Medical treatments for canker sores

Medical treatments for canker sores

The canker sores Usually heal on their own, so treatment is not always necessary.

Medical treatments for canker sores: understand everything in 2 minutes

If necessary, some pharmaceuticals can help relieve pain.

  • Un mouthwash medication can relieve pain and inflammation. Some contain cortisone or prednisone, anti-inflammatory drugs, erythromycin, an antibiotic, viscous lidocaine, a local anesthetic or diphenhydramine (Benadryl®), an antihistamine with an anesthetic effect. These pharmaceutical substances also accelerate the healing of canker sores and prevent them from increasing in size. They can be obtained by prescription.
  • Un gel, the ointment or a anesthetic liquid. Several types of products are found in pharmacies, over the counter. Applied to ulcers, they protect the mucous membrane and relieve pain. For example, Orabase®, Oralmedic® and Zilactin®, clove-based gels (Pansoral®). You can also use tablets to suck (Aphtoral® combining Chlorhexidine / Tetracaine / Ascorbic acid). Other, more concentrated products can be obtained by prescription (Lidocaine gel). Other, more concentrated products can be obtained by prescription.
  • Tabletsaspirine oracetaminophen (Tylenol®, Acet®, Tempra®, etc.) can also help relieve pain.

    Warning. It would be better do not take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen and others), which can contribute to the problem.

  • Some drugs that were not originally intended to treat canker sores may be of benefit. This is the case, for example, of the colchicine (a medicine usually used to treat gout). These drugs are taken orally in tablet form.
  • For a person suffering from very serious and recurrent canker sores, other treatments may be used, such as cortisone orally, but this is rare given the side effects.
  • In case of nutrient deficiency, correct them by taking suppléments de vitamins or minerals.

If an ulcer is slow to heal, your doctor may suggest a biopsy. He then takes some tissue from the ulcer in order to examine it under a microscope. Analysis of the tissue will determine whether the lesion is cancerous or not.


Other tips for reducing pain

  • Put one ice Cube in the mouth and let it melt on the ulcer.
  • Avoid consuming foodstuffs and drinks that irritate the mucous membranes. This is the case with those that are acidic (coffee, citrus, pineapple, tomatoes, etc.), hard (like toast, nuts and pretzels) or spicy.
  • Se rinse mouth with one of the solutions following, then spit it out:

    – 1 C. baking soda and 1 tsp. of salt dissolved in 120 ml of water.

    – 1 C. of hydrogen peroxide in ½ liter of water (2 cups).

    These solutions reduce pain9. Use 4 times a day if possible.

  • Gently brush the canker sores with a little milk of magnesia a few times a day.
  • Apply to the lesion a thin layer of paste composed of baking soda and water.


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