistakes and reaching for products that reduce its concentration, including alcohol, coffee and tea. Usually adequate diet taking into account foods rich in magnesium restores the balance of the body caused by the lack of this element.

However, magnesium deficiency can also be caused by some medications, including antibiotics, and also as a result of kidney disease, pancreatitis, hyperparathyroidism or disturbed digestion.


Consequences of magnesium deficiency there may be muscle spasms, eyelid twitching, fatigue and irritability, menstrual disorders, increased nail and hair brittleness, as well as problems with concentration.

Medicines with magnesium and diet

Medications and supplements with magnesium should be the last resort, not the answer to the body’s mineral deficiencies. The best way to maintain the proper level of magnesium in the body is a proper diet rich in groats, whole grains, legumes, nuts, sunflower seeds and almonds. Magnesium can also be found in dark chocolate or water with a high mineral content.

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Medicines with magnesium and the daily requirement in women, men and children

The daily requirement for magnesium depends on several factors, primarily age and gender. In adult women, it is 300-320 mg per day, and in men – 400-420 mg. Pregnant women should take 360-400 mg during the day. The situation is different in the case of children:

  1. up to 3 months of age – 30 mg,
  2. 6 and 12 months of age – 70 mg,
  3. 1st and 3rd year of life – 80 mg,
  4. 4st and 9rd year of life – 130 mg,
  5. 10 and 12 years of age – 240 mg.

Girls over 12 can take 360 ​​mg and boys 410 mg of magnesium per day.

If you decide to use a pharmacy preparation with magnesium, you need to be aware that magnesium in the form of a supplement and magnesium as a drug are not the same. Many supplements do not work as expected because they often contain magnesium in a poorly digestible form such as magnesium oxide. Supplements containing magnesium citrate or magnesium lactate are more effective.

Medicines with magnesium are more expensive than supplements, but usually provide more confidence in the quality of the preparation. Such products are mainly available in the form of tablets, sometimes also enteric-coated tablets. Examples of drugs with magnesium are:

  1. Asmag B6;
  2. Filomag B6;
  3. Lactomag B6;
  4. Magnesium B6;
  5. Magne B6 Strong;
  6. Magvit B6;
  7. Maglek B6;
  8. Slow Mag;
  9. Slow Mag B6.

Magnesium is an over-the-counter medicine, and usually, apart from the active substance being the source of this element, we also find vitamin B6. It increases the absorption of magnesium and has a positive effect on the body’s metabolism. Protein and lactose also have a good effect on the digestibility of the element. Good quality products with magnesium are offered by the Puritan’s Pride brand. Also try dietary supplements:

  1. Calcium, Magnesium and Viridian Zinc,
  2. Magnez 300mg Viridian,
  3. Magnez B6 SOLHERBS,
  4. Magnesium + Calcium 2: 1 Terranova,
  5. Potas + magnez Viridian,
  6. Magnesium Citrate – Viridian Magnesium Powder,
  7. MagneMe Day + MagneMe Night Health Labs – supporting the body in the Day & Night formula,
  8. Magnesium 3 organic forms of YANGO (citrate, lactate and malate).

Medicines with magnesium – contraindications and side effects

There are contraindications to taking magnesium supplements. They include, among others allergies to any component of the drug, hypermagnesaemia, severe renal failure, diarrhea. Magnesium can also cause gastrointestinal side effects (diarrhea, nausea, vomiting), trouble sleeping and reddening of the skin.

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You also need to follow the directions for taking the medicine, as there is a possibility magnesium overdose. If this occurs, your body may react with abdominal pain, difficulty breathing, urinary incontinence, weakness, and dizziness.

Read also:

  1. A healthier coffee substitute. It stimulates, but does not flush magnesium out of the body
  2. Root of life. Here are the symptoms that you might be missing it
  3. This is the signal that your body sends you when you lack the “element of life”

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