Meat storage

Lamb belongs to the category of perishable meat. The rapid development of bacteria in such a product is due to a special protein-water structure. The first sign of spoiled lamb is the appearance of a characteristic sticky coating on its surface….

You can only store high-quality and fresh duck meat. If the duck has the first signs of spoilage (foreign odors, sticky skin surface, etc.), then it cannot be stored, nor …

Storing goose meat involves a number of rules. Goose meat has a specific composition, therefore, under the wrong conditions, it deteriorates quite quickly. The nuances of storing goose meat at home: if …

Veal has a high moisture content, so its shelf life does not differ in duration. This type of meat is stored for the longest time in the freezer, but in all other cases it is better …

The rules for storing chicken meat practically do not differ from the conditions applied to meat products. Its prolonged presence at room temperature shortens the shelf life, therefore, before the start of the cooking process, the chicken …

Horse meat belongs to the category of perishable meats. It is not recommended to buy it in large quantities. In order for the product to be endowed with traditional taste, it must be eaten …

The turkey is sold chilled or frozen. Special attention should be paid to the storage of this type of meat. Errors can lead not only to a violation of the taste of dishes, but also cause …

Anyone rarely does without meat. But walking around and buying small pieces every day is too difficult, so most people prefer to buy beef immediately for a month or longer. So that she …

Venison differs from other types of meat in its special composition. There is very little fat in it, so the shelf life will be much shorter. Regarding, such a nuance is not only about storing venison in a chilled …

Only properly preserved meat can please with its taste, add strength and health. To choose the best way and shelf life of pork, you must first find out how much and how …

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