“This is how the Spartan queen Gorgo answered one foreign woman when she reproached the Spartans for the fact that their women dispose of their husbands: “But we also give birth to husbands.” Lycurgus. The laws. biography.
Girls brought up on fairy tales such as Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and other similar fairy tales, and not realizing their responsibility, cannot be happy. These girls, when they grow up, believe by definition that you just need to submit to any circumstances and successfully play the role of a victim, to be as unhappy as possible. In this case, a “prince” will surely appear, who will appreciate the sacrifice as he deserves, put him on a horse and make their life wonderful and fabulous. And He will do this only because the grown-up girl herself, without effort, is a “gift”. Only few people think that all fairy tales end with a wedding, and not a single one really tells about life. But most of the «girls» do not try to understand the essence.
And you? What are you living your life for? What are you working for?
«Death is not scary.
Life is terrible
Random life…
In the darkness they slipped me an empty one,
And I will give this life without a fight
Omar Khayyam
Margaret Thatcher could never agree to be just a wife. This is not enough for her!
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From the age of 5 I knew that I wanted to be a public and significant person. The most important desire is not to be like “everyone”, which means you need to choose a “unique” profession.
From the age of 14, I knew that one of my most important goals was to make my children proud of me. At the same time, so that they are proud of their mother (i.e. me), not because she is a “mother” and “the best” by definition, but for specific actions, a lifestyle. The main thing is to teach them only what I do myself. To be an example. And to be an example, you need to act, act and again — act.
At the same time, outlines of the criteria for “reasons for pride” appeared, which subsequently, by about the age of 24, were formed in this way:
1. Look young, be slim. Ideally, when my daughter is 20 or older, strangers should mistake me for her sister.
2. Possess social significance.
2.1. Be the best (or at least one of the best) in your profession. To be known in the professional circle;
2.2. Write at least 1 book that will be practically useful to Specialists;
2.3. To have the right to justify their own opinion, which will be considered by other people. Ideally, to achieve such a status and position that socially significant people need my recommendations, would need my assessment.
2.4. Have a large number of useful connections in such a way that the saying «do not have 100 USD, but have 100 friends» works.
3. Earn enough money. The main thing is not to save. Ideally, enough for “everything” in order to pamper children.
4. Give birth and raise well at least 3 children, one of the children must be a boy, while the first 3 points must be fulfilled constantly.
I have to raise my children well. Good means:
4.1. Well-bred children are children who know how to behave in society at the age of 3 years. The main thing: they don’t interrupt speakers, they know how to listen, they know how to justify their opinion without aggression and argument, they know how to correctly understand the current situation and choose the appropriate model of behavior, they know how to keep the conversation going. It is clear that I do not list all the criteria.
4.2. Having their own values and plans for life. Ideal — not mine, but their own values and plans.
4.3. Able to work.
4.4. Beautiful (who know how to take care of themselves, a trained body, clean and beautiful clothes) and healthy (they don’t get sick often, like other children, they know how to manage their health).
4.5. Happy — those who receive satisfaction from their lives and activities, achieve their goals, a happy marriage and other things that they themselves put into this concept.
4.6. Talented, different from the average children, and later adults. Talented means having something that they can do many times better than other people and able to polish their talent.
As you can see, in my map of the world there was no husband and no relationship with her husband. For this reason, I did not need a truly family relationship for a long time. My path was built on the principle: me and my children.
After 30 years, when I saw and appreciated the results of my work in children, I saw that children practically grew up with the attitude that mother is the main one and only mother can do everything. When I saw that my older children did not have the value of family relationships, I revised my goals. The system «for what» was added:
5. Be a Good Wife:
5.1. To study, to understand what a «good wife» is.
5.2. Know how to make your husband successful and happy.
5.3. Be happy in marriage.
6. Be part of a large family and be able to maintain comfortable family relationships.
6.1. Good and comfortable relationship with parents.
6.2. Good, comfortable and friendly relations with his own sister, with cousins. The bottom line: so that my children always feel secure and part of a large family, where there are many brothers and sisters, so that they can draw strength and consistently good self-esteem from there.
After 35, I “caught up” with the fear of old age. At some point, I realized that the health allocated for life is of course, and the pension that the state plans to give me is beggarly.
Therefore, more items have been added:
7. Be healthy.
7.1. Proper nutrition.
7.2. Constant monitoring of your health.
7.3. Constant physical activity.
7.4. Allow yourself to be «old» after 70. At the same time, my old age should be comfortable for others (not need help that will injure my loved ones).
8. Be adequately provided for in retirement.
8.1. Build your own pension.
8.2. To be able to give gifts to your loved ones (children and grandchildren) not those for which “there is enough money”, but those that they want.
8.3. Leave behind a good legacy that will allow my descendants to do what they like, to develop, and not survive.
Ideally, I needed to put the last 3 points into my goals right away. But this is already «experience is the son of difficult mistakes.» I really hope that this article will help young people immediately form goals in all areas of their lives.