Medical treatments for musculoskeletal disorders of the shoulder (tendonitis)

Medical treatments for musculoskeletal disorders of the shoulder (tendonitis)

It’s important to consult a doctor in case of shoulder pain, especially if the pain appears suddenly after a fall, wrong movement, etc. The practitioner will be able to determine if it is a simple tendinopathy, if the tendon is torn or if there is a fracture. Tendons can be damaged irreversible if they continue to be called upon, despite taking medication. In addition, due to the sometimes diffuse nature of this type of pain, the symptoms felt in the shoulder could be related to a problem with the cervical vertebrae or, more serious still, to disorders. lung ou heart.

Acute phase

The duration of the acute phase of the injury is approximately 7-10 days. During 48 to 72 early hours, it is essential to relieve pain and inflammation that may be present without delay. The injury remains fragile and the tissues are more easily irritated than usual.

Here are a few tips.

Medical treatments for musculoskeletal disorders of the shoulder (tendonitis): understand everything in 2 min

  • Put the shoulder to the repos avoiding the actions that led to the injury. However, it is necessary to avoid the complete stopping of movements. Indeed, while rest is an essential component of treatment, inactivity for even a few days can stiffen the joint (ankylosis). Thus, the arm should never be immobilized using a sling or a splint. The adhesive capsulitis is the most common complication of shoulder immobilization.
  • Apply ice on the shoulder 3 or 4 times a day, for 10 to 12 minutes. There is no need to apply cold compresses or magic bags (they are not cold enough and heat up in a few minutes). Continue ice application for as long as symptoms persist.

    Notes. Although inflammation is not the main source of the problem, it is good to use ice, as there are often transient inflammatory attacks that can be easily brought under control this way.

Warning for the application of cold

Can be applied directly to the skin of ice cubes contained in a plastic bag or towel thin and wet. There are also sachets of gel soft refrigerants sold in pharmacies, which can be useful. However, when using these products, they should not be placed directly on the skin, as there is a risk of frostbite. A bag of frozen green peas (or corn kernels) is a practical and economical solution, since it molds well to the body and can be applied directly to the skin.

pharmaceuticals. During the acute phase, the doctor may suggest taking medication analgesic (Tylenol®, Atasol® or others) and refer you to a physiotherapist. The anti-inflammatory Non-steroidal drugs available over the counter (for example, ibuprofen: Advil®, Motrin®, etc., or naproxen: Aleve®) or obtained by prescription can be useful in the short term, lasting 2 or 3 days. They rarely have a place in the treatment of long-term tendinopathy.

Rehabilitation phase

Treatments physiotherapy should begin as soon as the diagnosis of tendinopathy of the shoulder is known. Physiotherapy can reduce inflammation (if necessary), direct new collagen fibers, prevent ankylosis or restore lost mobility. This can be done using massage, friction, mobilization, ultrasound, electric currents or laser.

Subsequently, the focus will be on the muscle building while continuing to work on the mobility of the joint. For optimal results, the person must actively participate in their treatment by reproducing at home the exercices taught.

When physiotherapy and home exercise are not successful in solving the problem, the doctor will sometimes use a cortisone injection in the joint. Cortisone has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. However, don’t assume that cortisone alone will solve the problem in the long term. It can sometimes be used to decrease the pain when it is important. This improves the effectiveness of physiotherapy treatments by making it easier for the person to perform their exercises.

In case of adhesive capsulitis

Mobilization and stretching exercises remain the main treatment to follow. The earlier you start them, the better the result. Physiotherapy can help regain amplitude. If mobility is really very limited and physiotherapy cannot solve the problem, one or a few injections of cortisone will help to relax the tissues, which will facilitate the practice of the exercises, essential for the treatment.

Return to normal activities phase

Normal activity, which includes the movements that caused the tendinopathy, is resumed gradually when you have recovered your full range of motion and the pain has stopped.

Un daily in physiotherapy and continuing strengthening and stretching exercises after resuming normal activities can prevent relapses.


When tendinopathy appears gradually, surgery is rarely necessary. It is only used when the usual treatments have not given the desired results after several months of treatment.

On the other hand, if the injury results from an acute trauma that caused a torn tendon, surgery must be done in the days following the accident.

Warning. Incomplete rehabilitation or returning to normal activities too quickly slows down the healing process and increases the risk of recurrence. the compliance with treatment – rest, ice, analgesic drugs, physiotherapy – allows the full return to previous capacities in the majority of people.


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