From the point of view of psychopharmacology, all conditions associated with the brain are divided into four groups: the head does not work well, anxiety and restlessness, fatigue and sleep disturbance. What medicines can help in these cases?
- Head not working well
Scattered attention, everything flies out of your head, your thinking becomes worse — nootropics, vascular drugs and, possibly, neuropeptides can help you. See →
- Anxiety and restlessness
Vitamins, tincture of valerian, motherwort, a few drops of valoserdin, valocordin help to cope with this. In the afternoon — afobazole and glycine. See →
- Lethargy, fatigue, apathy
Until you have rested and established a healthy lifestyle, try Chinese lemongrass, once Phenotropil and Semax. Energy drinks are the last resort. See →
- Sleep disturbance.
No one died from insomnia, but this thing is unpleasant. How to cope? See →
The main factors affecting the quality of the brain:
- normal healthy sleep: a sufficient number of hours, a certain temperature, a certain firmness of the sofa, a suitable pillow,
- oxygen: walking, exercise,
- pressure,
- blood sugar.
Set the right balance between mental and physical work: for example, every hour sitting at the table should be interrupted for some kind of physical workout, see Rest Rules. Autogenic training is a good preventive tool for improving the quality of the brain (evens out pressure, improves organ functions, tidies up the head, and has a beneficial effect on muscle tone). In general, a healthy lifestyle is much more promising than a life on pills. Health to you!