History of the origin of the name Stefania

Stefania is a female proper name, derived from the masculine Stefan, meaning “crown”, “diadem” in translation from ancient Greek.

The name Stefania (Stepaniya, Stepanida, Stefanida) in various phonetic modifications is widespread throughout the world. So, in England Stefania sounds like Stephanie (stress on the first syllable), in Germany – Stefani, Steffi, in France – Stefani (stress on the last syllable), in Portugal – Estefania, in the Czech Republic – Stepana, in Bulgaria – Stefana, in Serbia – Scraping.

The popularity of the name led to the appearance of a large number of abbreviated and diminutive forms: Stefa, Stesha, Stepa, Steshenka, Stepanidochka, Stepanidonka, Stepanidka, Stefanidonka, Stefanidochka, Stefusya, Stepochka, Steponka, Stepusya, Stefusya, Stenya, Stesya, Fanya, Fanita.

The birthday of women bearing this name is celebrated on November 24th.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Stefania

If we do not doubt the fact that a name necessarily influences the fate of the person who bears it, then it is undeniable that the key character traits of the Stephanie woman are authority, arrogance, and confidence that she is beautiful, smart, “the crown of creation.”

Considering that Stefania is a derivative of the male name Stefan, it becomes clear that along with the name the woman also adopted purely “male” character traits.

Stefania is a very purposeful person: if she has decided something and is striving for something specific, then you can be sure that she will use all available means to achieve this goal.

Stefania’s pragmatism and practicality have been evident since childhood: the girl grows up calm, courageous, studies well, and manages to do everything. Stefania has an excellent memory, so studying comes easy to her. If Stefania is raised in a family that does not put pressure on her personality and provides the opportunity for comprehensive development, then with 100% probability Stefa will achieve a lot in life.

Possessing such negative traits as selfishness, arrogance, arrogance, Stefania very often suffers defeat in life and career affairs, because not everyone is ready to tolerate such an attitude. Perhaps it is for this reason that Stefa has practically no friends: her harshness, rancor, narcissism and confidence in her own rightness scare off her acquaintances. If she manages to overcome these traits, then life gets better: friends appear, career advancement occurs.

Stefania is a woman with a very difficult character, so her life partner will have a hard time: not seeing her own shortcomings, Stefania notes every minor mistake of her husband. Other people’s shortcomings are a reason for constant indignation and condemnation. It is clear that with this approach, if family life develops, it is most often unsuccessful: Stefania considers herself unhappy, and over time her husband gets tired of fulfilling all her whims. But, despite her difficult character, Stefania is an excellent housewife: a clean house, tasty food prepared, well-groomed children – this is about her.

Stephanie’s main problem is the inability to coordinate her own desires and capabilities, hence the setting of unrealistic goals and anger and disappointment as a consequence of unfulfillment. If Stefania believes that she could have achieved much more in life, but someone or something prevented this, then she directs all her energy and efforts to her children. Children also have a hard time from such an excess of attention: Stefania demands the impossible from them, blaming them for mistakes and failures. With age, Stefa calms down and builds an even and trusting relationship with children, accepting them as they are.

To summarize what has been said, it can be argued that Stefania’s salvation will be total self-control, which will not allow her to do anything stupid either in her family life or at work. By directing her energy, enthusiasm and love for life in a positive and constructive direction, Stefania will overcome all difficulties and achieve harmony.

The name Stefania is common in all countries in different phonetic forms. Its most famous representatives are: Stefanie of Damascus (saint), Stefanie Graf (athlete), Stefanie (Princess of Belgium), Steffi Graf (tennis player), Stefanie Joanne Angelina Germanotta (aka Lady Gaga, American singer), Stefania Stanyuta (actress), Stefania Belmondo (Italian skier), Stefania Sandrelli (actress), Stefania Wojtowicz (Polish singer), Stephanie Caroline March (American actress), Steffi Duna (actress).

Name days:

January 3, November 24

Diminutive version

Stenyusha, Stefochka, Stefonka, Stefushka, Stefanochka, Stepanidka


Stefa, Stesha, Stenya, Steff, Stephanie, Styopa, Nina, Niya, Tesha, Fanya, Fanny, Fanita, Fanna, Pana, Steffi

According to the church



  • violet


  • Uran


  • air

Stone talisman





aspen, barberry

Totem animal

electric Stingray

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