Maxim Fadeev: biography, personal life, facts

😉 Greetings to everyone who accidentally came to my site! In the article “Maxim Fadeev: biography, personal life, facts” – about the main stages of the life of a composer, director, author-performer, arranger and producer.

Maxim Fadeev is one of the most famous producers of our time in Russia. With his light hand, many Russian pop stars “lit up”. But let’s talk about everything in order.

Biography of Maxim Fadeev

On May 6, 1968, in the Trans-Urals, the city of Kurgan, a boy was born – Maxim Fadeev. From early childhood, he absorbed the musical atmosphere that reigned in the house. His mother performed romances, both Russian and Gypsy.

My father was a well-known composer in the city. His works were used for children’s performances, as well as in city theaters: several drama and puppet theaters.

The family also brought up brother Artem, who later also became a fairly well-known composer and producer. Even his great-uncle was a poet and honored art worker of the Soviet era.

The family is intelligent and involved in art. At first glance, it might seem that the boy will have the same career, and he will follow in the footsteps of his relatives.

Maxim Fadeev: biography, personal life, facts

And so it happened, but not immediately. Since childhood, Max was distinguished by a cocky, hooligan character, but this did not prevent him from making music.

  • from the age of 5 he has been studying at a music school;
  • 13 years old – plays the guitar perfectly;
  • at 15 – becomes a student of a music school, choosing the following faculties: conductor-wind and piano.

In the life of Maxim, a tragic accident happened, because of which he almost went to the next world.

Working out in the gym, the seventeen-year-old guy did not calculate his strength and ended up in intensive care. Later, doctors said: it happened due to a congenital heart defect. He underwent surgery and was clinically dead.

The professionalism of doctors and the will of fate brought him back to life. During the operation, the doctor gave him a direct heart massage.

The beginning of a musical career

A little later after the operation, the guy begins to write songs, the first of which was a song called “Dance on Broken Glass”. Since adolescence, Max participated in a musical group as a guitarist. Then the team was left due to disagreements.

Maxim Fadeev: biography, personal life, facts

But later he was again invited to the group – to participate as a soloist. Fadeev agreed, and numerous tours began.

In 1989, a competition was held in Jurmala, to which our hero got. After this competition, auditions were held in Yekaterinburg and Moscow. A year later, the festival “Jurmala-89” became known as “Yalta-90”, Maxim Fadeev took part in it and took the third prize. The prize was, not much less in those days – 500 rubles.

Having become recognizable, Maxim develops his musical talent. He brilliantly fulfills orders for the compilation of intros, jingles, musical accompaniment in commercials.

In 1993 he moved to Moscow, where he began work as an arranger in a recording studio. He worked with the most famous singers of that time – Dolina and Leontyev.

Then there was a production job with a girl who became known under the pseudonym “Linda”. For all the time, Fadeev recorded six albums for her. Many of them have received quite high statuses.

Then he moved to Germany and continued his musical career. After that there was work in the Czech Republic. Then an invitation to work again in Russia on the Star Factory-2 program as a producer.

In 2006, the producer promotes a group called “Silver”. One of the members of the “Star Factory -2” became the soloist of the group. This project brought the third place at Eurovision. According to experts, he became one of the most successful projects of Fadeev.

At the end of 2014, Fadeev undertakes to promote a new project called “Voice. Children”. Fadeev’s pupils’ wards achieved excellent results. One of them became the winner of the project – ten-year-old Alisa Kozhikina.

Personal life

Personal life of Maxim Fadeev is stable and consistent. Once he met his love, he got married and is still married. Their acquaintance before marriage lasted only 3 months. This time was enough to get to know each other and understand that these are feelings for life.

The couple are raising their son Savva, who, like his father, is passionate about music. Savva plays the piano. The second child, a daughter, died during childbirth. There was a terrible medical error and the girl could not be saved.

Maxim Alexandrovich suffered this loss very hard. In memory of his daughter, he refused a large fee received in the project “Voice. Children”. Fadeev’s height is 1,8 m, the zodiac sign is Taurus.

Video (revelation): Maxim Fadeev: biography, personal life

Confession of Max Fadeev

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