Outbreaks of this seemingly forgotten disease are recorded all over the world.
In Moscow, several schools have already managed to declare measles quarantine. In St. Petersburg, cases of infection with this disease were recorded 17 times more than last year. Children without vaccinations can be sent home – until the threat passes. This situation is developing all over the world: in America there are even cases when teenage children went for vaccinations against parental consent – schoolchildren are scared.
What is the danger of measles, how is it transmitted, what are the first symptoms, and how to help the sick, Wday.ru told pediatrician Vera Mukhina.
“Measles – the most common acute infectious viral disease, – says Vera Mukhina. – When they did not know how to heal her, many children died. They even nicknamed this disease “the plague of children”. In the late 70s, vaccinations began to save humanity. Nowadays, many moms are against vaccinations. But it’s not right. The baby’s immunity will not be able to defend itself. The vaccine is vital! The first vaccination should be done a year, then at 6 years old. A vaccinated child will bear the disease much easier. “
Measles is transmitted by airborne droplets. A child has a very high probability of becoming infected if he has been in contact with a sick person. However, contact is not necessary: in the room where the infected person has been, the virus can hover for another couple of hours. The latent incubation period of measles lasts from five days to three weeks. The disease at first signs resembles acute respiratory infections, that is: fever, cough and runny nose. In addition begins conjunctivitis – inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes. May also manifest vomiting and abdominal pain. After a couple of days on the mucous membrane in the mouth a rash appearsthat spreads all over the face and neck. It lasts for about a week and turns into age spots.
The most important symptom of measles is photophobia and lacrimation, when a child’s eyelids swell, he squints in the light.
Measles is hardest for unvaccinated children under the age of five. In addition, the disease can give severe complications.. The virus infects the respiratory tract, enters the bloodstream and greatly weakens the immune system. At this time, the child can pick up any disease. Babies can generally get pneumonia, stomatitis, pyelonephritis and various intestinal lesions.
The best protection against measles is vaccination. But there is no specific treatment for it, the only thing that can be done for an unvaccinated person is to start administering immunoglobulin, that is, a drug from donated blood to help a person’s own antibodies work. But it will only help if you enter it no later than 6 days after contact with an infected person. Otherwise, all that remains is to bring down the symptoms.
«If a child has a temperature above 38 degrees, then he needs to be given any antipyretic, the doctor continues. – It is also necessary to rinse the eyes with a disinfectant solution or a mild infusion of chamomile or tea leaves. With especially acute conjunctivitis, it is necessary to lay tetracycline ointment or instill albucid or chloramphenicol within four days. With a dry cough, start drinking mucolytics (drugs that thin phlegm). If you have a runny nose, you can rinse your nose with seawater sprays. Many parents lubricate the rash right away, but this is best done when the wounds have healed. “
In addition, the pediatrician advises to give the child fruit drinks made from lingonberries, cranberries with vitamin C. These are good antioxidants, they will help the baby to get back on his feet faster. When the body gets stronger, then start feeding the child with broth and steamed food. And most importantly, be sure to consult a doctor at the first signs of malaise in the baby and carefully follow all his recommendations.