Losing weight up to 4 kg in 7 days.
The average daily calorie content is 820 Kcal.
The meat method of losing weight helps to transform the body without the feeling of hunger, which so often interferes with finding the desired figure. Many people think that to lose weight, you need to eat fruits, vegetables and other light foods, or even practically starve. But in fact, you can lose unnecessary fat by eating fairly satisfying and mainly protein products. Let’s focus on two of the most popular meat options today, designed for 7 and 10 days.
Meat diet requirements
The secret of the effectiveness of this technique lies in the fact that meat products supply the body with a lot of protein, which is a building material for muscles. And the body needs a lot of energy to process protein-containing components. Therefore, you eat and lose weight.
Regardless of whether you are on a meat diet or just trying to eat right and balanced, you need to take into account the fact that an adult is recommended to consume about 500 g of products containing protein per day. Of course, this means not only meat itself, but also cottage cheese, cheese, kefir, other dairy and sour milk products, fish with seafood, nuts, legumes, etc.
When following the rules of a meat diet, depending on the number of diet-days sustained, as a rule, it takes from 4 to 8 unnecessary kilograms.
Protein diet excludes the consumption of simple carbohydrates, which, as you know, can easily cause excess weight. Weighty no need to say baked goods, sugar and its substitutes, sweets, any cereals, drinks with alcohol and sugar content. The basis of the diet will be fish and meat, dairy and low-fat dairy products.
It is recommended to exclude salt for the diet period. But do not be alarmed that all the food you eat will be tasteless and not appetizing. Soy sauce (which is allowed to be added to dishes in small quantities), freshly squeezed lemon juice, dry herbs, various seasonings and spices will help to solve this problem.
It is recommended to cook, bake, stew, but not fry the dishes. You can use vegetable oils for cooking (preferably olive), but fresh (for example, dressing them in vegetable salads). You can drink unsweetened tea and coffee and, of course, plenty of still water. It is highly recommended not to forget about physical activity. Moreover, protein products are an excellent muscle builder. Now is the time to tighten the body and give it the desired relief.
Dinner should be no later than 19-20 pm.
Although the meat diet is quite balanced and complete, no matter how well and successfully you lose weight, it is strongly not recommended to sit on it for longer than the recommended periods. Otherwise, the normal amount of microflora necessary for its healthy functioning may decrease in the intestine. If you sit out on a meat diet, there may be problems with the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, the level of bad cholesterol may increase, dysbiosis may occur, stones may appear in the bile ducts.
Diet on a seven-day meat diet
Breakfast: boiled chicken egg; one rye crouton; a cup of coffee.
Snack: one small apple.
Lunch: 100-130 grams of lean boiled or baked beef; one medium boiled potato; 200 g salad of raw non-starchy vegetables; tea.
Afternoon snack: 100 g non-starchy fruits.
Dinner: boiled chicken egg; lean ham (up to 80 g); cucumber or tomato; a glass of any unsweetened juice.
Breakfast: a slice of rye or whole grain bread and a cup of tea.
Snack: a few raw carrots as a whole or in a salad (up to 200 g).
Lunch: 100 g of boiled potatoes; 50 g of lean beef stewed or boiled; a couple of slices of melon.
Afternoon snack: a cup of weak coffee with the addition of low-fat milk.
Dinner: fish (up to 150 g) baked or boiled; the same amount of spinach (we do not use oil when cooking it).
Breakfast: rye bread with a slice of low-fat ham; a cup of tea.
Snack: the pulp of one grapefruit.
Lunch: 150 g of lean meat, boiled or baked; 200 g of boiled carrots and potatoes.
Afternoon snack: tomato juice (200 ml).
Dinner: 100 g of boiled or baked potatoes; 50 g low-fat cottage cheese; Tea coffee.
Breakfast: a slice of rye bread with a slice of low-fat cheese; coffee.
Snack: a small orange.
Lunch: 100-150 g of baked or boiled skinless chicken fillet; boiled potatoes; a couple of fresh cucumbers.
Safe, an apple.
Dinner: an omelet made from two chicken eggs and a little lean ham or lean meat; a large fresh tomato and a glass of your favorite juice.
Breakfast: 100 g of cottage cheese and rye bread (you can make a sandwich and decorate it with herbs); a cup of tea.
Snack: a glass of vegetable or fruit juice.
Lunch: any lean meat cooked without adding oil (100-150 g); one baked or boiled potato and a glass of unsweetened compote.
Afternoon snack: 200-250 ml of low-fat kefir or homemade yogurt.
Dinner: a portion of non-starchy vegetable salad; a glass of vegetable juice.
Breakfast: 2 apples and a few slices of watermelon.
Snack: 200 g of fresh carrot salad.
Lunch: 100 g of veal, which can be stewed in a low-fat sauce (for example, from yogurt or a small amount of low-fat sour cream); one medium-sized boiled potato; 100-150 g of cabbage salad.
Afternoon snack: a few radishes.
Dinner: 100 g of stewed or boiled mushrooms; boiled chicken egg; a couple of fresh cucumbers.
Breakfast: 50 g of cottage cheese; a slice of rye bread; tea.
Snack: milk or kefir (200 ml).
Lunch: 150 g of pork, boiled or fried in a pan without adding oil; boiled potatoes and up to 150 g of salad from non-starchy vegetables.
Afternoon snack: a cup of weak coffee / tea with the addition of low-fat milk in a small amount, plus up to 200 g of stewed or boiled beans.
Dinner: a glass of kefir and 1-2 pcs. biscuit biscuits (or other non-nutritive and low-fat).
Diet on a ten-day meat diet
Breakfast: 100 g of boiled meat and a salad of one cucumber and tomato.
Second breakfast: a couple of non-starchy vegetables or a boiled egg and lettuce.
Lunch: 200 g of fish in baked or boiled form and a couple of non-starchy vegetables (you can bake all this together).
Snack: a glass of vegetable juice or a few tablespoons of non-starchy vegetable salad.
Dinner: 100 g of boiled lean meat plus a few lettuce leaves or 1-2 fresh cucumbers.
Note… Before bed, it is good to drink chamomile or other herbal tea.
It is not necessary to strictly adhere to this particular diet. The main thing is not to eat too much food. The recommended amount of meat is up to 400 g per day.
Contraindications to the meat diet
- There are age restrictions for adhering to the proposed diet. So you can not diet until 18 years old.
- Also, a more balanced menu should be chosen for older people, since kidney activity decreases with age, and a meat diet can be harmful. Of course, with the existing problems with this organ, no one should turn to this kind of diet.
- People with chronic diseases do not need to go on a meat diet. It is not advisable to live by this method in the summer; it is much more acceptable to lose weight on meat in the cold.
Benefits of a meat diet
- Keeping a meat diet is pretty easy. After all, she is well-fed, varied, helps to lose weight without weakness and hunger pangs, maintain normal physical activity and at the same time transform your body in the desired way day by day.
- After a diet, it is highly likely to maintain a new weight, since due to moderation of portions during life using this method, the size of the stomach will significantly decrease. And if you do not manage to stretch it again, then you may well be able to enjoy the lost body shapes for a very long time.
- Meat is rich in a huge amount of nutrients and microelements: sodium, magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, etc. Meat can increase the level of hemoglobin (which makes this product simply irreplaceable in case of anemia), is an excellent tool for the prevention of osteoporosis …
- Also, eating meat helps to minimize the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, gastrointestinal diseases and many other diseases.
Disadvantages of a meat diet
It should be borne in mind that all organisms are individual. It happens that for some, a meat diet, on the contrary, causes a breakdown in strength and mood. Due to the fact that meat is difficult to digest, its consumption can lead to indigestible products and constipation.
Repeated meat diet
Before re-transforming the figure in a meat way, it is recommended to wait at least one month.