MCV – mean red blood cell volume, importance, indications for examination, results

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The average volume of blood cells depends on the availability of building materials needed for the synthesis of hemoglobin. For this reason, this indicator is commonly referred to as MCV (Mean Corpuscular Volume). Its determination is of great diagnostic importance in differentiating the causes of anemia.

Average red blood cell volume – what does it matter?

The mean red blood cell volume (known as MCV) is one of the measures that is assessed when performing a routine blood count. What is the function of red blood cells? Well, very important. The hemoglobin in them is responsible for the transport of oxygen to the cells, while the appropriate amount of oxygen is needed for the proper functioning of our body. Thus, the MCV parameter expresses the amount of hematocrit in the body and the amount of red blood cells. Depending on what the value of the average red blood cell volume is, you can make a breakdown of anemia to:

  1. microcytic (at low MCV),
  2. normocytic (normal MCV)
  3. macrocytic (increased MCV).

Doctors recommend systematic blood counts and parameters so that any abnormalities can be detected as early as possible and possible treatment initiated. In order for the test result to be false, it should be performed on an empty stomach (at least 8 hours after the last meal) and the medications taken should be discontinued. Elevated mean red blood cell volume values ​​may suggest hypothyroidism and dehydration, and low values ​​may suggest anemia. It is necessary comparison of MCV values ​​with other indicatorsotherwise, an accurate diagnosis and assessment of the patient’s health condition will not be possible.

To support the circulatory system, reach for the DuoLife Moja Krew dietary supplement. The preparation contains natural ingredients that help maintain the proper level of red blood cells and support blood production.

When do we perform the MCV test?

MCV mean red cell volume is tested at each complete blood count. However, special attention is paid to this parameter when a patient is suspected of having anemia. Another indication for this test is alcoholism (screening test).

Among the most common symptoms that can be suspected red cell abnormalities, belong:

  1. getting tired quickly;
  2. general feeling of weakness;
  3. recurring headaches and dizziness;
  4. hair loss, breaking nails;
  5. pale skin and mucous membranes;
  6. problems with concentration;
  7. dyspnoea;
  8. itching of the skin with other symptoms including tinnitus, blurred vision, weakness and abdominal pain.

MCV – the course of the study

The determination of the average red blood cell volume is performed as part of a standard complete blood count. You can go for it with a medical referral or perform a paid examination. In the case of private morphology, the price of the test is usually around PLN 10. The procedure itself is not complicated, but it is worth following a few basic recommendations.

Material for the MCV test: plasma.

Preparation for the test: fasting for at least 8 hours prior to testing. You should not drink alcohol or play sports for two or three days before visiting the collection point. Blood is drawn in the morning, the patient should be asleep, after waking up, he can drink a glass of water.

The course of the study: one-time collection of blood from a vein in the arm with a sterile syringe. The collected material is sent to the laboratory.

Time to wait for the result: 1 Day.

Standards depend on age and gender:

  1. women – 81-99 fl
  2. men – 80-94 fl.

In addition to the MCV test, a detailed assessment of the condition of red blood cells requires the determination of the mean erythrocyte hemoglobin mass (MCH) and the mean erythrocyte hemoglobin concentration (MCHC). The WFD indicators, hematocrit and the number of reticulocytes are also important.

  1. So read about when it is worth having a blood count.

MCV in children

In a child, the low mean volume of red blood cells may occur in the course of chronic diseases, but also be a consequence of iron deficiency. However, the result above the norm indicates deficiencies of vitamin B12 and folic acid as well as liver diseases or bone marrow aplasia.

MCV norms in children:

  1. 1-6 days 95-121 fl,
  2. 7-13 days 88-126 fl,
  3. 14 days — 1 mc 86-124 fl,
  4. 1-2 months 85-123 fl,
  5. 2-3 months 77-115 fl,
  6. 3-6 months74-108 fl,
  7. 6 months-2 years 70-86 fl,
  8. 2-6 years old 75-87 fl,
  9. 6-12 years old 77-95 fl,
  10. girls 10-18 years 78-95 fl,
  11. boys 10-18 years 78-95 fl.

Mean Red Cell Volume – Results

The results of morphology marked with MCV are not long waited for, sometimes they can be collected on the day of the examination. After receiving the documentation, take it to the ordering doctor or family doctor who will analyze the results.

Increased MCV score points to the following ailments:

  1. alcoholism,
  2. macrocytic anemia, caused mainly by a deficiency of folic acid and vitamin B12 (poor diet or improper absorption from the gut). The Castle factor is essential for proper absorption,
  3. haemolytic anemia (rapid breakdown of red blood cells),
  4. myelodysplastic anemia (abnormal production, maturation and survival of blood cells),
  5. hypotonic dehydration,
  6. hypothyroidism (there is a slight increase in MCV, but may be noticeable in test results),
  7. pregnancy,
  8. liver disease
  9. taking antiepileptic and anticancer drugs, as well as antibacterial and contraceptive drugs,
  10. myelodysplastic syndromes (dangerous diseases of the bone marrow),
  11. infancy.

Red blood cell mean volume decreased may in turn suggest:

  1. occurrence of severe chronic diseases,
  2. neoplastic disease,
  3. thalassemia (producing an abnormal amount of hemoglobin)
  4. sideroblastic anemia (increased iron retention in erythoblasts),
  5. microcytic anemia resulting from iron deficiency (e.g. due to poor diet or malabsorption in the small intestine),
  6. hypertonic dehydration (incorrect water and electrolyte balance).

Anemia can also be caused by heavy periods, vaginal bleeding, gastrointestinal or urinary tract bleeding. Until the cause of iron deficiency has been found, it is contraindicated in people diagnosed with anemia to administer drugs supplementing its level.

The physician making the diagnosis should be informed in advance about the medications taken, surgeries performed, chronic or family diseases, as well as about any disturbing symptoms.

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