Meal Planner in Excel

This article will talk about how to create a meal planner in Excel.

Here is what we want to achieve:

  1. Add a second sheet and create the following named ranges in it.
    Range NameAddress range
    BreakfastA2: A10

    Meal Planner in Excel

Note: You can add 7 more dishes to a column Breakfast without having to change the range address.

  1. Highlight a cell C4 on the first sheet.
  2. On the Advanced tab DATE (Data) click command Data Validation (Data validation).Meal Planner in ExcelA dialog box will appear Data Validation (Checking input values).
  3. From drop down menu Allow (data type) select List (List).
  4. Place the cursor on the line Source (Source) and type “=Breakfast”.Meal Planner in Excel
  5. Press OK.


Meal Planner in Excel

  1. Repeat steps 2 to 6 for cells D4 и E4, but instead of the name Breakfast use Lunch и Dinner.
  2. Highlight a range C4:E4 and drag it down to the line 10. This will copy the dropdown lists to other days.


Meal Planner in Excel

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