
About how the Russian language has changed in recent years, Maxim Krongauz, director of the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian State University for the Humanities, discusses without any professional snobbery.

About how the Russian language has changed in recent years, Maxim Krongauz, director of the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian State University for the Humanities, discusses without any professional snobbery. He vividly and witty tells what confusion and confusion reign in the head of a modern person: we almost no longer notice the border between slang and literary language and barely manage to dodge the shaft of borrowings, jargon and parasitic words. The author shows how he solves these problems himself, in his own speech practice, and suggests how to successfully avoid two extremes in speech — both stiffness and vulgarity.

Languages ​​of Slavic cultures, 232 p.

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