Medicine for aphthas – pharmaceutical preparations, home remedies

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Gels, liquids, tablets – these are drugs for aphthae available in pharmacies. Regardless of which type of medicine you choose, all of them have the right ingredients that act as antiseptic, disinfectant, regenerating and soothing. Mouth ulcers are a very common, unpleasant and distressing condition that everyone has experienced at some time.

Cure for mouth ulcers – how does the disease arise?

Although small, they can make life very difficult. These small and painful changes most often occur on the mucosa of the cheeks, lips and tongue. They look like small shallow erosions or ulcers. They are usually white in color. They can appear singly, but also in larger groups. Aphthas are not contagious. How and why are they formed? This question is asked by almost everyone who has dealt with them at least once. There can be many reasons for their formation. The most important include:

  1. inadequate oral hygiene,
  2. caries,
  3. braces,
  4. stress,
  5. genetic disposition,
  6. bad diet
  7. use of antibiotics.

Is there a cure for canker sores? Yes. There are many different preparations available in pharmacies to help heal aching mornings. Regardless of whether the canker sores are small or large and where they occur, the agents available in pharmacies are used for each type.

Drug for aphthas – preparations from the pharmacy

Although they are harmless and small, they make everyday functioning difficult and are extremely burdensome. Eating, drinking and even talking becomes much more difficult as there is an unpleasant, burning pain. Their treatment should therefore begin with the elimination of the factors through which they can arise. The drug for ulcers is effective, it is definitely worth using.

  1. Gels and pastes for canker sores – one of the most popular forms that is used for this type of erosion. They are very easy to apply. These types of preparations eliminate ulcerations and accelerate regeneration. They also reduce pain. This type of drugs for aphthas include Aftargent Nano, Anaftin, DezaftanczyUrgo.
  2. Sprays and mouthwashes – also very popular. They make healing faster. They act as a disinfectant. These types of products contain chlorhexidine. Always read the leaflets before using each preparation.
  3. Treatment under a doctor’s care – this happens when the ulcerations are recurrent. The doctor will then refer you for tests because he has to rule out a deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals as well as celiac disease. Depending on the results, your doctor may apply topical treatments, but may also recommend the use of corticosteroids or immunomodulating medications. However, this rarely happens.

Cure for ulcers – home remedies

The aphthous medications that you can get at the pharmacy are certainly effective and effective. Thanks to this, you do not have to deal with unpleasant and troublesome pain for too long. However, there are also home remedies that can be used even during treatment with medications or used alone. These include, for example: rinses with saline solution, herbal infusions or hydrogen peroxide.

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