Medical treatments for aging skin

Medical treatments for aging skin

All the treatments mentioned below are exclusively reserved for doctors, and are generally practiced by specialists, dermatologists or plastic surgeons. Treatments are presented in order ranging from least invasive to most invasive (which increasingly require “invasion” into the body).

Topical retinoic acid

Available by prescription only, retinoic acid is an active derivative of vitamin A. It is also called tretinoin. In several clinical trials that lasted up to four years, researchers have observed that continued use of retinoic acid can reduce fine lines (but not deep wrinkles) and make dark spots appear pale or disappear. senile lentigo. It takes two to six months for improvement to appear. Researchers believe that with prolonged use (a year or more), the skin could start producing collagen again. This medication is the only topical product recognized and approved for the treatment of photoaging.3 Its effectiveness has been demonstrated at concentrations as low as 0,02%.4

Side effects. May cause irritation (hydrocortisone cream may be needed to relieve this) and, in a minority of people, increase photosensitivity of the skin, requiring the use of effective sunscreen permanently. Follow medical directions carefully.

Laser treatments

There are various techniques and devices for laser treatments. The less draconian treatments reduce or eliminate senile lentigo, visible venules or other marks. As for “resurfacing”, it is an exfoliation without chemicals: the light rays of the laser pulverize the dead cells that you want to eliminate, without touching other parts of the skin. This corrects pigmentation defects (senile lentigo), acne scars and fine wrinkles. Local anesthesia should be administered.

Side effects. Redness that can last a few weeks; pigmentation returns to normal within one to three months. There may be complications.

Botox injections

This now well-known word is a trademark (there are a few others) that identifies the purified toxin from the bacteria Clostridium botulinum. This toxin can cause serious food poisoning, called botulism. The very small amounts used in Botox injections are however safe, according to health authorities. The injection is made into the muscles responsible for expression lines, particularly between the eyebrows and on the forehead as well as at the corners of the eyes. The sought-after property of this poison is that it causes paralysis of affected muscles causing degeneration of nerve endings. Without muscle contractions, wrinkles diminish after a few days. After three or four months, new nerve endings form and the injections must be repeated; but it happens that after several treatments the effect lasts longer. For the moment, the medical community considers the botulinum toxin safe, since it is injected in tiny doses.

Side effects. This toxin has been used medically for twenty years, but its longer term effects are not known. In the short term, patients may experience certain problems, although relatively infrequent, such as headache, nausea, bruising, and discomfort in the area being treated; there are also cases of allergy. On the other hand, if the injection was poorly executed (too deep or poorly oriented), partial and temporary paralysis of neighboring muscles, including those of the eyelid, may result. There should be an interval of at least two months between injections to prevent the body from forming antibodies.

Cons-indications. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding as well as people suffering from a neurological disease cannot follow this treatment.

Hyaluronic acid injections

This biological substance is found naturally in connective tissue, but is lost with age. It is used to smooth wrinkles and furrows. Local anesthesia to numb the skin is sometimes required. In addition, the product is gradually absorbed.

Side effects. Redness, itching, swelling and pain at the injection site (temporary); Sometimes, but rarely, the pain, redness and pigmentation defects persist.

Deep exfoliation (peeling)

While light to medium exfoliation involves dislodging dead cells from the surface layer of the skin, this treatment removes a larger layer of the epidermis with a high concentration of chemicals (eg glycolic acid). Performed in a doctor’s office only, deep exfoliation involves several risks; the skin remains raw for a few days, during which time it is very susceptible to infection and then the blood clots (formation of a scab).


Performed with a very small rotating brush or grinding wheel, dermabrasion removes a slightly larger layer of skin than chemical exfoliation. Precautions and post-procedure care are similar to those for chemical exfoliation.

Lifting chirurgical

The partial facelift mainly concerns the periphery of the eyes. The operation is performed under local or general anesthesia, and involves risks.

Side effects. Swelling and bruising that last at least two weeks and often longer (depending on skin type), during which time you should keep your head up and regularly apply cold compresses to the eyes. Heavy physical effort should be avoided for six weeks.

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