Medicines for coronavirus: treatment regimens
Medicines for coronavirus: treatment regimens

Briefly, what is COVID-19

Medicines for coronavirus: treatment regimens

COVID-19 is a potentially serious infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. The first data on a new coronavirus infection were transmitted to WHO on December 31, 2019, based on data on a group of people who fell ill with viral pneumonia in the city of Wuhan, People’s Republic of China.

Based on the first data, the most common symptoms of COVID-19 were established:

  • High body temperature.

  • Dry cough.

  • Rapid fatigue for a long time (up to 10 weeks), which was recorded in 50% of patients.

A little later, important information was formed:

  • The incubation period in 95% of cases is from 2 to 6 days.

  • Temperatures above 37,5°C are observed in 10% of patients with COVID-19.

  • The ability to infect the surrounding remains in the patient for 10-20 days from the moment the first signs of the disease appear, sometimes the period of infection is up to 2 months.

  • 20% of patients do not report any symptoms of infection.

  • In 90% of cases, infection is carried out by airborne droplets, 10% of patients become infected after interacting with infected surfaces and further touching the face.

  • Most patients become infected in public transport.

  • As of November of this year, 44% of infections of citizens occurred at work, 18% – in entrances, elevators.

Coronavirus Medicine

During the COVID-19 pandemic, declared by WHO in March 2020, drugs of different groups and properties were used to treat patients. Scientists around the world have identified individual drugs that have had a positive effect on the condition of patients.

Favipiravir (Avifavir)

Medicines for coronavirus: treatment regimens

Laboratory studies have confirmed the effectiveness of Avifavir in suppressing the activity of SARS-CoV-2. The drug has received official approval for use in the treatment of COVID-19 infection. Avifavir is used to treat patients in a hospital. The general course of antiviral therapy is 10 days or earlier, with a laboratory-confirmed death of the pathogen (in the case of two consecutive negative PCR results performed at least a day apart).

On September 23, 2020 the Fujifilm company made the official statement on efficiency of the drug Avigan (active substance favipiravir). The results of phase III clinical trials involving 156 patients showed that the introduction of the drug in the experimental group reduced the duration of the disease compared with the placebo group [1].

After registration of Avifavir, a larger clinical study was conducted with the participation of 940 patients. After a course of the drug, 30% of patients at an early stage of COVID-19 showed complete elimination of the virus, oxygen saturation indicators returned to normal two times faster than with standard antiviral treatment.

According to the latest data, Avifavir is an effective Russian remedy against the new coronavirus infection COVID-19.

Analogues of Favipiravir – Avifavir, Areplivir, Coronavir. The cost of a package of Areplivir (40 pcs.) is 4000 rubles.


Medicines for coronavirus: treatment regimens

Pharmaceutical company Gilead Sciences has launched Veklury based on remdesivir. Veklury is the first treatment for COVID-19. The active substance inhibits the process of creating new virus molecules by introducing into the viral genome. Release form – solution for intravenous injection.

Russia produces its own analogues: Remdeform, Vekluri.

Efficiency confirmation. Scientists have established the ability of Remdesivir to stop the division of the coronovirus in healthy cells. A large clinical trial showed that patients hospitalized with COVID-19 and treated with Remdesivir recovered faster. The average recovery period was reduced from 15 days to 11 [2].

Refutation of efficiency. On October 15, WHO released a statement about the dubious effectiveness of the drug Remdesivir. The basis for this was the results of a clinical study involving 2750 patients undergoing treatment for COVID-19 in a hospital setting. The data obtained showed that the drug does not reduce the mortality of infected patients, does not affect the length of stay in the hospital. On November 19, the World Health Organization withdrew Remdesivir from the list recommended for the treatment of coronavirus infection caused by SARS-CoV-2 [3].


A synthetic glucocorticosteroid drug that has gained popularity due to its pronounced anti-inflammatory properties. Observations of patients with COVID-19 show that the use of Dexamethasone reduces the likelihood of death by 30% in patients on mechanical ventilation, by 20% in those who need additional oxygen [4].

Dexamethasone is included in the treatment protocols for coronavirus patients who are in the hospital, connected to ventilators and need additional oxygen.

Coronavirus drugs under development

Currently, research into drugs for COVID-19 is ongoing. Some drugs have proven effective against infected cells or animals. Testing of a number of drugs in humans, which are not yet available in the pharmacy network, continues.


The antiviral drug Molnupiravir showed a high therapeutic effect when tested on cells and animals infected with COVID-19. The results of the observations give hope that the drug will soon be used to treat people. [5]. In October, a new stage of trials began, which will show the ability of Molnupiravir to influence the survival and recovery of patients with coronavirus.

Advantages. Molnupiravir can be taken by mouth as a tablet, unlike remdesivir, which is only given intravenously.

Rebif (interferon)

Medicines for coronavirus: treatment regimens

The English pharmaceutical company Synairgen conducted research on an inhaled form of interferon under the brand name SNG001. On July 20, a statement was made that SNG001 reduces the likelihood of developing a severe form in patients with established COVID-19. Conclusions are based on clinical observations of a small group of patients. [6].

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases is conducting a phase III study of the combination of Rebif with Remdesivir. The medical community expects to be informed of the results soon.

Baricitinib (cytokine inhibitor)

In November, data were published on the effect of Baricitinib on the survival of patients with a severe course of a new infection. These results were obtained during a study initiated by a group of European doctors [7].

Somewhat later, another research group conducted an experiment with a combination of Baricitinib and Remdesivir. It turned out that the combined effect of both drugs contributes to a faster recovery of patients than the use of only Remdesivir.

Recombinant ACE-2

The mechanism of cell infection begins with the fact that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is introduced into a specific protein (ACE-2) and unblocks the cell genome. Scientists have developed a formula for artificial protein ACE-2, which serves as a bait for coronavirus. Thus, the pathogen concentrates on “dummy” cells and does not see the vulnerable cellular structures of the body.

Currently, there are positive results of the work of ACE-2 proteins obtained by observing cells. No animal or human studies yet [8].


For several decades, Ivermectin has been used as a remedy for parasitic worms that affect various human organs. Laboratory experiments have shown that it can have an antiviral effect against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.

Australian researchers in April said Ivermectin inhibits coronavirus cell cultures [9]. During laboratory tests, very high doses of the drug were used, which in humans can provoke the development of dangerous side effects.

The National University Hospital of Singapore is undergoing a clinical trial of Ivermectin in 5000 patients. The purpose of the experiment is to determine whether the drug is able to prevent infection with COVID-19. Intermediate results do not yet prove the effectiveness of the remedy.

Medicines that have not been proven to be effective

Since the beginning of the pandemic, various medicines have been used in the fight against coronavirus. The accumulated experience of doctors has shown that a number of drugs do not give a positive result.

Hydroxychloroquine for coronavirus

Medicines for coronavirus: treatment regimens

Initial observations of patients treated with Hydroxychlorocholine offered hope for a successful treatment for COVID-19. In March, WHO initiated a clinical study to establish the safety and efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine. Unfortunately, the results of experiments on monkeys and mice showed that the drug does not stop the viral infection.

Randomized human trials have not proven the preventive and curative properties of hydroxychloroquine against coronavirus. In one of the clinical experiments, patients were administered hydroxychloroquine immediately after confirmation of COVID-19. The results showed that it did not alleviate the symptoms of the disease. [10].

The National Institutes of Health has withdrawn Hydroxychloroquine from coronavirus treatment protocols. It can only be used in clinical experiments.

Lopinavir and Ritonavir

In laboratory conditions, it was possible to establish that Lopinavir and Ritonavir inhibit the reproduction of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. However, the introduction of drugs to patients did not show positive results. Currently, trials of Lopinavir and Ritonavir in patients diagnosed with COVID-19 have been suspended in accordance with WHO recommendations. [11].

Experimental treatments for coronavirus

Medicines for coronavirus: treatment regimens

High rates of morbidity and mortality from the new coronavirus have prompted the use of non-specific measures.

Transfusion of blood plasma from recovered people

The real discovery was the ability to use antibodies recovered from COVID-19 in relation to patients. In the course of several experiments, it was possible to establish that antibodies, entering the blood serum of a seriously ill coronavirus, are included in the immune responses that the body launches in the struggle for life. [12].

This approach to the treatment of coronavirus infection can show high efficiency, but the risk of developing severe side symptoms cannot be ruled out. Research into the effects of antibodies in recovered patients continues to this day.

Monoclonal antibodies

Billions of antibodies have been found in plasma samples from patients who recovered from COVID-19. Of these, it was possible to isolate a group of antibodies that received the definition of “monoclonal”. With their help, studies are carried out on cells and animals infected with coronavirus in the laboratory. At the stage of preclinical observations, results were obtained that confirm the ability of monoclonal antibodies to protect the body from the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Moreover, at an early stage of the disease, antibodies suppress the pathogen most effectively.

Preliminary results of a study of monoclonal antibodies in patients with COVID-19 were published by the American pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly on September 16. A clinical experiment involving 452 patients showed that monoclonal antibodies reduce the likelihood of hospitalization of patients by 72%. No such effects were observed in the control group.

Regeneron announced on October 28 that it had conducted its own clinical study of monoclonal antibodies, which involved 799 patients with the novel coronavirus. In conclusion, it was said that the combination of two types of monoclonal antibodies reduced the need for doctor visits or clinic visits by 57%. Unfortunately, in patients with severe COVID-19, no positive dynamics was recorded.

Eli Lilly received FDA approval on Nov. 9 to use antibodies in the form of Bamlanivimab in patients with a newly identified virus. Hospitalized patients are not eligible.

Blood filtration

The Cytosorb device cleanses the general bloodstream about 24 times within 70 hours. Independent studies by American and Chinese doctors have shown that Cytosorb is effective in treating severe cases of coronavirus.

The study of the effect of blood filtration is ongoing. However, there is an assumption that Cytosorb not only cleanses the blood of an infectious agent, but also removes useful vitamins, drugs, and essential blood elements. In September, the WHO warned that the filtration method could not be used on a permanent basis.

Inhalation surfactant

Inhalation surfactant is obtained from the lung tissue of cattle. Sechenov University and the Center. Almazova is conducting experiments during which the drug is administered to seriously ill patients with coronavirus who need oxygen support. Preliminary evidence suggests that the use of inhaled surfactant protects the lungs of patients with severe lung failure.

Useful Supplements

  1. Vitamin C in combination with zinc promotes a quick recovery in case of infection with a new coronavirus. At the first signs of the disease, it is recommended to consume fresh fruits, juices, which contain a lot of vitamin C.

  2. Zinc. Accelerates the healing process for colds. The same effect is observed with coronavirus.

  3. Vitamin D. Laboratory tests of the blood of patients with COVID-19 showed insufficient levels of vitamin D in more than 80% of patients. At the same time, there is a high concentration of inflammatory markers that cause severe consequences of coronavirus. [13], [14]. Evidence has been obtained that with a sufficient concentration of vitamin D (60 ng / ml and above), the probability of death is reduced by almost 51,5%, patients are much less likely to develop complications.

[Video] Dr. Berg – COVID and vitamin D: what’s the connection?

How can you help yourself at home?

At high temperature:

  • Rest, stay in bed.

  • Drink plenty of juices, compotes, teas, clean water to prevent dehydration. Urine should be clear and light yellow in color.

  • In case of unpleasant symptoms of fever, take paracetamol, ibuprofen.

For persistent cough:

  • Don’t lie on your back. For relief, it is best to lie on your side or sit with your back straight.

  • To calm a cough, eat a teaspoon of honey. The method is not suitable for children of the first year of life.

For shortness of breath:

  • Ventilate the room more often, the room should not be hot.

  • Lie on your stomach to open your lungs. This method is widely used in hospitals.

  • Do not turn on the fan in any case – this contributes to the spread of the virus.

Consequences and problems in patients with coronavirus

Medicines for coronavirus: treatment regimens

Scientists at Oxford University have come to the conclusion that most people who become infected with COVID-19 report a deterioration in their general health and dysfunction of internal organs within a few months. The basis for this conclusion was the results of a specially organized study.

According to medical research:

  • 64% of patients within 2-3 months complain of constant shortness of breath.

  • During the same period, 55% of patients report constant, severe fatigue.

  • In 60% of those infected, damage to the lung tissue was determined.

  • Kidney problems were experienced by 29% of patients.

  • Heart dysfunction was registered in 26%.

  • Liver damage – in 10% of patients.

It is alarming that negative changes in the structure and functions of internal organs were observed in patients who underwent the disease without critical periods.

How to recover faster?

There are several already proven methods:

  1. Withdrawal of neurotoxic poison. All the consequences of the coronavirus are precisely because of the neurotoxic poison (for example, loss of smell, feeling unwell). To get rid of it faster, you need to drink enterosorbents, ordinary activated carbon is ideal. For 10 kg of body weight, 1 tablet is needed. The course is 3-5 days.

  2. Orthosiphon staminate. This medicinal plant will greatly speed up your recovery from illness. You need to take it every day (as indicated on the package) for 3 weeks. If desired, you can repeat the course after a month break.

  3. Succinic acid. If you do not have a contraindication to its use, are not allergic to it, and you tolerate it well, you can drink it. It gives strength, and is very cheap. You can replace it with bee pollen.

  4. If you have a cough. In the case of a persistent cough, licorice root, which is drunk simultaneously with an antiallergic agent, helps well.

  5. If you’ve lost your charm. In case of loss of charm, eucalyptus tincture will help speed up its return. You just need to put 10-15 drops into a glass of boiling water (removed from heat) and suffocate with this steam.

[Video] Dr. Evdokimenko – recovery after CORONAVIRUS, it’s important!

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