Andrey Makarevich formulates his Maximum of life in this way — to go forward and do business.
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Do not settle for petty life, it is not yours!
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What is Maximum Life. Part 1
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What is Maximum Life. Ch 2
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Someday your life will end. This is normal, the question is different: how much and what will you have time to do by this time? What will you leave behind, except for garbage and trampled earth? A lazy person leaves behind nothing but melancholy, a decent person leaves behind at least children and grandchildren, great people move human culture forward.
Are you not a great person? And why? They, too, in childhood were ordinary little boys and girls.
The maximum of life is the “peak” of life assumed by a person at the moment, which can be achieved with the most efficient use of all his strengths and capabilities, without hack work.
Some people do not like the name «Maximum Life»: they hear that such a wording limits them. Fine, call it after G. Altshuller «Worthy goal of life.» In any case, Maximum Life is only a guideline for today. Tomorrow, when you are smarter and more experienced, you will rethink and rewrite your Maximum. Life is changing, we are changing, our Maximum Life can and should also change.
The maximum of life motivates a strong person, inspires him for an active and high-quality life. The maximum of life teaches its resources not to spend, but to invest. Conceived in this way, the Maximum of Life is not a limiter, but a guideline.
The maximum life is relevant not for everyone, but to be honest — for a few: for those who take their lives seriously, are ready to develop, and for this, turn on their heads and strain themselves. If a girl lives primarily with feelings, and a young man considers rest and fun to be the main value, they don’t need a maximum of life. The maximum of life is the project of people who think, the project of those who think through their life plans. The maximum is a blueprint of human life. If you decide to build a dacha and contact the builders, the first thing you rightly ask them is the dacha project. And if they start telling you about the presence or absence of inspiration, about what they want to build, as it turns out and it’s very cool to build walls now, and the second floor, and only then the foundation — you most likely won’t give them money and contact such do not become builders. How good a builder of your life are you? Would you make a deal with yourself? The maximum of life is a project of those who know how to set goals in life and achieve goals, those who know how and are used to living according to a plan.
What does the written Maximum of Life look like? Usually this is a life plan for a year, three, five and ten years in three areas: personal life, business, self-development. Most likely, in these plans you will have a wonderful family, healthy and smart children, a job loved and needed by people, you yourself must become a beautiful, healthy, naturally happy person. Your Maximum Life Plan must be specific, with as much (reasonable) detail as possible, and in writing. The best option for writing Maximum Life is to look at your life from the end, from the day a person has to admit: «Life has passed.» What will be done by that moment, what can be proud of as a result of life?
If you are going to write your Maximum Life, decide on the most important question: do you plan to invest only in yourself and your loved ones — or are you entering the service of humanity as a whole? The path of service to humanity is the path when you choose to be only an instrument. You disappear, you are gone, your feelings and interests are gone, there is only a task that must be completed, and there is you who must perform it in the best possible way every day from morning to evening. Your choice and your answer to this most serious question largely depends on the people and the culture that surrounds you, and on your age: if at a young age the Maximum of life is more often seen as the maximum achievements for oneself (my own company, I am a millionaire), then later, another question sounds more and more natural: “What will I leave for people after me? What will be my good footprint in life?
Is the path of service combined with a happy personal life? Whoever is lucky can combine these two tasks: my family only helps me in large projects. But this is not the most common option, and more often the Creators have to choose either-or.
Mother Teresa had no family. S.P. Korolev, the creator of rocket science in the Soviet Union, also could not boast of the title of an excellent family man. The Buddha left his young wife with a small child, deprived his father of the hope that he would have someone to leave the kingdom to — and left on the path of spiritual search. Note that if the Buddha created something worthy, then it is not obvious that everyone else who abandoned their loved ones will be just as successful.
For most wise women, the most competent maximum of life is work as a wife and mother, this is a contribution to a husband and children, but not just building a harmonious life, but building the fate of her husband and children so that they create something truly worthy.
According to a well-known anecdote about the president’s wife: Bill Clinton once went with his wife to McDonald’s, where they met Hillary’s ex-boyfriend at the counter. Turning to his wife, Bill noticed that if she had stayed with this guy, then he would certainly become the owner of McDonald’s. Hillary chuckled and replied, «Stupid, if I married him, America would have a different president!»
Those who choose the path of service begin to look differently not only at the family, but also at the children. From the point of view of Maximum Life, your children are not something separate and independent, but a continuation of your project, those who will have to continue and develop your project with you and after you. If you set yourself a task that goes beyond the bounds of your finite life, then it is your children, like your other companions, who should continue your work. Therefore, when raising children, you do not think about their entertainment, but about who you are raising in the end, what will be the benefit of your children, except for troubles and troubles. And great questions for you: How are you better than your parents? What will you do to make your children surpass you? What exactly?
So, self-respecting people: with you Maximum Life as a fixation of the best results of your life, in addition to this, a Task Plan for the implementation of your Maximum Life. How it might look, look at the options: The maximum life of a strong woman and the Tasks facing a strong woman.