History of the origin of the name Ralin

The name Ralin has several origins. According to the first option, the name Ralin comes from the Sumerian name Ra, which translates as “sun”. In Sumerian and then Egyptian mythology, Ra is the sun god.

The second option claims that the name Ralin has Arabic roots. It comes from Old Persian and is also translated as “sun”. Some scientists consider this name to be originally Tatar.

This fact indicates that the name Ralin is an ancient name, which most likely already existed in the Proto-Indo-European language. Later, during the settlement of peoples, it spread over vast territories. And although its single root was lost, the meaning of the name remained common.

Currently, the name Ralin is often found among Tatars, and is also common in Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Georgia, and in many Western countries where Muslim communities live: USA, Canada, Portugal, France, England , Italy, Spain. In Russia it is rare.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Ralin

As a child, Ralin is a dreamy and enthusiastic boy. He is easily inspired by different ideas. Today Ralin wants to become a violinist, tomorrow – a shipbuilder. Ralin is unable to maintain interest in one thing for a long period of time. His room is littered with unfinished projects and crafts. Ralin has the same attitude towards studying. He becomes interested in one or another subject, but gains only superficial knowledge because he cannot concentrate for long. However, this behavior bears fruit; by high school, Ralin can already clearly say what he does not want to do, and what really interests him.

Ralin is very sociable and inquisitive. He has many friends, he does not know how and does not want to conflict. It is important for Ralin to make a good impression. He sincerely believes that the first glance decides a lot and does not want to take risks. A man takes care of his appearance and health. He has practically no bad habits. Moreover, Ralin tries to become an example for others; he promotes a healthy lifestyle, restraint and self-development in all its manifestations.

Ralin’s enthusiastic nature gives him the impetus for constant self-improvement. He reads philosophers and physiologists, politicians and clergy. Raline may become interested in yoga or raw food eating. But his childhood inconstancy has long since left him, and now Ralin approaches any activity carefully and seriously. Before getting down to business, Ralin carefully studies literature, meets people, and reflects.

Ralin has many talents. He can devote himself to creativity, become a poet, artist, musician, singer. Choose a profession where it is possible to combine creative and intellectual principles: designer, engineer, art historian, critic. Dedicate yourself to working with people: doctor, teacher, civil servant, policeman.

Ralin marries early. Most often, he chooses a girl who shares at least some of his hobbies. He is a kind and attentive husband. Ralin sometimes lacks patience, especially when it comes to children. But his kind disposition smooths everything out.

Name days:

March 2, October 23

Diminutive version

March 2, October 23



According to the church



  • Lands


  • air

Stone talisman

garnet, chalcedony, coal





Totem animal


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