It turns out that exactly how we bite into a chocolate bar determines the level of enjoyment from it. We share the latest discoveries of European scientists.
How do we eat chocolate? It is unlikely that any of us seriously thought about it. And it would be worth
Our sensations are influenced by how exactly the tile breaks in the mouth, experts decided. Turns out it’s all about the crunch
The study was approached with all scientific thoroughness and, with the help of mathematical models, the ideal tile was developed. It twists like a spiral. And with one bite, not one layer of chocolate breaks, but several at once. That is how, scientists are sure, the taster gets maximum pleasure.
The main thing is to bite correctly, the experimenters note, not across the layers. And along. The more turns in a tile, the higher the level of pleasure from eating it.
If these words have not yet begun salivation, we will add only scientific details. So, to make the tile perfect, the scientists carefully heated the mass, then added cold chocolate to the warm chocolate and cooled everything. What other tricks were used in the university laboratory, academic
However, scientists assure: they have received an optimal, almost perfect form for maximum enjoyment of taste.
Does the perception of its taste really depend on the shape and correct biting of chocolate, or is it primarily that with this approach we are maximally focused on our sensations? Let the scientists answer it.
And we can use the advice of oriental practitioners and meditate on sweets — that is, fully focus on every moment of eating it. Put work and gadgets aside, focus only on chocolate in these moments, and you will enjoy it much more … no matter how twisted the tile is!
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