Medicines in the first aid kit: what to take on vacation

Add to the fact that, unlike our country, almost all more or less “serious” medicines are sold abroad. by prescription, and those that are sold without prescriptions are much more expensive (even in Athens, I was charged 12 euros for a simple package of Panadol!). So, we cannot do without a first aid kit at the resort. You will probably need to put an adhesive plaster in it – although it is not a problem to buy it at the resort, it is better to take an old proven one in addition to the imported “strips” domestic patchwhich does not peel off after a minute. “Verified” iodine and brilliant green now sold as special pencils, so you can grab those too.

A serious problem in resorts is all kinds of stomach troubles… Even if you did not drink tap water, unfamiliar spicy food, and simply overeating at the buffet can threaten you with troubles. So a few pills will do the trick in the medicine cabinet. festala, no-shpy and motillium, a pack of activated carbon or several sachets “Smects.” In case of severe diarrhea, when smecta powder does not help, you will have to take a capsule «Immodiuma» – but keep in mind that this medicine dehydrates the body and do not be surprised by the strong thirst after taking it. Overheating in the sun threatens you with headaches – do not forget to put in the first-aid kit your usual pain reliever – and one that will help you with unexpected toothaches (for example, baralgin or ketanov). Another common problem in resorts is all kinds of allergies. Many people prefer to take in this case the “good old” Suprastin. However, it should be noted that this medication usually causes drowsiness and, moreover, is incompatible with alcohol consumption. So it is better to take more modern anti-allergens with you – such as claritin, zirtec, telfast or fexadine. If during the trip there are long boat trips or you generally get seasick on the road – do not forget to put the packaging in the first-aid kit. “Bonina” (it is also sold abroad under the name “Meclozine”).

From manifestations of a cold it is worth taking an aerosol with you “Bioparox”. It is good because it relieves both manifestations of sore throat (sore throat, cough) and a runny nose (there are two nozzles in the kit – for irrigating the throat and sinuses). It will not hurt to put in the first aid kit and a couple of sachets “Ferveksa” or any similar soluble “anti-cold” powder. By the way, in order to objectively assess the state of your body (whether you are really sick or just “overheated”), it will not hurt thermometer – only modern electronic, not mercury, with which you will not be allowed on the plane (and rightly so!). If you have chronic diseases, be sure to remember to take medicines in case of their exacerbation, which, alas, is not uncommon with a change in climate. And make sure that all exported medicines are in their original packaging – a scattering of incomprehensible tablets and powders can cause unnecessary questions from customs officers.

A separate issue is the bronze resort tan without unpleasant consequences… Here we cannot do without supplementing our first aid kit with both sun protection products and a cream that is applied after visiting the beach. It must be remembered that each cream has sun protection factor – SPF. The degree of skin protection depends on its value (2 – 40 units). The paler your skin, the higher the SPF of your chosen cream should be. It is best if the cream also guarantees protection from the so-called UVA rays, which cause skin aging and other unpleasant consequences. Finally, it is worth paying attention to the marks “water-resistant” “sand-resistant” and “sweat-resistant”, indicating the resistance of the cream to water, sand and sweat.

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