Matura 2022 began on May 4 with the Polish language exam. A day later, the students started their matura exam. The Advanced Level Exams for Science Subjects will start on May 11. This year, it is no longer obligatory to wear masks when writing high school diplomas.

Matura 2022 – dates of exams in exact sciences

The Matura exam in 2022 began on May 4 at 09:00. First, high school students took the Polish language exam. In the following days, they will take maths, English and other modern languages ​​(French, Spanish, German, , Italian), and graduates of schools teaching minority languages ​​will take an exam in the language of a given minority. These are compulsory subjects.

High school graduates will also have to take one written exam in a selected additional subject at the extended level.

The main final exams will last until May 23, 2022.

Dates of written matura exams in science subjects, advanced level:

  1. May 11, 2022 (Wednesday) at 09:00: math – advanced level,
  2. May 12, 2022 (Thursday) at 09:00: biology – advanced level,
  3. May 16, 2022 (Monday) at 09:00: chemistry – advanced level,
  4. May 19, 2022 (Thursday) at 09:00: physics – advanced level,
  5. May 20, 2022 (Friday) at 09:00: IT – advanced level.

Matura 2022 – restrictions no longer apply

On March 28, the last most important pandemic restrictions in force in Poland disappeared. The obligation to wear masks has been abolished, as well as quarantine for cohabitants and travelers, as well as isolation of the infected. This means that the 2022 matura exam looks different than in the previous two years.

«In connection with the change in the epidemic rules related to COVID-19, set out in the regulation of the Council of Ministers of March 25, 2022 on the establishment of certain restrictions, orders and bans in connection with the occurrence of an epidemic (Journal of Laws, item 679), I would like to kindly inform you that during the external exams carried out from May 2022 to August 2022, as for the years 2020-2021, separate guidelines for the organization and conduct of exams will not apply, ”wrote Marcin Smolik, director of the Central Examination Commission, in the announcement.

Matura 2022 – rules and requirements

The matriculation examination in 2022 is carried out on the basis of the examination requirements set out in Annex 2 to the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Science of December 16, 2020.

This year’s matura exam was supposed to be easier than in the years before the pandemic. Several items have disappeared from the exam requirements. The most important changes are:

  1. abolition of the obligation to pass the exam in a subject at the extended level as a condition for passing the matriculation examination;
  2. the number of problems to be solved in the worksheets was reduced, while maintaining the full time of the examination.

In order to pass the high school diploma in 2022, it is enough to take three examinations at the basic level – Polish, mathematics and a modern foreign language – and obtain at least 30 percent of them. points.

When it comes to additional subjects, although choosing one of them is obligatory – it is impossible not to pass the matriculation exams. If someone gets less than 30 percent. points, he will be able to try his hand again.

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