Maturity VS Youth. Who will win?

Staying young at heart is great! But it’s even better when your figure, gait is still paid attention, regardless of age. At first glance, it is not so easy, it even seems that it is not worth trying: time will take its toll anyway. In fact, a lot depends on your inner mood and the right habits.

Around the age of fifty, a gradual restructuring begins to occur in a woman’s body. It was during this period that the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity complain of fatigue, increased vulnerability, poor sleep, and even a decrease in self-esteem due to the feeling that youth is leaving. It does not add to a good mood and the fact that often women in adulthood have extra pounds, their breasts lose their shape, and the skin loses its elasticity, which causes wrinkles to form, facial contours and figures change. As for sexual desire, it can be significantly reduced or even completely extinguished due to discomfort in intimate places.

A significant role in all these changes can be played by a gradual decrease in the level of hormones – estrogen and progesterone. These are the same hormones that directly affect the psycho-emotional state of a woman and, first of all, the production of serotonin (the hormone of happiness). The emotional state of a woman is also affected by the realization that her young years are gone forever. Such experiences can last for a long time and ultimately negatively affect the quality of life. Psychologists often say: if you cannot change the situation, then change your attitude towards it. This is really good advice in case nothing can be changed. But what if it is actually possible?

Many women do not think about the fact that they are able to minimize all age-related changes. It is important not to ignore the signals that the body gives, but to respond to them using all possible ways. So, for example, an active lifestyle with mandatory sports (swimming, Nordic walking, Pilates) allows you to even out your psychological mood (due to the production of endorphins) and speed up your metabolism. When it comes to nutrition, it also plays a role. Everything is simple here: a maximum of fresh vegetables and fruits and a minimum of fatty, fried, canned.

Phytoestrogens, special substances found in plants, can become excellent allies and helpers in adulthood. Phytoestrogens have attracted the attention of scientists due to the fact that they provide support to the body and at the same time act gently. In the course of research, it turned out that their timely use can help maintain health and continue to look young.

Some plants contain a record amount of phytoestrogens. For example, red clover is able to eliminate unpleasant bouts of sweating, restore emotional comfort, confidence, and increase efficiency. Another plant – angelica, or angelica – was brought to us by the Vikings. It has long been used as a means of maintaining the normal state of health of women who have reached adulthood, since it can eliminate sweating, improve sleep, increase efficiency, give a sense of confidence and calmness, stabilizing the emotional background. In addition, angelica has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Another plant, sacred vitex, can help normalize blood pressure, which is important for almost every woman of elegant age.

To help phytohormones act as efficiently as possible, you need to work “on all fronts”, that is, connect vitamins and trace elements. Taking B vitamins is especially important in adulthood. And here’s why: vitamin B1, the so-called vigor vitamin, helps to more effectively maintain immunity, protects against mental overwork, and also helps to stay slim, preventing fat deposition; vitamin B2 – the engine of the body, constantly stimulating the production of energy, also affects the condition of the skin, keeping it moist; vitamin B6 participates in the synthesis of serotonin, which is responsible for good mood and normal sleep; vitamin B5 necessary for increased mental and physical stress, as it helps to recover quickly. Another important element is folic acid. It helps to maintain a psycho-emotional state and healthy sleep. And selenium, which is also part of the complex, plays a significant role in the metabolic process. All components are selected in such a way as to maximize the effectiveness of each other.

It is good when there is an opportunity to combine the action of extracts of medicinal plants, vitamins and microelements, which are so necessary for women of mature age. However, this is not so easy, since most often you can find drugs where there are some necessary components, but not others. You have to take not one, but several means, which can be inconvenient, expensive and not very effective. But there are also multi-component products, such as the Lady’s Formula “Menopause Enhanced Formula” biocomplex, which was created taking into account the needs of women of this period of life. It contains vitamins and minerals, and extracts of 5 rare medicinal plants enhance the action of the biocomplex. All components are selected in such a way as to complement each other as effectively as possible.

The most unusual ingredients included in the biocomplex are extracts of maca root and maitake mushroom. They were included in the composition quite deservedly, because the maca root, which can be found only in the Peruvian Andes, moisturizes the mucous membranes, which in turn affects the sexual life and has a positive effect on self-esteem. As for the maitake mushroom, it has received the title of “slim mushroom”, because it allows you to support metabolic processes in the body, helping to normalize the weight and volume of adipose tissue, especially in the thighs and abdomen. This has a positive effect on women’s self-perception and improves self-esteem and quality of life in general.

So is it possible to stay energetic, look young? Time flies forward, but beauty and youth can be extended and preserved. The main thing is to listen to the body and its needs, lead an active life and be sure to follow healthy rituals: proper nutrition, sports and taking a bio-complex, such as Lady’s Formula Menopause Enhanced Formula, which makes you feel good and look even better .

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