Medicines for those fighting in Ukraine. The Ministry of Health, GIS and URPL urge not to collect them on your own

There are fundraising efforts all over Poland to help the war-torn Ukraine. Medications are also taken. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health, GIS and URPL are calling for the resignation of individual drug collections in favor of actions organized or coordinated by state services. The reason is important.

  1. MZ, GIF and URPL call for the abandonment of individual drug collections for the fighting Ukraine
  2. One of the reasons is the need to ensure proper storage and transport of medicinal products
  3. “Remember that improperly stored and transported drugs not only will not help anyone, but may pose a threat to human health and life!”
  4. MZ, GIF and URPL encourage to support actions organized or coordinated by state services
  5. You can follow up-to-date information from Ukraine in our LIVE REPORT
  6. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Drug collection for Ukraine. MZ, GIS and URPL appeal

Poles were en masse to help Ukraine fighting for independence. The lists of necessary things also include medications, incl. painkillers, flu medications, antibiotics. Lots of people went to pharmacies to buy them and donate them to collections for Ukraine. The Ministry of Health, the Main Pharmaceutical Inspector and the Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products issued an important appeal to all those who want to support our neighbors in this way.

«For several days, we have been seeing a lot of information on the Internet about the collection of medicines for hospitals and the civilian population of Ukraine, which is facing the aggression. Despite the fact that these activities are a sign of the great solidarity of our society with the Ukrainian people, taking into account the specificity of storage and transport of this type of products, as well as the need to coordinate deliveries with representatives of the Ukrainian authorities, the Ministry of Health, GIF and URPL call for refraining from organizing such collections. drugs ».

The Ministry of Health reminds that it is in constant contact with the Embassy of Ukraine in Poland, which communicates the demand for a specific medical assortment on an ongoing basis. The shipment of drugs is also coordinated at the level of the entire European Union and takes place through Poland. The Government Strategic Reserves Agency, in close cooperation with the Ministry of Health, is responsible for the current supply of drugs.

Further part below the video.

Poorly stored drugs can be dangerous to your health and life

“Remember that improperly stored and transported drugs not only will not help anyone, but may pose a threat to human health and life!” – reminds MZ.

Hence, among others on the packaging / leaflet of the drug there is information at what temperature the agent should be stored. Compliance with these recommendations is extremely important, because beyond the permitted values, the drug may stop working (active compounds lose their properties) or even harm (their decomposition products may be poisonous).

  1. Ukrainian prescriptions accepted in Polish pharmacies. Important drugs can be purchased even without them

Below, we remind you of the most important rules for storing medicines at home. Remember about them:

  1. always keep medicines in their original and unopened packages
  2. do not throw away the part of the package that contains the expiry date of the drug
  3. write the date of opening on the package – you will have no problem judging when the drug becomes unusable
  4. protect medications from dust, dirt and damage
  5. keep medications out of the reach of children and pets
  6. keep medications away from windows, moisture, sunlight and other sources of too high or too low temperature
  7. information on how to store the medicine (including temperature) can be found on its packaging. If there is no such information, store the drug at room temperature, which is 15 to 25 degrees Celsius
  8. do not use drugs after the expiry date – take them to the pharmacy, where the appropriate containers are available (you can be sure that they will be properly disposed of).

We encourage you to read:

  1. Ukraine suspends polio vaccination. Doctors warn against the effects
  2. Sick children imprisoned in the Kiev shelter. “If it doesn’t stop, our patients will die”
  3. A psychological guide for people hosting refugees from Ukraine

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