Medical treatments for conjunctivitis

Medical treatments for conjunctivitis

Treatment varies depending on the type of conjunctivitis.

See also our article “How to treat conjunctivitis”? by Dr Solano

Home treatment. Soak a clean washcloth or cloth in cool tap water, wring it out lightly then apply it to the closed eye.

Infectious conjunctivitis

Eye drops antibiotic (drops of antibiotics to put in the affected eye) eliminates the infection in a few days when it comes to infectious conjunctivitis. It is important to follow the treatment until the end, to avoid the recurrence of the infection, and then throw away the drops which can only be kept for a few days in the refrigerator.

Viral conjunctivitis

Viral conjunctivitis cannot be treated with antibiotic drops. The treatment consists of washing the eye with physiological serum and drops of antiseptic eye drops. Antibiotic drops are sometimes indicated when the virus has weakened the conjunctiva, which becomes infected with bacteria.

Symptoms most often disappear within 10 to 15 days. Sometimes it can be complicated by keratitis, a deeper involvement of the cornea with superficial ulcerations, causing discomfort to vision. In the event of visual discomfort, it is therefore necessary to consult.

Allergic reaction

Treatment first consists of regular washing with physiological serum, which eliminates as much as possible of the allergic substance in contact with the conjunctiva (for example pollen grains). In the treatment of an attack, an anti-allergic drug, an antihistamine in drops in the eyes, is prescribed. When it comes to a seasonal or lasting allergy, the doctor also prescribes a basic treatment with eye drops to be taken regularly (anti-mast cell degranulant treatment) during contact with the allergenic substance.

The allergy to a cosmetic product is treated above all by eliminating the allergenic cosmetic.

Common irritation

Rinsing with physiological saline may be sufficient. Artificial tears bought at a drugstore can help relieve the irritation.

Medical treatments for conjunctivitis: understand everything in 2 min

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