Means for fast healing of wounds. Video

Means for fast healing of wounds. Video

Not a single person is insured against wounds and abrasions, therefore, your home medicine cabinet must have preparations not only for disinfecting and treating wounds and abrasions, but also those that contribute to their rapid healing. Currently, in pharmacies you can buy effective new generation drugs that can really work wonders.

Means for fast healing of wounds

Mechanism of wound and abrasion healing

Any wound or abrasion, accompanied by trauma to the skin, heals in two stages: hydration and dehydration. At the first, it remains moist due to bloody blood secretions, at this time the wound must be periodically cleaned and moisturized. At the stage of dehydration, when it remains dry, drugs are needed to protect the formed skin and stimulate their regeneration.

For quick and painless healing, special preparations must be used starting from the first stage.

Means that help speed up the healing process help to avoid the formation of scars and scars, but if the colloidal tissue nevertheless begins to grow, forming a seal on the skin, special ointments and gels should also be applied in a timely manner to eliminate it.

Means for healing wounds and abrasions

There are centuries-old folk methods that have helped to heal deep wounds received in battles in a time when antibiotics were not yet heard. For example, the Chinese used dogs to simply lick their wounds. As it turned out, the saliva of these animals contains the strongest antiseptics, their artificial counterparts are the ingredients of many modern healing agents. Therefore, as a last resort, if there is nothing at hand, the wound on the back, for example, can be licked by the dog.

Healing plasters made of a porous material soaked in medicinal compounds that absorb purulent discharge have become a new dosage form.

Of those drugs that can be purchased at the pharmacy, one can name Actovegin, which several times reduces the long healing period of even lacerated wounds. A 20% gel must be used when the wound is cleared of pus, which reduces the biological activity of this drug. To cleanse wounds, before applying Actovegin, be sure to treat them with miramistin or furacilin, which will disinfect tissues and remove waste products of pathogenic bacteria. For small wounds and abrasions, including in the intimate areas and on the face, use a 5% cream of this drug.

Solcoseryl has the same therapeutic effect, which is produced in the same dosage forms: in the form of a 20% gel and 5% ointment

A drug such as “Rescuer” has also proven itself perfectly, with which it is possible to treat the most common household injuries: bruises, cuts, abrasions, as well as mild stages of burns, including sunburn, stretching and relieve itching from insect bites. For the same purposes, you can use the “Bepanten” ointment, which contains pantothenic acid, which stimulates tissue regeneration. But “Bepanten plus”, an additional ingredient of which is chlorhexine, can be used to treat and treat more serious purulent wounds.

Also interesting to read: cleansing pores.

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