Medicinal herbs for epilepsy

Medicinal herbs for epilepsy

Currently, epilepsy is treated with special medications, but medicinal herbs are just as good, and in many cases even better.

For many years, the use of sedative and anticonvulsant plants has been practiced, successfully coping with such a serious disease as epilepsy.

Below we suggest you familiarize yourself with the most effective of them:

  • cow parsnip;

  • The cyanosis is blue;

  • Shiksha;

  • St. John’s wort;

  • Chernobyl;

  • Labaznik;

  • Oregano.

Bitter herbs for epilepsy


Hogweed has long been known in the fight against epilepsy – both its roots and its leaves are used for this. It has been widely used in Bulgaria. You can meet this plant almost anywhere, but you need to carefully collect it, trying not to get hogweed juice on the skin, since there is a risk of sunburn, since the juice of this medicinal herb makes the skin more sensitive to light. From the leaves of hogweed, both infusion and decoction are prepared.

A decoction of hogweed. For one portion of the broth, 2 tablespoons of dry hogweed leaves will be enough. The grass is poured with boiling water in the amount of half a liter, after which the medicine must be infused for 2 hours and drunk in equal portions during the day.

Fresh hogweed juice. Juice is squeezed out of fresh hogweed roots, which is drunk 1 teaspoon 4-5 times a day.

Root powder. The roots can also be dried, and then a medicinal powder can be prepared from them.

It is taken in two ways:

  1. The daily norm is 5 grams. It is necessary to divide this dose into five equal servings of 1 gram, and take before meals.

  2. In the form of a cold infusion. Leave the daily portion of 5 grams overnight in a small amount of cool water. Ready infusion must be taken with gruel every time before meals.

Blue Cyanosis

One of the most popular and most commonly used medicinal plants in the treatment of epilepsy is blue cyanosis. The effect that this herb produces has been known for a long time – it is an excellent anticonvulsant and sedative.

To prepare a healing remedy from cyanosis, blue requires a long boil, which can take more than half an hour. One tablespoon of roots is used for half a liter of water. Ready broth should be taken 2 tablespoons 5-7 times a day. In the treatment of epilepsy, an infusion of cyanosis on alcohol is also used.


In the same way, a decoction is prepared and applied (as in cyanosis) from another plant – shiksha berries, which is also called crowberry or crowberry.


In countries such as France, Brazil, Norway and Switzerland, wormwood herb is used in the treatment of epilepsy. An infusion is made from it like this: one teaspoon of roots and herbs is taken, poured with boiling water, then it is required to infuse for 6-10 hours, preferably in a thermos or in a warm place. Ready infusion is taken regardless of food 3-4 times a day.

Non-bitter herbs for epilepsy

Medicinal herbs for epilepsy

There are also several non-bitter herbs for epilepsy:

  • Oregano. In the case of oregano, to prepare a remedy, you must use the classic recipe, where the plant is simply poured with boiling water. For one glass, you need 1 tablespoon of herbs (5 grams). It is taken before meals, it is possible for several years without a break;

  • Labaznik The flowers or roots of the meadowsweet are very good for cramps. To prepare a decoction, one teaspoon of the plant is taken per half liter of water, cooked in a water bath. The decoction should be drunk one at a time. spoon at least 3 times a day before meals;

  • Hypericum A good remedy for epilepsy is St. John’s wort, but it is not recommended to take it with oregano;

  • Stone berry is another non-bitter plant against epilepsy. It is used to prepare a ten percent tincture. Take 100 grams of grass per liter of vodka, after which the medicine must be infused for one month. When the infusion is ready, take 1/3 teaspoon (40 drops) for 10 days, but no longer. You need to take a break for 1,5 weeks, and then start taking the infusion again;

  • Bone decoction. Also, a decoction is prepared from the herb of bonewort, which gives positive results in the treatment of epilepsy. One tablespoon of grass is taken in one glass of water, you need to boil for several minutes over low heat. After it cools down, you can take 1 tablespoon before meals.

How long does it take to be treated with medicinal herbs for epilepsy?

To achieve good results, medicinal plants must be used in the treatment of epilepsy for quite a long time. Often, infusions of them have to be drunk for several years. In this case, it is recommended not to use only one plant all the time, but to alternate. The ideal option is to take one type of herb for 30 days, since traditional medicine is based on a gradual cumulative effect.

The advantage of the treatment of epilepsy with medicinal plants is that they almost never cause side effects, while this property is inherent in many pills. The use of medicinal herbs does not adversely affect the liver, and in some cases even improves the condition of this and other organs.

Using herbs in the treatment of epilepsy, you can simultaneously strengthen the body with vitamin and other preparations. This will only benefit.

How exactly do medicinal plants help in the treatment of epilepsy?

All the medicinal herbs described above are really effective in the fight against such a serious neurological disease as epilepsy. They calm the nervous system and have a pronounced anticonvulsant effect. Therefore, phytotherapy deserves attention, along with traditional drug regimens for the treatment of this disease.

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