Medicines for prostatitis in men

Medicines for prostatitis in men

Inflammation of the prostate gland brings a lot of discomfort to men suffering from this disease. Even more dangerous are the consequences of prostatitis – impotence, loss of the ability to conceive a child, oncological pathologies, the spread of the inflammatory process to the entire genitourinary system. Depending on the etiology of the disease in each case, the urologist prescribes the most effective drugs.

The acute form of prostatitis occurs due to exposure to bacteria, pathogenic microorganisms.

It occurs, according to medical statistics, in 15% of all inflammations of the prostate, is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Pain in the groin, radiating to the lower back;

  • Frequent painful urination with purulent discharge from the urethra;

  • Hyperthermia;

  • Chills;

  • Symptoms of intoxication of the body.

This condition requires immediate medical attention and antibiotic therapy that can penetrate into the gland tissue in the shortest possible time, effective against specific pathogens.

Chronic prostatitis can be a complication of the acute form of the disease, not sufficiently treated or transferred without treatment.

Symptoms of protracted inflammation of the prostate:

  • Drawing pains in the perineum, radiating to the rectum and pelvic organs;

  • Difficulty urinating, accompanied by burning;

  • sleep disorders;

  • Irritability.

The treatment of this form of the disease takes much longer than in the acute stage, and the choice of drugs depends on the previous treatment, the presence of complications, and the individual characteristics of the organism. The range of medicines, in addition to antibiotics, is replenished with immunomodulators, analgesics, physiotherapy, therapeutic massage sessions, and the use of suppositories.

Sulfa-P – an expensive Israeli drug for prostatitis

This sulfonamide drug for prostatitis acts on gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, as well as on some types of protozoa. Sulfa-P is so effective that the symptoms of the disease disappear after 10-12 days after the start of treatment. However, the use of this drug in combination with other drugs should be used until complete recovery.

Side effects:

  • diarrhea,

  • Nausea and vomiting,

  • Tremor,

  • Headache and dizziness,

  • Allergy;

  • Rarely – violations of the cardiovascular system, hepatitis.

Contraindications to taking Sulfa-P are renal and hepatic insufficiency, diseases of the hematopoietic system, thyroid pathology, individual intolerance.

The price of this medicine starts from $200

Popular drugs for prostatitis

In the group of drugs for the treatment of prostate diseases, there are many effective agents that improve the condition of prostate tissues and the general condition of the patient’s body.


Medicines for prostatitis in men

The homeopathic preparation is available in the form of lozenges, used as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. Removes edema and returns the functioning of the prostate to normal, has a positive effect on urodynamics, reduces dysuria.

The tool has contraindications:

  • individual intolerance,

  • Necrosis of gland tissues

  • Oncological diseases of the prostate.


The drug from the group of penicillin antibiotics is available in the form of tablets and powder for the preparation of a solution for injection. It is used to treat infections caused by gram-positive bacteria. The dosage regimen is prescribed exclusively by the attending physician.

The following contraindications are taken into account:

  • kidney failure,

  • Allergic reactions and their complications in the form of bronchial asthma,

  • Enterocolitis on the background of antibiotics.

During the use of this drug, side effects may occur in the form of dyspepsia, allergic reactions, pathologies of the genitourinary system.

Prostamol Uno

This phytopreparation is used to stop dysuric phenomena in chronic prostatitis. Its main active ingredient is an alcohol extract of the fruit of the Sabal palm. Prostamol Uno is available in the form of capsules containing a liquid with a characteristic odor. Corrects urination disorders and dysuric phenomena caused by prostatitis.

The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the attending physician. Contraindications to the use of Prostamol Uno – individual intolerance, very rarely side effects can occur in the form of allergies, stomach pain.


The drug, which is based on a substance of animal origin (prostate extract), is available in the form of tablets and rectal suppositories. Vitaprost is used to relieve pain symptoms in chronic prostatitis and its exacerbations. The drug reduces swelling, improves microcirculation in the tissues of the prostate, reduces dysuric manifestations, increases the ability to conceive.

The effectiveness of this drug for the prevention of exacerbations of the disease, according to studies, is more than 97%.


Prostatilen is a medicine for prostatitis, which is available in the form of suppositories and lyophilisate for injection. This animal product is used as an anti-inflammatory agent to reduce swelling of the prostate and its infiltration by leukocytes. In addition, metabolic processes in the tissues of the gland are improved, local immunity is strengthened. At the same time, potency increases, neoplasms are prevented, spermatogenesis improves.

Contraindications for use – cardiovascular diseases, the risk of thromboembolism. There may be side effects such as mild headache, weakness, allergic reactions in the rectal area in the form of itching and irritation.


The drug is available in the form of tablets, its main active ingredient (finasteride) promotes the conversion of the hormone testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. As a result, the prostate ceases to increase, the intensity of dysuric phenomena decreases.

Prostan is easily tolerated by patients with renal insufficiency, elderly people.

Contraindications – prostate cancer, uropathy.

Herbal remedies for prostatitis

In the complex treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland, herbal remedies are often used, which have a mild effect with a persistent and lasting effect.


Medicines for prostatitis in men

Solgar Prostate Plus is used to prevent and treat prostate diseases. The main advantage of the drug is its natural composition.

The components included in it determine the following therapeutic effect on the body:

  • Antioxidant effect. Citrus pectin is responsible for it.

  • Protection against prostate cancer. For this, lycopene is included in the composition of the drug.

  • Diuretic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect. They are due to the African plum bark that is part of it. Its reception improves the nutrition of tissues, allows you to get rid of stagnation of blood and lymph in the pelvic organs.

  • Strengthening men’s health is due to the action of nettle.

  • Elimination of dysuria, normalization of hormonal levels, improvement of sperm quality. The fruits of the dwarf palm are responsible for these effects.

  • Protection of the prostate gland from the destructive influence of the inflammatory reaction, increase in the level of free testosterone, improvement of spermogenesis. Such a positive effect on the body has zinc and selenium, which is part of the drug.


  • Chronic prostatitis and related problems with conception;

  • Recovery period after suffering acute prostatitis;

  • Early stage of benign prostatic hyperplasia;

  • Stagnation of fluids in the pelvic area;

  • Age over 50 years old. The goal is the prevention of prostate diseases.


Medicines for prostatitis in men

Irexis from Opticallycombined preparation based on natural ingredients used to restore potency.

The components included in its composition allow you to achieve the following effects:

  • Improving erection and increasing potency is due to the presence of leuzea, which is a powerful adaptogen.

  • Increasing stamina, increasing efficiency, strengthening immunity. Eleutherococcus is responsible for these properties.

  • Activation of spermatozoa, increase in the general tone of the body, increased erection. These effects develop due to the intake of ginseng, which is part of the drug.

  • Improving blood microcirculation in the genital area, strengthening and prolonging erections during sexual arousal is possible thanks to Goryanka.

  • Cordyceps is responsible for the pronounced antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. This mushroom is actively used to treat various infections, including those affecting the genitourinary system.

  • Strengthening the vascular walls, stabilizing blood pressure, protecting and increasing the endurance of the heart muscle is possible due to the presence of L-arginine in the composition.

  • Indole-3-Carbinol is responsible for suppressing the growth of cancer cells.

Effects that can be felt when taking Irexis:

  • Increased potency and sexual activity.

  • Strengthening the nutrition of the pelvic organs.

  • Improving efficiency, eliminating the phenomena of chronic fatigue syndrome.


  • Impotence.

  • Infertility.

  • erection dysfunction.

  • Early ejaculation.

  • Weak sperm activity.

  • Difficulty reaching orgasm.

  • Prevention of adenoma, prostatitis, cardiovascular diseases and cancerous neoplasms.

Effex Red Root from Evalar

Medicines for prostatitis in men

The composition of the drug includes the following components:

  • Forgotten kopek roots (powder).

  • Gallic acid.

  • Zinc.

  • Vitamin E.

The drug belongs to the herbal stimulants of male sexual activity. Since Red Root is not a drug, it has no side effects.

Raw materials for the manufacture of tablets or alcohol tinctures are collected in Altai, next to eternal glaciers. Growing in such conditions, the red root absorbs all the benefits of nature in a unique climatic region for 10 years.

Main therapeutic effects:

  • Getting rid of edema.

  • Removal of inflammation.

  • Relief of pain.

  • Improved urination.

Prosta Sabal ot Evalar

Medicines for prostatitis in men

The composition of the drug is based on the following components:

  • Sabal palm extract is rich in plant sterols, which gently tone the organs of the genitourinary system.

  • Echinacea purpurea extract stimulates the immune system.

  • Ginkgo biloba extract improves the nutrition of the pelvic organs and prevents fluid stagnation.

  • Zinc is involved in the production of male sex hormones and improves the function of the gonads.

The unique combination of these components allows you to deal with the problems that are known to every man over 30-40 years old. The course of taking the drug eliminates the feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, from poor nighttime urination and erectile dysfunction. ProstaSabal contributes to the normalization of the size of the prostate, the level of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone. The drug has a 100% natural composition, so it does not have a negative effect on the body.


Medicines for prostatitis in men

The drug produced by the Indian company Himalaya Drug is used to treat acute and chronic prostatitis. Speman has an anti-inflammatory and prostatotropic effect, improves microcirculation in her tissues, stimulates spermatogenesis. With its regular use in the prostate gland, congestion and manifestations of dysuria decrease.

The composition of the drug Speman includes extracts of the following plants:

  • Argyrea is beautiful;

  • Tribulus creeping;

  • Orchis male;

  • Leptadenia net;

  • compass lettuce;

  • Parmelia pearl;

  • Asterkant long-leaved;

  • Suvarnavanga;

  • Velvet beans.

Produced in the form of tablets, packed in 100 pcs. into a plastic bottle.

Contraindications are minimal – individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Analogues of speman: Verona


The Ayurvedic medicine Fortege is produced by the Indian company Alarsin. In the treatment of prostatitis, it is used as a tonic drug that improves the metabolism of the genitourinary system. Produced in the form of tablets. The manufacturer recommends during the course of treatment to adjust the patient’s diet, reducing the proportion of sugar, animal fats and alcohol.

The composition of the drug includes the following components: leptadenia net, Indian ginseng, calamus, black pepper, long, Cubeba, white sandalwood, fragrant nutmeg, sage, cloves, Roman chamomile, braynia, ginger. Fortezh is combined with all medicines.


This Ayurvedic preparation produced by Alarsin from India belongs to the category of biologically active additives. It contains more than 40 components, most of which are of plant origin. Bangshil is used to increase the body’s defenses and restore the function of the genitourinary system in the treatment of prostatitis.

Contraindications – individual intolerance to the components.


This remedy for the treatment and prevention of prostatitis is produced by the Canadian company Flora M & D, belongs to the category of dietary supplements. Pro-Essence is used as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic and immunomodulator.

The composition of this drug includes only herbal ingredients:

  • Burdock root;

  • Tolokhyanka leaf;

  • juniper berries;

  • Ash bark;

  • Elm bark.


  • Diabetes;

  • Renal failure;

  • Allergy to herbal ingredients of the drug.


Medicines for prostatitis in men

This Russian-made drug (Ecomir company) is positioned by the manufacturer as a biologically active supplement for men.

Likoprofit contains in its composition a complex of vitamins, minerals and extracts of plant origin:

  • nettle root;

  • African plum bark;

  • Ginseng root;

  • Ginkgo biloba leaves;

  • The fruits of the dwarf palm.

This balanced composition improves the general condition of the body as a whole and the genitourinary system in particular, prevents excessive enlargement of prostate tissues, reduces swelling, and reduces the effects of dysuria. Likoprofit is available in the form of capsules.

The drug is well tolerated, it is not recommended to use it for hyperthyroidism, tachycardia, high blood pressure, insomnia.


The over-the-counter medicine for prostatitis, produced by Teva Pharmaceutical from Israel, belongs to the category of dietary supplements. Most of its composition is occupied by pumpkin seed oil. Peponen is used as an analgesic, corrects dysuric phenomena, activates the immune system.

The tool does not have pronounced side effects, diarrhea is extremely rare with prolonged use.

What are the most effective herbal remedies used in the treatment of chronic prostatitis?

[Video] Doctor MD Borisov Vladimir Viktorovich answers how to choose the most effective remedy for prostatitis:

Противопоказания к применению – индивидуальная непереносимость, очень редко проявляется такое побочное действие лекарственного средства, как аллергическая реакция.

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