Origin of the name Jamal

The birthplace of the male name Jamal is the Arab states. In different countries this name is pronounced differently, but the difference is not significant, the name sounds quite recognizable. It can be pronounced as Gamal, Jamal, Jimal, Jimal, Yamil, Jalal, Jemal. This name has several meanings. In Islamic states, the name Jamal is closely associated with religion, and is translated from the language of these peoples as “slave of Allah.”

There is another translation of this name, in which the divine principle is also clearly visible. Jamal means “perfect”, “beautiful”, “incomparable”. The name reflects not external, but the highest spiritual qualities bestowed on a man by the Almighty. Another ancient meaning of the name Jamal is “camel.” The peoples living in the desert treat this animal with great respect; for many of them it is still the basis of their existence. Therefore, everything that relates to a camel (and the name Jamal too) is considered wonderful, having divine providence.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Jamal

Winter Jamal is characterized by energy and mobility. Those around him are of little interest to him. This is a diligent, efficient man, inclined towards the humanities. Summer Jamal is talented in many areas, but he lacks determination and drive. Autumn often suffers from his own laziness, but he is not an adventurer and does not succumb to bad influence. Spring Jamal is a terrible arguer, loves to be in the center of attention, treats those around him well, and is always ready to help them.

Little Jamal is talented and active, absorbing new information like a sponge. The only thing that prevents a boy from becoming an excellent student is inattention. From an early age he strives to become independent; parents should not limit his interest in life, but dangerous objects should be kept away. He has many friends; the guys treat Jamal with respect, as he has strong leadership qualities.

If Jamal has problems, he solves them himself, but he will always come to his friends’ aid. As a teenager, he is often interested in sports and prefers martial arts, where it is necessary to show strength in combination with technique. Jamal struggles with exact sciences, but in humanities subjects he is ahead of his peers. The well-read young man knows so much that he can carry on a conversation in any company.

He needs to choose a profession that brings money and the respect of others. He could become a race car driver, a lawyer, a builder. Jamal will reach heights in the profession of watchmaker, cook, and cabinetmaker. He considers creative professions to be unreliable and financially unstable. He needs to take care of his health, strengthen it with swimming, cycling, and walking.

Jamal needs true love; it may take him many years to find it. He needs a calm, gentle, modest woman. He is in no hurry to get married. This man must be sure that he can fully provide for his family, only then is he ready to tie the knot.

Name days:

not in the calendar

Diminutive version

Jamal, Jamalchik



According to the church

not in the calendar


  • green
  • chocolate


  • Jupiter


  • fire

Stone talisman






Totem animal


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