Medical cotton

Medical cotton wool belongs to the category of the most demanded consumable material, which is used in a wide area. It is used during surgical operations in order to make sterile dressings. Also, the material is used for invasive therapeutic or diagnostic measures. Depending on what this useful assistant is made of, its further range of applications will depend. Some species that have the GOST mark are even involved in the implementation of cosmetic procedures.

The price of the presented consumable directly depends on how natural the composition turned out to be, as well as the method of processing raw materials. The higher the class, the lower the risk for the patient to experience allergic manifestations or other types of pathologies such as inflammation. Good sterile cotton wool does not slow down the healing process, which has a beneficial effect on overall health.

Raw materials for production

Despite the fact that most people still believe that they use only cotton wool, this is far from the truth. Today, its production has stepped forward, using some other components as a basis.

The general processing algorithm in any case remains identical, because in most cases it is still necessary to lay cotton fiber for the “foundation”. But now there are often viscose variations, or mixed types.

A few decades ago, each manufacturer was subjected to strict inspection by the relevant services. They were forbidden to attract various additives. Since then, it has stuck in the minds of many consumers that cotton wool is simply specially processed cotton. But current standards allow you to replace part of the composition with synthetic or other natural components.

From the point of view of the developers of such a strategy, this makes it possible to significantly reduce the cost of production, due to which its wholesale price will be insignificant. The most curious experts offer to purchase several bags of such material from different brands, and then compare their structure at home. Usually, packaging from the outside does not disclose comprehensive information about the composition of the contents. To find out the details, you have to read the fine print on the back of the pack. And some unscrupulous manufacturers even prefer to keep silent about some of the important consumer information. They will be issued only by a detailed study of the texture of the contents of the bag.

In total, there are only three versions of the classification for the question asked:

  • cotton;
  • viscous;
  • regenerated.

The first version is easy to distinguish by external signs that speak for themselves. We are talking about long fibers, as well as a white color with a yellowish tint. The texture includes small peas.

The second modification is distinguished by a snow-white color, which sometimes gives off blue. When shaking the contents of such a bag, dust will fly. If a creaking sound is heard when pressing on the roll, then this almost always indicates not in favor of naturalness.

Typically, manufacturers use optical brighteners to achieve the ideal color palette, among which dioxin is in the first place in popularity. It is he who is considered one of the most potentially dangerous carcinogens.

The regenerated analogue is created on the basis of recycled materials. This is clearly evidenced by the presence of threads, which is a waste of textile production. Many are interested in what will happen if you shake the roll. Dust will also fly from it, as when testing a viscose alternative. The color can be either pure white or with a slight bluish tint. It is usually supplied in rolls or large bales, and is used in a rather narrow list of areas of operation.

The so-called bale variation is considered separately. This is a special surgical cotton wool, which can sometimes still be found in the offices of cosmetologists. A distinctive characteristic of such a proposal provides for the complete absence of various additives, synthetic components such as dyes or chemical bleaches.

This precaution pays off due to the fact that the product is hypoallergenic. But to buy it in a pharmacy just like that is unlikely to succeed. Hospitals and clinics order it directly from the manufacturer in large quantities.

Quality requirements

Having dealt with what classic and modern cotton wool is made of, consumers believe that there are no other classifications for it. But in fact, all hygroscopic products of this kind have a separate sorting according to a specific purpose.

The division is divided into three camps:

  • eye;
  • surgical;
  • hygienic.

The first solution differs from the other raw materials. Only first-class cotton fiber is used here. Thanks to this, it is possible to achieve optimal absorption capacity and capillarity. In practice, this means that the consumable absorbs any type of moisture well.

To achieve this effect, the authors use only the long-staple type of cotton. The result will please with the absence of a specific “cotton fluff”.

The surgical offer has the highest degree of combing. Due to such scrupulousness, it turns out to neutralize even the smallest weed components. No wonder it then easily absorbs, retains liquids and is well separated into layers after being removed from the box.

Hygienic cotton wool goes through fewer stages of control when inspected by the relevant authorities. Some impurities are allowed here, even a synthetic component like bleach is not uncommon. Usually it is hygienic fillers that are found on free sale in a pharmacy. They may contain nodules or short fibers, as well as uneven whiteness.

But even the simplest cotton solution has limits set by quality control specialists. For premium solutions, the requirements are more stringent and include:

  1. The presence in the composition of only 100% content of natural cotton.
  2. Lack of lumps, unevenly spaced thick threads. A good consumable must quickly and easily exfoliate, and also be perfectly combed.
  3. But a small presence of nodules is a valid scenario.
  4. Pleasant textile sensations should be explained by the soft texture of the product.
  5. The color palette can only fluctuate within the tolerances for cream shades. If the purchase has a too pronounced white tone, or blue tones are present, then this indicates optical brighteners. People with sensitive skin should avoid such specimens so as not to run into hives or other manifestations of allergies later.
  6. The absorption of moisture that has entered the surface of the layer should occur instantly. Drainage on a cotton ball indicates an abundance of non-natural components.
  7. Separation by layers occurs quickly and without much effort. Dust, as well as falling short fibers, is also a sign of a poor-quality product.
  8. The unpacked purchase must be completely dry inside, regardless of what its final purpose is.

Separately, it is worth conducting a test for a suspicious smell. Real cotton wool does not have it, and adaptations with flavors, or accompanying odors like pungent chemical or medicinal aromas, are a bad sign.

How is sterile material obtained?

If you want to create temporary compression underwear with your own hands, then they take elastic bandages and non-sterile cotton wool for it. Such a tool is great for situations where, by default, touching the material with an open wound surface is not provided.

The biggest difference between a sterile or non-sterile combination is the mandatory drying of raw materials in a special oven. So it turns out in a short time to destroy various pathogens. Then the cleaned and disinfected consumable is allowed to be applied even to open wounds without fear of possible infection.

The non-sterile solution dispenses with secondary sterilization and is immediately sent to the packaging department after primary processing. At the same time, the density of the two representatives is practically the same.

The non-sterile combination is suitable for the following purposes:

  • medical;
  • cosmetic;
  • hygienic.

Based on the view presented below, dressing parts are created in production, and are also used during manipulations related to the beauty industry in aesthetic medicine centers. Discs, balls, and sponges developed on their basis are then positioned as assistants for face and body care at home.

The use of non-sterile material is allowed only in situations where the risks of infection are reduced to zero. Consumers like it due to its relatively low cost and the ability to absorb a large amount of liquid in a matter of seconds.

If you take a couple of minutes to study the instructions, then you can at the same time clarify whether chlorine was added to the composition as a bleach. Its absence is a pass to non-occurring skin irritation. But if a person has swallowed a piece of a ball or disc without exposure to chlorine, you should still seek the advice of a specialist.

Moreover, this should be done as soon as possible in order to avoid possible negative developments and related complications.

Sterile specimens are certified, and must also undergo a mandatory steam or chemical sterilization procedure. The result has proven itself in the following situations:

  • the production of dressings, which will then be in contact with an open wound surface or burn marks;
  • production of dressing material applied over the territory treated with an antiseptic;
  • if necessary, to prevent even the slightest percentage probability of infecting.

This wool received a homogeneous structure, as well as a soft neck and a monochromatic color palette without blue streaks, because it is not allowed to attract any kind of impurities. Sorption properties are significantly increased.

Technological process

The basis for creating the usual pharmacy cotton wool is shaggy cotton, which has gone through several stages of processing.

First, it has to be collected, which falls during the period of ripening of the fruits of the plant, which are unusual boxes. Over time, they open up, and inside you can see a soft fiber of light shades along with seeds. It is this content that is considered the most valuable, so it is collected, handed over at special collection points, and then from there it is transferred to cotton gins.

Already in the factory, the collected primary source is first separated from the seeds that have fallen, and the fibers are also divided according to length indicators. The standards for long fibers are at least 2,5 centimeters. Such “giants” are attracted to the manufacture of cotton fabric.

Short fibers in professional terminology are called linters. It is they who are attracted to the production of cotton wool and subsequent products from it.

Sometimes the basis for the product is wool or even linen. Moreover, the latter raw material is listed as more common. But most manufacturers prefer to mix several types in order to achieve optimal technical and aesthetic performance. Especially common are cotton-viscose combinations, which have become one of the first versions of combinations of artificial and natural material.

In the subsequent processing, only cotton is used, which has been rated at least grade four. It is best if it is elastic and low-dimensional cotton, which, in terms of structural distribution, is more like wool.

The difference in the technological process is based on whether it is required to create a filler for clothing or for medical purposes. For traditional production, experts prefer clogged fumes. This is the name of the base, which, during processing, produces textile fibrous materials. Short fibers are quite suitable for such purposes.

First, the raw materials are cleaned of natural debris, using a special dusty top for this. Also, at the preliminary stage, especially hard fibers are processed, which must be split during the passage of multi-drum plucks.

The resulting result is cleaned, mixed, formed into canvases using factory presses and other equipment. At the beginning of the formation, a fibrous mass without clear contours is established. It will have to be affected by carding and felling machines in order to transform a shapeless something into a completely normal cotton pickup. At the same stage, a clear structure is determined according to the given parameters, as well as the preferred thickness.

Next, the semi-finished product undergoes quality control to eliminate the risks of manufacturing defects, after which it is pressed and packed in bales. One such cube can pull fifty kilograms. In this form, the material is sent further to clothing factories, furniture factories or other specialized enterprises.

Separately, cases of the need to create a completely clean, ready-to-use product are considered. In this scenario, initially the mass is first loosened, and then sent to a cleaning and loosening machine.

After that, the stage of cooking in an alkaline solution begins, which can be achieved by injecting a temperature regime of about 130 degrees and the correct mark of external pressure. The final stage of cleaning involves treatment with sodium hyposulfite.

The last step is necessary to transform the physical fiber and neutralize the natural yellowish tint. An integral phase of purification is the removal of pectin and nitrogenous substances. The result will please with whiteness.

If it is required to additionally provide cotton wool with the possibility of operation with open wound surfaces, then it is sent to be sterilized. To do this, the furnace is heated to 125 degrees, setting the pressure bar at the border of 3 atmospheres.

Part of the resulting product is packed and transported to warehouses, and the remaining half is immediately put into circulation. We are talking about the production of cotton swabs for cleaning hard-to-reach places. Separately, there is a category of cleaning cotton products for exclusively technical purposes, and not for hygienic ones, which makes it possible to reduce their cost.

Separately, the production of cotton suits is considered, the density of which is slightly higher than that of a porous standard source. Consumers highly appreciated such an assistant in applying and removing makeup due to the fact that when wet, it does not significantly change its shape.

Regardless of the ultimate purpose of use, experts advise choosing cotton wool without chemical additives if you plan to touch it to the skin, even if it is not an open wound surface.

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