Medical treatments for cardiac arrhythmia
THEarrhythmia cardiac is often harmless and does not always require treatment. This is because treatment is only required when symptoms are severe or if the arrhythmia is likely to cause severe symptoms. complications.
To better diagnose an arrhythmia and understand its origin, several tests can be useful.
Cardiac arrhythmia medical treatments: understand everything in 2 min
- Electrocardiogram : recording of the electrical activity of the heart;
- Cardiac Holter : portable device that allows continuous recording of the electrocardiogram for at least 24 hours;
- Stress test : recording of the electrocardiogram during a period of physical exercise;
- Echocardiogram : ultrasound of the heart. Sound waves are used to get a picture of the structures of the heart.
pharmaceuticals. Many drugs can be prescribed to treat tachycardia. They include beta blockers, sodium, calcium and potassium inhibitors, and digoxin. Although they cannot cure the disease, drugs can reduce the frequency of attacks or help reduce the heart rate when an attack occurs.
Electrical cardioversion. An electrical pulse is delivered to the heart by the doctor, using a defibrillator, to restore the normal beating rhythm.
Implantable automatic defibrillator. It is a small electronic device that is implanted in the upper chest and has electrodes connected to the heart. If the heart develops a life-threatening arrhythmia, the implantable automatic defibrillator emits an electric shock to restore the heartbeat.
Radiofrequency ablation. Using catheters, electrodes are guided through blood vessels to the heart, where the arrhythmia originates. A current destroys these cardiac tissues by a heat effect.
Cryoablation. In this case, the heart tissue where the arrhythmia occurs is destroyed by the cold.
Maze procedure. The surgeon makes small cuts in the atria. The scars then prevent the electric current from deviating from the path it should take. This type of surgery is usually done when another surgery is required on the heart.
Home treatments Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia or Bouveret’s disease can be stopped by the maneuver of Valsalva : immerse your head in cold water, cough or put pressure on the diaphragm. These maneuvers influence the vagus nerve which controls the heart rate and often slows it down. A doctor may recommend other similar maneuvers. |
The temporary or permanent installation of a artificial pacemaker (pacemakers) is sometimes necessary when the heart rate is too slow. This small electronic device is implanted near the collarbone and, using an electrode, sends an electric current to the heart, to stimulate it when needed.