Maundy Thursday: what you really can and cannot do today

Maundy Thursday: what you really can and cannot do today found out from the priest what in fact can and cannot be done on the Thursday before Easter, if you follow not the omens, but the Orthodox canons.

In 2021, Maundy Thursday falls on April 29. This is one of the most important days before the main holiday of the year – Easter. Over the centuries, as it happens in our country with almost all important dates in Christianity, it has acquired many signs and superstitions, the meaning of which boils down to the fact that this Thursday has become almost the main bath day of the whole year. It is believed that today it is necessary to wash the house to a shine, putting things in order even where hands cannot reach at other times, and also to wash yourself thoroughly. And also bake Easter cakes, boil and paint eggs for Sunday. And, perhaps, that’s all. This is all true, but not quite. Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko, rector of the Moscow Church of the All-Merciful Savior, told about the important nuances of this day that are now escaping our attention.

On Maundy Thursday, it is recommended to get up before sunrise, wash with clean water and say a prayer. But this is how you can and should begin every day of God. But Maundy Thursday calls us, first of all, not to conduct general cleaning in the apartment and go to the bathhouse, but to remember the Last Supper, the most important event from the stay of Jesus Christ on Earth.

Let us recall that the Last Supper began with the fact that Our Savior, having taken off his outer clothing and girded with a towel, took a washstand in his hands and, like a servant or even a slave, washed the feet of his disciples. By this, He emphasized His humility, and did not at all call us to restore cleanliness and order in the apartment.

However, in Russia, this Thursday really began to be perceived as the main day for all household chores. There is nothing wrong with that: on Maundy Thursday you can really do all the backlog of affairs and bring beauty to the house before Easter. The main thing is not to forget behind all this fuss about God and the events that took place 2 thousand years ago in the Holy Land.

That is, the main thing today is to spend the day with prayer, read the Gospel, if possible, go to the service, where to confess and receive communion. But you can and should wash not only today, but also, following the basic rules of hygiene, any day of the year, especially if you are going to church.

From what it is not recommended to do today, one can only cite elementary things: to be angry, discouraged, indulge in other sins, but it is always worth watching this.

Another reason to pay special attention to household chores is that on the days following Maundy Thursday before Easter, you will definitely not have time for household chores, you can only do a little on Saturday. That is, if because of work or for some other reason you did not have time to prepare eggs, Easter, Easter cakes and other treats for Bright Sunday, there is nothing wrong with doing this on Holy Saturday. The Orthodox Church does not have any prescriptions that this should be done on Thursday, and not on any other day, and it is simply ridiculous and sinful to believe in signs on this score.

However, on this day, everyone can make Quaternary salt. It is believed that she has special power and protects from evil spirits and evil spirits. Of course, if it is charged with the power of your prayer. This food additive can be used as a condiment during the preparation of Easter dishes.

By the way

The best day for general cleaning is March 31st. This is how popular wisdom says: the fact is that the brownie wakes up from hibernation on April 1, and by the time of his awakening, the house should be in complete order. Otherwise, the brownie, who is already not in the spirit of being asleep, may take offense and begin to misbehave: sprinkle cereals and flour, entangle the hair of women, chase pets.

But on Palm Sunday, cleaning the house is prohibited. On what other days of the year it is contraindicated to clean up, read HERE.

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