Maxim Vitorgan: “It is important for a man not to earn money, but to do his own thing”

Director, theater and film actor, son, husband and father. It seems that he has everything: recognized work in the theater, a successful beautiful wife, talented children. And yet something is missing. We talked with Maxim about what he wants to change in his life, why he has been reluctant to leave home lately, what his son gets for, and what phrase Sobchak Vitorgan hates.

Crowds of people will fill the spacious hall of the Gogol Center in three hours. Play the play “Closer”. In one of the main roles – Maxim Vitorgan. Our hero appears at the doors of the theatre. He has a thoughtful expression and slightly sad green eyes. Immediately there is fear – the conversation will fail. In vain. Seeing us with a photographer, Maxim smiles affably. After a couple of minutes it becomes clear: sadness is from fatigue. This week Vitorgan has five performances, as well as training three times a week with the project Pro Trainer. The choice is made. Maxim decided to radically change himself. Or rather, his image in the movie. To do this, he took two main steps: he changed his agent and decided to lose weight in order to enable directors and producers to see another himself.

Is this desire for change connected with the fact that last November Maxim Vitorgan and Ksenia Sobchak had a son, Plato, or with a midlife crisis (Maxim is 44 years old), or is it all our wild fantasy, and the true reasons are completely different? This is what we talked about.

“I never correct facts in an interview,” Maxim warned. – If the journalist managed to get something out of the hero in a conversation, then when agreeing on the text, taking it away from him is dishonest. My journalist wife taught me this.” Therefore, we publish the conversation without cuts – the way it really was.

Psychologies: You have decided to change your role in the cinema. How do you want to see yourself?

Maxim Vitorgan: Cinema, to a much greater extent than theater, is tied to the type of actor. In the cinema, it is better to be a person of average height. Then you can be “tilted” in one direction, in another, in a third. I have a certain type: I am big. If you are big and full, then you are a good-natured friend of the main character who wants to help him, who is always there while the main character is “sausage”.

I existed in this form for a certain number of years, and I was tired of the same type of roles. I want to get from the ranks of artists of lyrical-comedy television series to the ranks of artists, if you like, of the author’s … serious cinema. Basically, of course, a full meter. But sometimes such movies happen in the form of serials on television.

Maybe this whole idea of ​​changing roles is my illusion. But even if it does not happen, in any case, the changes that I strive for will be harmonious. I want to bring into line, sorry for the pathos, internal and external. Because a nervous fat man darting around the screen is very cool, but at one time, in one single film.

So, there is no nervous fat man inside, and then what is there?

Over time, I became … sadder. All products deteriorate with the course of life, and man, apparently, is no exception. Of course, I’m afraid of angering God, maybe nothing will work out, but you need to earn money, and after a while I will return and say: “Please give me some role, at least some TV series on STS” . Maybe, I dont know.

If you were offered a role in a comedy series now, would you turn it down?

I have already refused several times. Now I am in terrible stress. There are two approximately identical states in which the artist is always: “horror, how much work, a nightmare, it is impossible to live” and “horror, there is no work at all, a nightmare, it is impossible to live.” I set myself a certain intermediate period, after which it will become clear where to move on. If my idea does not burn out before the end of this period, I will return.

What makes you want to change something in your life?

I recently read my interview from about five or six years ago. Everything I say there in the sense of introspection is complete nonsense. I didn’t lie at the time. It’s just how I understood myself then. Now I understand myself differently.

I’m not going to buy myself a red open Ferrari, and I’m not even going to buy a closed one. Not to that extent. For now anyway

What are these encroachments of mine connected with … Well, the most banal thing that, of course, comes to mind, given that I am 44 years old, is a midlife crisis. But I can say that I don’t really feel it. I read what it should be, and apart from the professional environment, I do not want to change anything else in myself and in life. In general, it’s not that I was somehow very disappointed … No, I live a fairly happy life, despite the fact that I am sad and nervous, this sadness is bright.

I see myself from the outside, how sad I am – this is rather a slight narcissism. Actually I’m exaggerating. In fact, I have passion. I decided to make some efforts to make adjustments to my destiny, quite possibly in vain and naive. I do not deny. Nevertheless, it somehow moves me forward. I like. As long as you like it. And then we’ll see, maybe I will face a big disappointment, and then we can already talk about a midlife crisis.

Natalia Drachinskaya

Recently, in response to a question about whether you would choose theatre, cinema or television, you said: “I would choose the theater, but since I am the father of three children, I understand that you need to choose the cinema.” Is the desire to change roles in cinema related to financial need?

There are about 60 films in my filmography. Among them are those in which I starred for free or almost for free. But most of it is only because they pay. Yes, I do not play French translated comedies in the theater in the enterprise, because I try to protect this zone. And the level of my compromise in film or television is much higher. I think this is not a unique situation – many artists have it.

Now I have two large advertising contracts that allow me to refuse any offers for six months if I wish. I decided to take advantage of this moment. This does not mean at all that I swore off acting for these six months. But in order to do some resetting, I came to the conclusion that I needed to hide for a while. The viewer will not notice the loss, because last year I shot from three boxes. And these films are about to come out. So my disappearance is very conditional.

And how do you imagine the result? What do you want to see in the finale of your transformation: for the roles to pour in – and mostly dramatic ones?

I answer you with such general formulations not by chance. I’m kind of afraid to articulate it clearly even for myself. Because a clear statement of the result to which I want to come leads to a clear assessment in the future. I hope that after a while I will be a lean, athletic, well-feeling man, with hair lightly touched with gray, and dancing, of course, on the deck of the yacht where this billionaire danced there. Listen, is this not a dream? I’m not going to buy myself a red open Ferrari, and I’m not even going to buy a closed one. Not to that extent. For now, anyway. Although later, maybe in 5-6 years, when I ride in the cab of my red Ferrari and read this interview, I think: what nonsense I was talking …

I look at Plato and don’t really understand why I should leave home at all. He is still some kind of successful dude: calm, attentive, reasonable. It’s interesting with him

My friend is 44 years old, he also has a small child. When I admired how you purposefully set about working on yourself, how much time you devote to training, he smiled and said: “I understand why. He runs away from home to have at least an hour in silence “…

You know, I’m just the opposite. I look at him every time and I don’t really understand why I should leave home at all. Due, apparently, to some age-related changes, this is a completely different feeling, not the same as it was with my older children.

What’s the difference?

Now I don’t want to be away from it even for a minute. “Washing the heels” – I think that’s the name of the booze about the birth of a child – I arranged only two or three weeks after the birth of Plato. And then only under the wild pressure of friends – they shamed me. And when Danya was born, I remember that the very next day in a restaurant with friends I celebrated this joyful event. Now all the time you convince yourself to leave. He is still such a lucky dude: calm, attentive, reasonable. It’s fun to spend time with him.

Often the youngest child for a parent is a chance to correct some mistakes in raising older ones …

I immediately warn that I will give only a general answer. I know my mistakes in raising older children and, of course, I want to correct them. But what exactly to fix, I would not like to say.

Daughter Polina is an actress, she recently appeared in the play “Something is missing in Borenka”, you talk a lot about her in your social networks and interviews. Where is Dan’s eldest son?

My son is still in school. He’s not going to be an artist.

The most unbearable and terrible thing for a parent is to see their shortcomings in their children.

And you, probably, like any parent-actor, are happy?

I’m afraid to rejoice ahead of time. Because I remember how it happened to me in the last grade of school. Therefore, for the time being, I try to support Danya in his other aspirations and desires. He is fond of photography, and I hope that he will be, for example, a cameraman. It would be amazing. I think it’s a great profession.

Are you trying not to force things?

I try to force, push in every possible way …

You are joking?

No, no, I’m not kidding. From time to time I try to pull myself together and put pressure somehow not so openly and noticeably, but somehow more subtly and subtly. I don’t know what will come of it, let’s see the score on the scoreboard. But he gets it from me, it’s true.

For what?

Because, of course, he looks like me. Because he has my shortcomings. This is the most unbearable and terrible thing for a parent – to see their shortcomings in their children. My inertia, disorganization, some kind of laziness – all this is in him. But I, in general, was also such a person before college, and when I found my own business, I always knew how to work later. But here, of course, it’s scary, because a person is already 16 years old. And, of course, you think: “Lord, how will he live?”

Don’t you worry about Polina like that?

She is an independent girl already. She is very strong-willed, purposeful, such a hard worker. And this one is a lucky man (lucky. – Approx. ed.). Everything goes into his own hands, which also infuriates me very much. In some trifles … Here he will stand, do nothing, someone will always come up to him and ask: “How can I help?”, Feed him, give him a drink. Danya attracts everything that is needed. This is called natural charm. Polina in this sense is completely different: she takes everything with work. She spent two years preparing to enter the institute. Stubbornly, stubbornly engaged, acted in a cruel way. She was so… electrified at that moment. She was not to be touched at all.

What about parenting advice?

I tried not to touch her at all. Of course, it was hard for me: to watch how she was going through and not take part. But it was a matter of principle. Even up to a certain point, I was not opposed to her not doing so. She is a girl – the army does not threaten. But then, I saw how much she works and how sick she is for this admission. She made me root for her with her behavior. These were difficult times, Polina passed them with pride. Until she entered the fourth year, I never made it to the mastery exam. And recently I saw her in two performances, she is well done.

There is always a special bond between fathers and daughters. And a special anxiety, which is usually most pronounced when the daughter grows up and, for example, introduces her young man …

I, too, always thought that I would be terribly worried about this. And it didn’t happen at all. I didn’t worry at all. But this is the merit of Polina, because I absolutely trust her and her choice. I am calm for her and even try not to get into her personal life. We had some general conversations, I gave her some tricks that men would try to win her over: what they would say, what they would promise and what they would do in the end. I’m not sure if it helped her in any way, but still.

Are you a strict father?

This question should be asked to my children, and I’m afraid they will have two different answers. It’s hard for me to judge for myself… In general, probably not. I remember how once, when Polina was 10 years old, Dana was 6, we were driving in a car and I scolded them very much for something, even used profanity, which was never a ban for the sake of a ban. I always explained to them in which cases it can be used, and in which it is not worth it, because it is unaesthetic.

So, let’s go, I warmly explain something, inserting some words. My monologue went on for a long time, and I thought I would turn around and see such understanding, tear-filled eyes. I glanced in the mirror and saw that they were sitting together, as they say, “on a split.” For every “F**k, how could you do such a thing…” they barely contain their laughter, puffing up so as not to laugh, and kicking each other. In general, my rage made them laugh a lot. That’s the kind of father I am.

Instagram xenia_sobchak

You once admitted that Ksenia is very similar to your mother. Especially in the ability to encourage your man to take action. Does it motivate you to change roles?

Yes, but she always acts indirectly. Here is an example. The number of clothes that Xenia bought me in the four years of marriage is easy to count. She never tells me “Put this or that” unless I ask. Moreover, she asks me what to wear. But in some mysterious way, without speaking directly, she made me not only get carried away by what I was wearing. I just didn’t pay attention to it before. Generally. And now I have begun to follow it somehow. I don’t know how she managed to plant this “alien” in my body.

It’s the same with everything else. Ksenia is an active person, she takes on everything with enthusiasm, and, of course, you won’t relax especially around her. I try my best to lay my life on the couch, but at some point it becomes embarrassing and you think: “Well, what am I, I need to do something.” But all this is purely indirect.

I know my worth, I see how Ksenia treats me. She does not make any important decisions without me: neither at the household level, nor at work.

And Ksenia herself has changed over the time that you are together?

Of course she has changed. She became softer, calmer … I just don’t really understand how I myself can evaluate it – these changes have occurred in connection with me or not. But the changes are visible, and probably more visible from the outside. Let people judge.

You admitted that you do not compete with Ksenia professionally. Nevertheless, when you were offered to play together in Philip Grigoryan’s play “Marriage”, you were against it. Out of fear that she went into your territory?

Look, if I had that kind of fear, I’d be in the morgue a long time ago. My wife, after all, Ksenia Sobchak is an extremely bright, all-round person, grasping at everything. If it scared me, I’d be done by now. I know my worth, I see how Ksenia treats me. She does not make any important decisions without me: neither at the household level, nor at work. In this sense, we have complete harmony. It seems to everyone from the outside: “Poor man, how is he there?” I was against the participation of Ksenia in the play, because I think that playing in the theater (not in the cinema!) Is the lot of people who are professionally involved in this.

But did she do well?

Yes it is. It turned out well, because there is a confluence of several very subtle circumstances. This is also connected with the style of the performance, where the school of performance, and not living. Where she must clearly perform mise-en-scenes, clearly speak the text, she has a built-up role. And in terms of clarity, she has no problems. She is a hardworking and responsible person. In this performance, she was very out of place. But she won’t try or do anything else.

Financially unequal marriage, when the wife earns more than her husband, is a fairly common situation today. But it still causes a lot of controversy. You and Ksenia are a role model for many, because you succeed. How?

You just need to do your job – for a man it is very important. Not to make money, but to do business. Ksenia, even if she wanted to present something to me, some material claims, she would not be able to. Because my answer is always simple: I do my job, I’m an actor and that’s how I make a living. This is how it is with me, you can live with me at this moment or not live – this is your decision. I would like you to live, of course. And I certainly understand that you need more. Therefore, I go and also earn a little here, and here. Without you, I would not have gone to this movie. And without children, I would go even less. But I earn my profession. That’s when in a man’s life this is how things are with work, then there will be absolute harmony in the family.

Natalia Drachinskaya

Many perceived you at first as the “son of Vitorgan”, now as the “husband of Sobchak.” What do you think about it?

I have no regard for this. I’ll explain the diagram. Imagine that a stone is thrown into the water. Around it, concentric circles form on the surface of the water. Here’s the rock, that’s me. I stand in the center, and these circles diverge around me. The wider the circle, the more people it captures. Accordingly, the widest circle is the circle of people whose lives I entered as Sobchak’s husband, the circle is narrower – as the son of Vitorgan, even narrower – “Quartet I”, even narrower – the theater and so on.

The narrower the circle, the closer people are to me. Therefore, people who say: “Who is he there? He is Sobchak’s husband… Well, first of all, it’s true, you can’t argue. Secondly, it characterizes not me, but them. Only this circle reached them – the widest. These people live such a life that neither Vitorgan, nor the Quartet I, nor the cinema, nor the theater have reached them. They live in the information field, where they know who Sobchak is and that she got married. And these people are not my target audience. I don’t really care what they think of me. I never encounter them anywhere: neither in the theater, nor in the cinema, nor in the family.

Fragment of the play “There is nothing in Borenka” on the air of the program “Evening Urgant”, Channel One

In the play “Something is missing in Borenka”, your hero has a dream where he is told that he is not successful, lethargic and indecisive. Are you familiar with similar experiences?

Of course, like all of us. Reflection is my middle name. And I have to somehow limit myself in this matter. The first half of your life you study yourself, and the second half you put into practice. I already know that if such a state begins, I need to urgently start doing something, and this should not necessarily be something related to the profession. For example, go in for sports, do something around the house, go somewhere. I often go to the theater, to exhibitions, to the cinema. It inspires me, I love it. But I know for sure that something needs to be done. After all, it’s depression, but not paralysis yet. So let’s get up and go.

I have moments when I don’t want to do anything at all, and no amount of willpower helps …

Crises change with age. When I was your age, it was the same for me. The crisis was due to the fact that you do not want to do anything. But at my age it’s different. You do what you must, live, move, and this state remains with you. Maybe it would be nice to say to yourself: “Fuck it all, I’m not going anywhere today.” Thank God I have fresh air, a small child, grub, a movie. As Oscar Wilde wrote: “Simple pleasures are the last refuge of complex natures.”


Yes, yes, ab-so-lut-but. I am absolutely happy, I am exactly that person now, with those sensations from life that I have always dreamed of and could never achieve. I’m not running anywhere, I’m not looking for anything, no matter how scary it may sound. I have everything, I want to use it, greedily exploit it. And in this sense, everything hurts me. And I’m not even talking about the facts of my life, but about my inner feelings. I don’t feel anxiety, I don’t feel fuss. Finally. Yes, there are some plans in the profession, but in general I am absolutely happy.

And finally, since we are talking about changes here, how do you see yourself in 10 years?

Oh, this is the most filthy question that my wife always asks me in all disputes. I know this psychological trick…

What do you answer her?

The same as you. I went.

Thank you for your help in organizing the shooting project “Pro Trainer. The Choice Is Made”, “Gogol Center” and the ZIL Cultural Center.

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