Means for potency can be divided into two main types: natural (natural) and synthetic drugs. The latter are represented by many types. The first is, of course, Viagra. And then everyone else went – Levitra, Cialis, Sialex and others. These drugs to increase potency are as strong as they have side effects.
Side effects are most often expressed in the form of increased pressure, headaches, pain in the heart, even nasal congestion. However, we are not talking about these drugs here, as the only possible means for a full-fledged sexual intercourse. Here we mean the use of them in order to overcome psychological barriers. And in this light, they are quite suitable means. Only the dose you need to choose the minimum and do not resort to them every time. You need to try and pay attention to the effect. The effect is positive – Hurrah! – So the measures taken in the work on oneself to increase potency help!
Please note that if you use drugs for potency and do not take any more actions to increase potency, then you will not be able to attribute success to your work on yourself. You will further aggravate the situation by admitting that without stimulants there is no way …
But if you take active actions, you give up bad habits, you move more, get rid of stress, do auto-training, you can quite credit success in restoring potency to your work.
You can arrange with a partner (partner) that she gives you stimulants without knowing you and not every time. Then the effect will be most natural.
Pharmaceutics also offers less radical drugs to improve potency (Imipase, Prostomol, etc.). They are described in detail in the Drug Handbook. It is worth noting that these are homeopathic remedies that are not medicines.
Another main type of means to increase potency is, of course, natural (natural). The very definition of this species is more conducive to it. Of course, I want to take natural remedies as a remedy for increasing potency or for any other ailment.
Great news! To increase the potency of natural remedies a huge amount! The main difference between natural remedies and synthetic drugs is that their action is aimed at increasing energy throughout the body, and along with the restoration of energy balance comes an increase in potency. Synthetic drugs act locally and for a short time. The mechanism of action of synthetic drugs becomes clear from the section How an erection occurs – recommended reading to understand the essence of the problem.
As mentioned above, a decrease in potency (provided, of course, that there are no genital infections and prostatitis) is caused by exhaustion of the body. Why does stress drain energy? Stress triggers chemical reactions that actively consume potassium and magnesium reserves. Namely, these two elements are the sources of energy in the body. And after a short stress, a prolonged depression begins, which brings the body to complete exhaustion.
The diagnostic problem lies in the fact that potassium and magnesium deficiency is not easy to detect even with microelement tests. With a shortage in the blood, magnesium and potassium are washed out of the bone tissue (from the bones). In the West, analyzes for these elements are done according to the composition of the hair, in our country such diagnostic methods have not yet spread.
The easiest way to replenish potassium and magnesium reserves with natural remedies has long been known, but not many people know why they are so useful. Everyone has heard about the benefits parsley и pumpkin seeds for potency. But why are they useful? What is their use? Everything is very simple! Parsley is saturated with potassium, and in pumpkin seeds there is ten times more magnesium than in the plant product closest in magnesium content. Thanks to these properties, parsley and pumpkin seeds are the best natural remedies for increasing potency.
How many of them should be taken in food per day? Very little. 2-3 sprigs of parsley are enough, pumpkin seeds – 15-20 grains. It is better to buy grains unpeeled and unroasted. Peeled grains dry out faster, when roasted, microelement compounds break down and oils also evaporate.
It is enough to eat these foods for a week and you will feel a powerful burst of energy. Drowsiness will disappear, efficiency will increase, mood will rise, thoughts about the gym will begin to come to mind and along with all this, sexual desire will appear, potency will increase, erection will get stronger. If you take these products regularly, then the production of testosterone will go off scale.
One way or another, solving the problem of increasing potency, you should first of all improve your emotional state. If you suffer from neurotic disorders (neuroses), you have a depressed state, fatigue, apathy – you need to eliminate these emotional obstacles. There are many ways to solve this problem. You just need to decide on the appropriate means and act!
In general, if you have a goal of increasing potency, then you need to look at yourself and at the world in a new way. The reasons that caused you problems in sexual terms, most likely caused problems in other areas of your life. Shake it up! Take a break from problems, go on vacation. Force yourself to pay attention to beautiful women passing by, this will become a catalyst for starting the necessary chemical processes in the brain, and this will begin to increase potency. And you will notice that soon you will no longer force yourself to turn around on slender legs – the head itself will somehow begin to do this.
Sexual potency is a store of sexual energy. Only the realization that you need it in the first place will help you restore and increase it. Awareness will be followed by motivation, motivation of action will follow, and actions will be followed by restoration and increase in potency, strengthening of erection. All in your hands!