Medical treatments for measles

Medical treatments for measles

As with many viral diseases, there is no specific treatment for measles. In France, however, medical monitoring is necessary because measles cases must be reported to health authorities.

Treatment is symptomatic: it aims to relieve the fever and pain if they are too painful. In case of fever above 38,5 ° C, it is possible to use a medicine based on paracetamol (acetaminophen) or ibuprofen, for example.

La conjunctivitis which accompanies the measles can be annoying: it is advisable to avoid strong lights and to rinse the eyes with physiological saline.

In the event of complications (otitis, bronchitis, pneumonia), antibiotic treatment may be prescribed by the doctor. This treatment has no effect on the measles virus, but it can treat complications if they are related to a bacterial superinfection.

 Our doctor’s opinion

 Measles is usually a mild illness. However, if you are pregnant or have an immune deficiency, do not hesitate to consult your doctor if you have been in contact with a case of measles or if you think you have symptoms. The same advice could also apply to your child under one year old. Your doctor will be able to decide whether or not to prescribe an injection of immunoglobulin for you. When given within six days of exposure to a case of measles, it can prevent the onset or decrease the severity of symptoms.

Finally, we can never stress enough the need to be vaccinated and to have your children vaccinated to prevent this disease with sometimes very serious complications.

Dr Jacques Allard M.D. FCMFC.


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