Medicinal herbs – occurrence, properties, examples of plants

Polish meadows and forests are rich in medicinal herbs with various health values. You just need to know what they look like and where and when to look for them. Treatment with plants and compounds derived from them is called phytotherapy. We don’t have to go to a herbal medicine shop to find a natural remedy for our ailments, sometimes a simple walk is enough!

Medicinal plants in Poland

Our flora abounds in healing herbswhose leaves, flowers and roots can be used in the treatment of various ailments. Some of them are listed below.

Are you looking for a health-promoting product? Try the CBD hemp herbal tea.

Common nettle

This ubiquitous plant, which we usually avoid for fear of burns, has its own healing properties. Extracts and infusions of its leaves help with inflammation of the urinary tract and gastrointestinal tract, such as gastritis, enteritis and diarrhea. Nettle leaf and root decoctions also help in the fight against dandruff and seborrhea. Nettles we collect in the period from June to September.


Another plant that is hard to miss around us. It grows wild in meadows and farmlands, but is also grown in plantations. Chamomile infusion is a good remedy for inflammation of the digestive tract, as well as heartburn and lack of appetite. It can be used externally and internally as an infusion. External use relieves itching, redness, eye ailments, and also supports the treatment of bedsores. We collect chamomile flowers from May to autumn. It should be used with caution as it often causes hypersensitivity and allergic reactions.


Everyone’s fine famous medicinal plant present on every lawn and meadow. Its flowers as well as the root and leaves are used. The dandelion will prove to be helpful for problems with the kidneys, liver, catarrhs ​​of the mouth and upper respiratory tract, and some skin problems. It is also used in cosmetics, in the form of compresses for warts, warts and condylomas.

If you want to take advantage of the health-promoting properties of this plant, you can also reach for the dandelion root extract in the form of a supplement in tablets.

St. John’s wort

A herb of extremely versatile use, which can be found in meadows, fields and the surrounding thickets. The characteristic herb with yellow, small flowers will work in the form of an infusion as a remedy for liver, urinary and stomach problems. It is worth reaching for them in the case of gallstone disease, bile stasis in the gallbladder, inflammation of the gastric mucosa, gout, problems with urination. In addition, St. John’s wort has a calming effect and is useful in the treatment of frostbite, burns and difficult-to-heal wounds. It reduces inflammation of the throat and gums. St. John’s wort flowers should be expected in the meadows between June and August.

Pepper mint

The herb and the taste are well known to all of us. Mint leaves can be harvested all summer. Its infusions are a gentle support for digestive problems, cramps in the digestive tract or intestinal colic. Its healing properties are also used in diseases of the liver and biliary tract. Try the Relaxing organic herbal tea with mint, verbena, lemongrass and catnip in the composition.

Lipa dronolistna

We collect its beautifully fragrant flowers at the end of June or in July. Linden flower infusion is known primarily for its diaphoretic properties, so it is used in fever, angina, upper respiratory tract inflammation and colds. When applied externally, it relieves itching and skin irritation.


It can be found on virtually any lawn. In herbal medicine it uses fully developed leaves that can be harvested from May to September. Wraps with decoction of leaves grandmothers help with skin damage and inflammation of the labia. Drinking such a decoction helps in chronic gastritis, damage to the mucous membranes of the digestive tract and acidity.

If you want to take advantage of the healing properties of many different herbs, go for ready-made mixtures. Order, for example, Pukka Day to Night Collection – a collection of teas for the whole day, in which you will find products such as:

  1. Ginseng Matcha Green tea is recommended to drink in the morning as it gives you energy,
  2. Tumeric Gold tea showing choleretic and anti-inflammatory properties,
  3. Revitalise tea with a stimulating effect,
  4. Herbata After Dinner recommended to drink after a meal, because it stimulates metabolism and prevents digestive disorders,
  5. Night Time tea to help you fall asleep.

We also recommend a mixture of herbs Heal All Tea, which strengthens the body. The literal translation of its name is “all-ringing tea”.

If you are looking for herbs for various ailments, choose from the Herbal Cupboard offer, which is available on Medonet Market.

How to collect medicinal herbs?

Before going for a walk in search of herbs, do not forget to take with you herbal lexiconto know if we are really collecting the right plants and if they are not under protection (if partial – then the permission of the relevant authorities is required for harvesting). We should also remember not to permanently destroy the sites where we found the herbs.

We can also reach for ready-made dried herbs that can be used, for example, in the kitchen. An example of such a product is the mixture of 18 herbs by Father Matthew.

CBD is becoming more and more popular in the treatment and alleviation of various ailments. At Medonet Market you can buy dried fruit produced by Flowrolls. It has different flavors and smells, and comes in indoor (lamp-grown) and outdoor (field-grown) versions. Try it out:

  1. CBD Strawberry Diesel hemp drought with strawberry flavor,
  2. CBD hemp drought Amnesia Haze to calm down,
  3. Vanilla Kush hemp drought with a vanilla aroma,
  4. CBD OG Kush hemp drought,
  5. CBD Pineapple Express hemp drought,
  6. Hemp Dried CBD Cheese,
  7. CBD Super Lemon Haze hemp drought,
  8. CBD Orange Bud hemp drought,
  9. Dried CBD Pineapple Skunk Flowrolls.

If you want to take advantage of the health benefits of CBD, be sure to buy a Flowrolls dry grinder, e.g.

  1. two-piece grinder for dried CBD 40mm,
  2. two-piece grinder for CBD herbs 63 mm,
  3. four-section mill for the CBD drying 63 mm.

To heat herbs at home, you will need one of the vaporizers available on Medonet Market:

  1. waporyzator Storz & Bickel Volcano Classic,
  2. waporyzator Fenix Mini,
  3. waporyzator DynaVap the M 2020,
  4. portable vaporizer Crafty Storz & Bickel Crafty +.

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