You got involved in ecology long before the birth of your son. With his arrival, did you want to do more?
Honestly no. I have always been very involved with children. The birth of Mahé did not click. I have green cleaning products, I eat organic, I have a hybrid car and I also travel by train.
For my son, I come back to the basics: a glove and water. I also buy organic textiles. On a daily basis, I try to do my best, to set an example.
At 2 and a half years old, is your son already aware of the protection of the earth?
Yes, when he eats a candy he puts the paper in his pocket. He loves nature and knows the organic store. He knows that at home you don’t run over ants.
How does being a mother and eco-friend go on a daily basis?
Through my actions, my commitment as Unesco spokesperson for the oceans, my charter of the Eco citizen of the oceans with 10 small actions to protect the big blue. It also involves writing books. I am also preparing a film, produced by Luc Besson, on the link between men and the oceans to break down prejudices. It will be broadcast on France 2 in June.
Are you a fan of cloth diapers?
I admit that I have never tried. Maybe for the second… Two and a half years ago, I found it was complicated and you can’t do everything. We must also move in the direction of modernity, not to make working mothers feel guilty. Now my son is clean, but back then I was trying to alternate between regular and biodegradable diapers. But it was not easy to find it in traditional stores.
You prefaced a book on breastfeeding published by Gramont. Is this also a choice linked to your green commitment?
No, the green parameter did not matter. I am for freedom. I’m not saying that you absolutely have to breastfeed to bond with your child or for your health. Today, we have food security with our bottles and our milk. It’s a personal choice. I really wanted to breastfeed, I did it for the carnal side and it was a great moment. I didn’t tell myself that by breastfeeding, I was going to save her life. It must not become an alienation. There is no rule of conduct. The main thing is that the mother is well. I remember a little anecdote, just a month after his birth: I expressed my milk on Mont-Blanc.
You have conquered cancer, you have become a mother and you continue your fight for the planet. What gives you the strength to fight?
Every morning, I say to myself when I get up: I love people, others, giving my time. I lived on a boat for 15 years. We have our place in the heart of nature. But we cannot continue to consume it. It is essential for recharging one’s batteries and I invite people to do so.
When I rowed, I got rid of everything, and paradoxically, I have never felt so rich.
To sign the Eco Citizen Charter, 10 small gestures to preserve the oceans, visit the website of the Maud Fontenoy association: