Meat mini chickens: breed description
Meat mini-chickens are a versatile breed, as they provide people with both meat and eggs. After studying the description of the breed of mini-chickens and mastering the rules of caring for them, you will understand that this is ideal for novice farmers.
Description of the breed of meat mini-chickens
A distinctive feature of chickens of this breed is low weight and short legs. They have a leaf-shaped scallop that is not afraid of frostbite in winter. The plumage of this breed is dense and tough. Chickens can be one of three colors – fawn, speckled and red.
The breed of mini-chickens is not much smaller than ordinary chickens in size.
These chickens have many benefits:
- they grow rapidly;
- undemanding to food, food is well digested.
- can be kept both in spacious enclosures and in small cages;
- lay large eggs;
- calm, do not make noise, do not dig the ground.
Keeping such chickens is very profitable from the point of view of economy. They take up little space, eat a little, but at the same time give a lot of meat and rush well.
Chickens of this breed, like all others, love warmth. They need to be kept at a temperature of + 34 … + 36 degrees. Each week of their life, the temperature can be lowered by + 1 … + 2 degrees.
The main thing in caring for mini chickens is to be clean. These chickens have strong immunity, they rarely get sick, however, if the place where they are kept is dirty, parasites and infectious diseases cannot be avoided. Bird cages should have special bedding to collect moisture. Replace these bedding every two weeks. This will provide the chickens with good plumage and good health.
Clean the cages every six months. Scald the cells with boiling water, clean them with a soapy solution made from laundry soap. Remember to occasionally disinfect the cells with a mild solution of denatured alcohol to kill any germs.
The coop should be well protected from drafts. It is advisable to insulate it.
Mini-chickens eat little – up to 130 g per day, while they are undemanding to the food itself. You can feed this breed in the same way as ordinary village chickens. It is better to raise chickens on compound feed for meat chickens, and at the age of 1 month to transfer to a finely ground mixture of grains with the addition of bone meal, ground egg shells and chalk.
Also, birds can be given dandelions and all kinds of chopped greens, cottage cheese. They will be able to find the larvae themselves while walking.
With the right care, you will always have plenty of tasty chicken meat and large eggs. Such chickens can be bred both for sale and for their own needs.