May 2023st XNUMX: Spring and Labor Day
Every year on May 1, many countries around the world celebrate the Holiday of Spring and Labor. Mass demonstrations were held in the Soviet Union, and now people prefer outdoor recreation on this day. How May Day will be celebrated in 2023 – read in our material

history of the holiday

The holiday originated in ancient Italy. The local tribes revered Maya, the goddess of fertility, on this day. In honor of her, in fact, the month of May was named. It was believed that the louder and more festive May 1 is celebrated, the greater the harvest.

After the abolition of paganism, the holiday was forgotten, but it was revived again in the 1886th century. In 8, in the American city of Chicago, local workers went to a rally demanding an 1-hour working day. The fact is that in the States in those days ordinary peasants were treated like slaves: people worked around the clock for food, without any personal rights. True, the demonstration then ended cruelly: all the local authorities who came out were shot on the spot … Three years later, in memory of this bloody event, the Paris Congress of the Second International called May XNUMX the Day of Solidarity of Workers of the World.

May 1 in the USSR

The holiday came to our country only in 1917 after the October Revolution. The Bolsheviks ordered the people to come out on May 1 for demonstrations. And those who did not do this were fined and even fired from their jobs. The processions were broadcast on all central TV channels, millions of people took part in them.

They prepared for the celebration for at least a month. Posters with slogans were drawn on large Whatman papers – the most popular “Peace! Work! May!”, “Long live May 1!”, photos of famous political figures were printed. Oh, and balloons. Nothing without them.

The first parade took place in Moscow in 1918. Working people walked along Red Square and were greeted by representatives of the CPSU party. Music was playing, people were singing songs. Even small children were taken to the parade, their parents put them on their shoulders.

By the way, the word “Maevki” came from there. So called meetings of workers in nature, where pressing issues were discussed. In modern terms, these are corporate picnics.

Years passed, and after the collapse of the USSR, the holiday lost its political color and relevance. As a result, in 1990 this day was renamed the Spring and Labor Day.

Holiday traditions in different countries

If initially May Day was celebrated in all states as the Day of Solidarity of Workers, then later it was changed everywhere. And on May 1 in 2023, residents of different countries will celebrate in very different ways.

In Finland, May 1 is a student holiday. The fact is that classes in the educational institutions of this country are ending, and students are celebrating this event. The main events take place in Helsinki at the monument to the naked virgin Havis Amanda. Students there drink champagne and have fun.

In Ireland, the symbol of May Day is the hawthorn. Locals tie red ribbons on a tree and make their deepest wishes. It is believed that they will definitely come true.

In England, everyone dances together around the pillars in national costumes. At the same time, the pillars are wrapped with bright ribbons, which symbolize the creation of the world.

In Germany, on May 1, they celebrate their little Halloween. Local residents dress up in costumes of evil spirits and go out to the Sabbath at night. These are pagan traditions. It is believed that in this way people attract fortune and drive out evil spirits.

And in Hawaii, unlike the Germans, May Day is kind. Here, the Day of Flower Garlands is celebrated on a grand scale: wreaths, necklaces of orchids, jasmine, plumeria are woven. Thus, the locals thank nature for the beauty it has given them.

In the United States, bicycles are honored on the first Sunday in May. Residents of big cities leave their cars at home and change to two-wheeled comrades. And in the evening, concerts with a buffet table are held on the central squares.

But! Labor Day is still celebrated in many countries around the world. Only it is celebrated not on May 1, as we do, but on other dates. In the United States, for example, on the first Monday in September. In Australia, on the first Monday in March.

National signs

  • It is believed that from May 1, the cuckoo begins to cuckoo in the forest. And for our ancestors, this meant that it was time to sow flax.
  • If the cuckoo flies around the village and screams – wait for a fire or flood.
  • If it rained on May Day, they wetted their hair. Then they grew well.
  • If the alder blossomed, then the peasants sowed buckwheat.
  • Nowadays, on May Day, everyone goes to their dachas to plant potatoes. So our ancestors were guided by the leaves of bird cherry. If they have, then it’s time.

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