medicinal properties and contraindications, application 

😉 Hello friends! Today, let’s get down to shitty business – let’s look at the dossier of a popular plant. I hope that the information “Horseradish: medicinal properties and contraindications” will be useful to you.

What is hell?

This perennial herb from the Cabbage family adores moist, well-lit places. Horseradish root and leaves are used in cooking and medicine. They contain essential oil, and lysozyme, an antimicrobial substance, is present in the root juice. It is a natural antibiotic, a source of vitamins, fiber and protein.

Horseradish (Armoracia rusticana) is a plant with many medicinal properties, which is rightfully called a treasure for many ailments. Horseradish has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. The use of horseradish has a long tradition. But these days, its excellent effects are all but forgotten.

In ancient Russia, horseradish was used as a spice and for medicinal purposes. It began to be cultivated from the XNUMXth century, and seven centuries later, it appeared in European countries. In the clinics of the XNUMXth century. it is mentioned that horseradish juice was used to treat cancer.

Aromatic horseradish is indispensable when salting cucumbers, tomatoes, mushrooms and cabbage. Grated horseradish is served with meat, sausages, jellied meat, fish dishes.

medicinal properties and contraindications, application 

Horseradish: application in traditional medicine

  • is an immunomodulatory agent;
  • to increase appetite;
  • with hypertension;
  • root juice is taken for flu, bronchitis and colds;
  • from bruises (lotions with grated horseradish);
  • with angina to rinse the mouth and throat;
  • in the role of an expectorant;
  • from scurvy;
  • in cysts, cholecysts;
  • help with anemia, thanks to the content of iron and magnesium;
  • treatment of purulent wounds, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, rheumatism and gout (externally);
  • infusion lighten the skin of the face, remove freckles and age spots;
  • with osteochondrosis, a compress from a horseradish leaf will help. Wash the sheet, put it in boiling water for 30 seconds. Remove excess moisture from the sheet with a napkin. Attach to a sore spot, fix with cling film, wrap with a scarf. Duration 8-10 hours (overnight). No more than 3 procedures per week.


  • stomach ulcer;
  • pregnancy;
  • Thyroid gland diseases;
  • gastritis, colitis;
  • increased acidity of the stomach.

Excessive consumption of horseradish can provoke irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, and also affect the functioning of the kidneys. In addition, you first need to find out if you are allergic to horseradish. Rubbing the root on a grater can cause coughing and watery eyes.

Important: if you have health problems, allergic reactions, kidney diseases, or others, you must consult a doctor.

Horseradish for weight loss

Horseradish has some of the most enviable weight loss effects. There is an alternative diet that our great-grandmothers knew. The secret of a wasp waist and fast fat burning is hidden in regular horseradish. It miraculously speeds up metabolic processes.

In addition to burning fat and minimizing calories, it contains twice as much vitamin C as lemon. It also contains healthy omega fatty acids, is rich in fiber and protein, and can simulate fullness. These qualities make horseradish one of the healthiest foods when it comes to losing those extra pounds.

In the experience of women who have tried it as a dietary supplement, it works on belly fat. No complicated procedures required, just this recipe.

medicinal properties and contraindications, application 

The procedure is as follows: grate 125 gr. fresh horseradish. Add three mixed lemons with pulp and skin (beware of chemically treated lemons, which must be rinsed with hot water and scrubbed with a clean brush). The last step is adding three tablespoons of bee honey.

Store the prepared mixture in a sealed glass container in the refrigerator. Take 1 tbsp. spoon a day for at least three weeks, preferably with meals. After regular use, you can expect positive results related not only to weight loss, but also to body health.

In flu season, this source of natural vitamins and minerals is irreplaceable.


This video provides additional information to the article “Horseradish: medicinal properties and contraindications”. Do not miss!

Horseradish – benefit and harm. Who shouldn’t eat horseradish?

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