Meat producer about vegetarians …

The media and social media are constantly having a great discussion between the supporters and the opponents of meat. Carnivores and producers deal mainly with the topics of taste, the demand for animal protein and economic aspects. Vegetarians, on the other hand, focus on environmental arguments and animal welfare. It would seem that there is no chance of reaching a consensus. And yet… the example of one meat producer – Goodvalley, shows something completely different!

– I used to eat a ham sandwich almost every day, and a solid piece of roast or pork chop was landing on my dinner plate. Now I limit meat in my diet myself and I must honestly admit that – in terms of values ​​- I am closer to a vegetarian than a traditional carnivore. I am not alone – according to the 2019 IQS report, as many as 43% of Poles do not eat or try to reduce meat consumption. And good! The planet will certainly thank us for it. However, I believe that in diet and in life – balance is the most important – says Paweł Nowak, President of Goodvalley.

Going from extremes to extremes, especially when it comes to nutrition, is rarely successful. It is hard to give up the habit of eating meat, especially if we have eaten it every day for many years. Vegetarianism is not necessarily the best option – instead, it’s a good idea to simply reduce the amount of animal protein in your diet. It is equally important that we choose meat produced in a sustainable way, which also usually means high quality at the same time. Let’s eat less, but better.

Poles limiting meat consumption, and at the same time consciously choosing it more sustainable, are the driving force behind changes in the entire meat industry. We are convinced that, from year to year, we will observe an increasing tendency towards “not quantity but quality”. This is what we are committed to at Goodvalley. We produce in a sustainable manner, with respect for the natural environment and with attention to animal welfare – convinces Paweł Nowak.

To eat or not to eat? It boils on the web

Eating meat undoubtedly evokes a lot of emotions. The web is buzzing with discussions between vegetarians and traditional carnivores. One thing is certain – when we decide to reduce the amount of animal protein in the diet or give it up altogether, we do so consciously, for our specific reasons. According to consumer data quoted at the beginning of 2020 by the research company Mintel, the top ones can undoubtedly include concerns about the chemistry in the composition, ethical considerations, and environmental aspects.

– Conscious meat reduction is definitely good for the environment and the planet. The meat industry generates a huge carbon footprint, contributing to climate change. But luckily, it doesn’t have to be that way! We are an example that it is possible to produce high-quality meat and be environmentally friendly at the same time – adds Paweł Nowak.

Goodvalley was the first meat supplier in the country to achieve a zero net carbon footprint already in 2013. On the one hand, the company reduced emissions from cultivation, breeding, processing and transport, and on the other, it reduced the CO2 produced by producing green energy in its biogas plants. The supplier also cares about the welfare of the animals, ensuring stress-free breeding and limited use of antibiotics.

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