Cases of allergy to red meat were first detected in December 2008 and were manifested mainly by hives, itching, indigestion, and in the most extreme cases – even anaphylaxis, i.e. inflammation of the entire body, which usually ends in death. Scientists in their study looked at hundreds of allergy tests collected from all regions of the USA over the last three years. Analyzes have shown that people living in areas where ticks are present are 3% more likely to have alpha-gal IgE antibodies, which are largely responsible for causing allergic reactions. These antibodies bind to the sugars in the meat, making it later intolerant to the nutrient. For regions where the presence of ticks is imperceptible, the test results were also unexpectedly high. Of people in the US West Coast like Idaho and Nevada, 23% were allergic to alpha-gal sugars. For comparison, in the northern and central parts of the country, only 4% of people showed an allergic reaction to this substance.
Mimi naomba msaada nimekula nyama ya bata sasa napatwa na uvimbe wenye muwasho mfano wa dudu washa asa kipindi cha balidi kali na mdomo unakua mwekundu. ukoo wa mama wakila bata wanazulika je inaweza kua ni mzio? Na tiba yake ni ipi?