Meat dishes for baby food: how to cook? Video
Babies can be given meat dishes from 10-11 months, when they have already got used to vegetable puree and learn to eat from a spoon. At the same time, it is very important to learn how to cook foods correctly so that the child eats them with pleasure.
Meat dishes for baby food
How to choose and cook meat for a child
When buying meat, choose only the freshest, softest cuts that are free of cartilage, films, fat and tendons. Remember an important rule: it is not recommended to immediately purchase a large amount of food for future use and feed them to the child for several weeks – it will be better if you can always prepare dishes from fresh meat that has not waited too long in the freezer.
Choose pork, white meat of turkey and chicken, veal, lamb. The most delicate dishes will be made from them. Remember that kids love variety, alternate foods when cooking
Take a small piece of meat, rinse it thoroughly, and then cut it into cubes. Place the slices in a pot of water and simmer for 20 minutes, constantly removing any foam that forms. While the meat is cooking, boil the vegetables and pour the broth into a separate saucepan. After boiling the meat, transfer it to this broth and put on low heat. Consider an important rule: small children should not be given tough meat, so after cooking in vegetable broth, you should get very soft pieces, even if this will take more time than preparing dishes for adults. Put the meat in a blender, chop and mix with the previously cooked vegetables. You will have a tender meat puree.
If you want to cook minced meat dishes for your child, follow an important rule: do not buy semi-finished products, but always grind the meat yourself. Buy a tender, lean piece of turkey, chicken, pork or lamb and grind it. Then soak the pulp of white bread in milk and mix in a blender until smooth. You can also add some onion and salt to the minced meat. However, remember the rule: the amount of additives in minced meat should not exceed 20% of the total volume of minced meat.
Giving small children fried is not recommended, so the best option would be to mold small cutlets and steam them. To do this, you can buy a double boiler, but if the purchase of such household appliances is not in your plans, you can simply fix gauze on a saucepan with water and put cutlets on it. Thanks to the steam treatment, the products retain their useful properties, and at the same time the dishes are very tender.
You can supplement the menu with a liver dish. Simmer the chicken liver over low heat, then chop finely and beat with a blender. Add some butter and lightly salted vegetable broth to the dish and stir.