medical probe

What is a medical probe? What are the types of this instrument? What are they for and how to use them? The answers to these questions are presented in the following article.

Medical probe and its types

A medical probe is an instrument that looks very similar to a thin rod, which is inserted into various cavities and organs of the human body in order to diagnose and study them. Often such devices are used during operations.

Devices such as probes can be disposable or reusable. Disposable devices are used when collecting any cellular material. Reusable instruments must be sterilized after use.

Such medical instruments are classified according to their shape, intended purpose, and also according to the material from which they are made. Each diagnostic or therapeutic procedure involves the use of a specific type of probe. According to the material of manufacture, they can be divided into metal, including steel, silver or nickel silver, elastic – consisting of rubber or plastic, as well as combined, having both plastic and a metal base.

By purpose and form, such medical instruments are divided into a large number of different groups.

  1. A pointed probe is used in ophthalmic practice.
  2. Button is a thin two-millimeter rod with a small seal at the end. Such a tool may be single-sided or double-sided, which has seals at both ends. Sometimes it is equipped with a special eye for applying a ligature suture. Button probes are ear, anal, nasal, surgical, urogenital and gynecological. They are used to diagnose fistulas, deep wounds and cavities.
  3. Grooved can be described as an elongated rod, equipped with a kind of groove and a handle that expands at the end. Such a medical instrument is most in demand in surgery. It is used to diagnose deep cavities, wounds and fistulas. A grooved probe is used as a protective device when dissecting lamellar tissues.
  4. Hollow is used for bougienage, angiographic studies, diagnostics of the biliary tract for patency, as well as for washing the frontal sinuses.
  5. Dental. This type of device is a metal-based rod that is used to detect caries in the dental tissue. The operational end of such a tool is curved, straight or sickle-shaped.
  6. An urogenital or urological probe is an instrument of various shapes, depending on the purpose. For example, a cervical cytobrush is a metal cord with elastic polyethylene bristles. With its help, material is taken from the surface of the mucous membranes. The Paypel probe is used to detect venereal and gynecological diseases. It looks like a cord in a plastic case, equipped with a measuring scale.
  7. Elastic gastric tubes made of rubber or polyvinyl chloride are used to take cellular material from the gallbladder, stomach, and liver.
  8. Polymeric gastrointestinal medical devices are used to artificially administer nutrients to patients.
  9. Combined types of such devices are used for duodenal and gastric sounding.

Quality requirements

High-quality medical probes must meet the following requirements:

  • to protect neighboring tissues during surgical intervention;
  • be ergonomic;
  • meet the standards of GOST: 25725-89 and 7492-2009;
  • have high strength;
  • combine rigidity and flexibility;
  • carry out summing up the ligature;
  • have maximum viewing areas;
  • facilitate accurate insertion into narrow channels;
  • have a low weight and increased sensitivity in the diagnosis of various foreign bodies;
  • have a long service life;
  • be able to determine the depth of the wound or channel, that is, have the appropriate markings applied to the wall of the instrument.

Finished instruments are necessarily subjected to the sterilization process and hermetically packed. The dimensions, purpose, date of manufacture and material of the probe are indicated in the instructions for use.


A medical probe is a special tool used to perform various manipulations for therapeutic, surgical or diagnostic purposes. There are a number of different types of devices that differ in shape and material of manufacture. Each of them is used for any specific purposes and certain procedures.

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