Matura 2022: biology advanced level [SHEETS AND ANSWERS]

The extended exam in biology is behind us. High school graduates who passed the exam are surely curious if they gave the correct answers. Below we publish all sheets with solutions.

Matura 2022: biology advanced level – when is the exam date?

The biology exam (advanced level) started on Thursday, May 12 at 9.00, the exam lasted until 12.00 The examination sheets were published by the Central Examination Commission shortly after 14 p.m.

Below we publish them in full, together with solutions.


Stern. 1.1.

1 – glycolysis – cytoplasm (alternatively: cytosol)

5 – terminal oxidation on the respiratory chain – mitochondria (alternatively: inner mitochondrial membrane)

Stern. 1.2.

2 – N/N

3 – N/T

4 – T/T


Stern. 2.1.

A. 1 – peptide bond

Stern. 2.2.


Stern. 3.

It is sucrose – unlike starch, this sugar is osmotically active, and the osmotic influx of water into the phloem cells is necessary to drive the (mass) flow of sugars in the phloem.


Stern. 4.1.

ATP synthase synthesizes ATP only when protons (H +) pass through it. For this to be possible, a concentration gradient of protons is needed: their high concentration in the intermembrane space and low in the mitochondrial matrix. This gradient is obtained thanks to proteins that pump protons, and the energy for this process is provided by the movement of electrons. For this reason, the flow of electrons is essential for the synthesis of ATP.

Stern. 4.2.

No, it is a compound specifically reactive with photosystem II (PSII). PSII is not involved in mitochondrial ATP synthesis, so atrazine will not interfere with mitochondrial ATP synthesis.


Stern. 5.1.

B. phase S

Stern. 5.2.

The active Rb protein reduces the frequency of cell division.

Stern. 5.3.



Stern. 6.1.

MIC: 0.25 mg/l

MBC: 2.0 mg/l

Stern. 6.2.

B, D, E


Stern. 6.3

Streptomycin has an antibacterial effect as it binds to a small subunit of the ribosome. The ribosome is made of rRNA, so a mutation in the gene encoding the rRNA may alter the sequence and conformation of this molecule, and thus the entire ribosome subunit. Thus, the association of streptomycin with a small subunit may become impossible, and this leads to a loss of its function and is synonymous with the acquisition of streptomycin resistance by the bacterium.

Stern. 6.4.


Stern. 6.5.

Streptomycin binds to a small ribosome subunit. Unlike bacteria, viruses do not contain ribosomes, so streptomycin has no antiviral activity.


Stern. 7.1.



Stern. 7.2.

Mutualism is a kind of symbiosis between two species, each of which benefits significantly. In the case of the lily and the flies, the plant has the advantage of transferring pollen (pollination), without which it is impossible to produce seeds, while the fly has the advantage of obtaining food in the form of pollen and nectar, as well as providing a place for mating and development of the larvae.

Stern. 7.3.

Transformation type: total (holometabolia)

Justification: The fly larva does not resemble an adult specimen (it has a different body shape, it eats a different food), and there is a pupal stage in the life cycle of the flies.

Stern. 7.4.



Stern. 8.1.

Only the barley germ, and not the whole kernel, produce starch digesting enzymes.


Stern. 8.2.


Stern. 9.

Root pressure is a process consisting in the active transport of ions to the inside of the vessel members, which leads to the reduction of the osmotic potential and the inflow of water to these cells. The concentration of ions inside the vessel members therefore increases and their further pumping takes place against the concentration gradient, and therefore requires the supply of energy. The source of energy (in the form of ATP) in the cell is the processes of cellular respiration. For this reason, inhibition of respiratory enzymes (which inhibits respiration) leads to the inhibition of ATP production, and therefore it is not possible to provide the energy necessary to carry out root pressure.


Stern. 10.1.


Stern. 10.2.

During the meiotic II division, microtubule shortening takes place over time anafaz and makes it possible to separate sister chromatids to opposite poles of the cell. The second meiotic division ensures the correct one amount of DNA.

Stern. 10.3.



Stern. 11.1

18 cubes of sts were cut from the potato tuber the same dimensions. Then, aqueous solutions of sucrose were prepared several different concentrations in which previously prepared cubes were placed for an hour. In order to calculate the mean changes in the volume of the cubes, their dimensions were measured with a caliper at the beginning and at the end experiences.

Stern. 11.2.



Stern. 11.3.

Water flows through the semipermeable membrane according to the principles of osmosis – i.e. from a place with a higher (less negative) osmotic potential to a place with a lower (more negative) osmotic potential. The osmotic potential results, among others, from from the concentration of the dissolved osmotically active substance. In the case described, the concentration of sucrose in the examined tissue was apparently lower than 0.2 mol / l, therefore the osmotic potential of the cells of this tissue was higher (less negative) than the osmotic potential of the solution. This resulted in an outflow of water from the cells and a reduction in the volume of the tissue under study.

Stern. 12.1.

In two types – this is evidenced by another generic name of the red squirrel (Tamiasciurus) and gray squirrel (Sciurus).



1. Body covered with hair (fur) 2. Outer ears (pinna)



Stern. 13.

Szympans: B

Squirrel: C.

Cow: A.


Stern. 14.1



Stern. 14.2.


Note: Cholesterol is a precursor to the bile acids contained in bile, so the second point can be understood in two ways.

Stern. 14.3.

Cholesterol stiffens and reduces the fluidity of cell membranes. Thus, by increasing / decreasing its content in the membrane, the cell can maintain the constant stiffness and fluidity of this structure (which is also influenced by other factors, e.g. temperature). It is important for maintaining the function of the cell membrane – e.g. maintaining proper permeability, signal conduction capacity.

Stern. 14.4.

Increase in cholesterol in the cell brakes synthesis of LDL receptors. This allows the cell to download less cholesterol from the bloodstream. Such a regulation mechanism is called negative feedback.

Stern. 14.5.

If both alleles of this gene are deleted, the cell will not be able to produce LDL receptors and thus take up cholesterol.


Stern. 15.1


Warning:Sentence 2 is imprecise. A diet rich in vitamin C. she allowed for the consolidation of the mutation that prevents the synthesis of this vitamin. However, it was not the cause – it was fixed as a result of a coincidence (genetic drift).

Stern. 15.2.

Large doses of vitamin C do growth HIF-1 hydroxylase activity leading to decline HIF-1 levels in neoplastic cells. Thanks to this, it stays inhibited development of blood vessels in a cancerous tumor.

Stern. 15.3



Stern. 16.

The occurrence of a spot on the beak.


Stern. 17.1.

The hypothesis was rejected – the proportion of both genders falling victim to falcons is similar (almost identical) to the proportion of both genders among live daddies. If the hypothesis is confirmed, it would be expected that females would dominate among falcon prey.


Stern. 17.2.


Stern. 17.3.



Stern. 18.1.


Note: The question is imprecise. If there is a multiplication of CAG triples, one should talk about their expansion (which, however, goes beyond the core curriculum). It is also worth paying attention to the imprecise language of the introduction “In the HTT gene there is relatively often a mutation consisting in the presence of additional CAG codons” – the concept of the codon refers to the mRNA, not the gene. If the Candidate assumed that it was a triplet in the gene, it would then be necessary to determine whether it is a triplet on the template or coding strand, transcribe and read the encoded amino acid.

Stern. 18.2.

It consists in the appearance of a string of glutamines encoded by additional CAG codons.

Stern. 18.3.

Mother genotype: Hh

Father’s genotype: hh


H h
h Hh hh
h Hh hh

Probability: 50 percent.


Stern. 18.4.

This is because the symptoms of this disease usually only appear between the fourth and sixth decade of life, i.e. at a time when most people have already had offspring and have passed the defective allele to the next generation. Thus, cleansing selection has a limited field of action and the mutant allele becomes fixed in the population.

Stern. 19.



Stern. 20.1.


Note: The type of natural selection is determined by the phenotypic change in the trait under study between the baseline and the population over time. Therefore, neither answer is a good explanation. The selection described is directional, as evidenced by the fact that there has been a change from low to high copper tolerance. The fact that this change has taken place over the years does not have much to do with it.

Stern. 20.2.

Natural selection works gradually and relies on individuals better suited to their environment than others to survive and produce offspring. As a result, the alleles of these individuals become dominant in the population over time. For the longest-lived populations, natural selection had the longest time to reveal its effect. In the case of populations that have recently been growing in contaminated areas, the effect of natural selection was even weaker, as the selection pressure was shorter.


The final results of the matura exam will be announced July 5 2022.

  1. The additional term of the 2022 baccalaureate in biology is June 6 at 9.00 a.m.
  2. The 2022 revision deadline in biology is August 23 at 9.00 a.m.

Matura 2022: biology advanced level – program

This year’s matura exam was also conducted on the basis of examination requirements, and not, as until 2020, on the basis of the requirements specified in the core curriculum. Matura exam requirements in biology in 2022, as in the two previous editions, have been slightly truncated. Some topics have been simplified or excluded from the list.

Including the requirements related to, inter alia, with the metabolism or the features and structure of some living organisms (e.g. viruses and protists, plants or invertebrates), as well as deletion of some issues, such as classification of organisms by means of a key, characteristics of some bacteria or features of some fungi.

A detailed list of issues for the biology exam 2022 can be found in the CKE brochure.

Matura exam: biology, advanced level – worksheets

What can questions on biology look like at this year’s matura exam? Reading past years’ worksheets may help.

The sheets for 2016-2021 can be found on the website of the Central Examination Commission.

Here you will find Matura 2021: biology advanced level [SHEETS AND ANSWERS]

Here you will find Matura 2020: biology advanced level [SHEETS AND ANSWERS]

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