Matura 2021: biology advanced level [SHEETS AND ANSWERS]

Matura 2021 in biology (advanced level) is behind us. The high school graduates were taking the matura exam in biology on May 12 from 9:00 a.m., the exam lasted 180 minutes. We publish the biology worksheets below. Experts from School and Pedagogical Publishers solve exam tasks on an ongoing basis, we publish the solutions below. Check what the 2021 exam in biology looked like or verify your answers.

Matura 2021 in biology: worksheets and answers

The sheets were made available by the Central Examination Commission at 14. We publish them below. We also successively publish correct answers and subsequent solutions to the tasks. Follow our website on a regular basis!

The article is being updated


Never mind. 1.1: alpha-helium

Stern. 1.2: Tertiary because it consists of 1 polypeptide chain with a characteristic chain folding in space.

Task 1.3: 228


Stern. 2.1: underlines; oxygen, inner, greater, lower

Stern. 2.2: The ATP produced in the mitochondria is used up outside of the mitochondria, so ADP and Pi deficiencies must be replenished by continuously transporting them to the mitochondria, where they are used to restore ATP.


Stern. 2.3:. stage name:

  1. glycolysis
  2. pyruvate bridging reaction / oxidative decarboxylation

Stern. 3.1: L-canavanin inserted in place of arginine disrupts the spatial structure of enzyme proteins. This causes changes in the functioning of the enzyme’s active center and results in a reduction or inhibition of its activity.


Stern. 3.2: L-canavanin contains 4 nitrogen atoms in its molecule, and the symbiosis of legumes with nitrogen-fixing bacteria provides these plants with a good supply of its digestible forms.

Stern. 3.3: underline cytosine and ATP

Stern. 3.4: As a result of detoxification, L-canavanin becomes non-toxic, which enables the beetles to feed on the seeds of legumes and to compete with other insects that do not have this ability.

Stern. 4: The presence of glycocalyx on the erythrocyte membrane reduces friction and facilitates the passage of erythrocytes through small-diameter capillaries, which prevents damage to the erythrocytes.


Task 5: Bacterial, as evidenced by the presence of a nucleoid characteristic of this cell.

Stern. 6.1: The presence of numerous microtrichoses on the body surface of tapeworms is related to their parasitic lifestyle and the consumption of food with the entire body surface. Microtricias increase the tapeworm’s body surface area and therefore allow the uptake of larger amounts of nutrients from the lumen of the host’s intestine.


Stern. 6.2: underline: reabsorption, tubular secretion

Stern. 6.3:

1: F


3: F

Stern. 7: How does the light intensity influence the anatomical structure of the sugar maple leaf blade?


Task 7.2: greater number of chloroplasts in the parenchyma cells / longer palisade cells / greater number of spongy parenchyma cells

Stern. 8.1: B1

Stern. 8.2: The tactile stimulus displaces the auxins to the side opposite to the stimulus.

Auxins are responsible for the growth of cells in length, which results in the bending of the shoot towards the support.


Task 9.1:

What is the transport speed of phloem juice in lilac shoots?

Stern. 9.2:

CO2 is a substrate of photosynthesis, used in the darker phase to synthesize primary and secondary products of photosynthesis, including sucrose, which is a transport form of sugars in the phloem.


Stern. 11.3:The pancreas secretes the hormones insulin and glucagon, which are directly released into the blood.

Stern. 12.1:

The day on which the birds’ access to water was restricted: 4

Date the birds were watered: 12


Stern. 12..2: Limited access to water caused an increase in its reabsorption in the renal tubules in order to eliminate its deficiency.

Stern. 12.3: Ostriches do not have teeth, and the presence of stones in the muscular stomach causes the food to be fragmented and thus increase its availability for digestive enzymes.


Stern. 14.1:

  1. P
  2. P
  3. F

Stern. 14.2

Monkeys live in an environment where they have very good access to citrus fruits rich in vitamin all year round. C. It weakens the effect of natural selection and prevents the mutation from being eliminated.

Stern. 14.3

Vitamin C is soluble in water, so excess vitamin C is excreted in the urine. Vitamin A, on the other hand, is fat soluble, so it can accumulate in the liver.


Task 15.1:

Stapes function: amplifying and transmitting vibrations of the sound wave.

Names of the remaining ossicles: hammer, anvil.

Stern. 15.2:

Fusion of bones during the ossification process.

Stern. 15.3:

Hematopoietic function

Stern. 15.4:



Stern. 16.1:

1. P

2. F.

3. F.

Stern. 16.2:

Each bivalve has its own biological rhythm and closes the shell according to it (e.g. in an unjustified situation), so the more specimens used for research, the greater the reliability of the measurement and the smaller its error.

Task 16.3:

1. Food intake / filtration of organic suspension from water.

2. Gas exchange / oxygen uptake.

Zad. 17 and 1 — solution in the picture.


Stern. 17.3:

Sucrose contains fructose in its molecule, and people who are intolerant to this sugar have a disturbed metabolism, resulting in the accumulation of fructose metabolites in the liver cells, which in turn leads to many metabolic abnormalities.

Stern. 18:

Hypothesis 1: confirmed, 3: 1, compliant

Hypothesis 2: confirmed, 9: 7, compliant


Stern. 19.1:

Process name: transcription

Process location: cell nucleus

Stern. 19.2:

In the splicing process in organisms, introns are cut out of the pre-mRNA and exons join, resulting in the formation of an mRNA shorter than the original transcript, and thus shorter than the corresponding gene.

Stern. 19.3:


Stern. 19.4:

Genes 2 and 4 because they are on the same chromosome (4). Mendel’s law II concerns features that inherit independently of each other, and these genes, as linked / lying on one chromosome, do not segregate independently and inherit together.

Stern. 19.5:

underlined: soluble, in blood plasma, regulation of osmotic blood pressure

Task 20:

The ducks described in the text are characterized by different mating behavior, which prevents the flow of genes between them.


Stern. 21: A 2


Task 22.1:

Water from the Sargasso Sea without enrichment of the samples with the elements mentioned in the experiment.

Stern. 22.2:

1. N

2. N

3. T

Stern. 23:

From the top: 2, 6, 1, 7, 3, 5, 4, 8


Stern. 24.1: B

Stern. 24.2:

In natural communities there is a closed cycle of matter as opposed to cultivated fields from which crops are harvested. The remains of organisms in natural communities are decomposed by destructors, and simple inorganic components, including phosphorus in the form of ions, return to the soil. Thanks to this, their content is kept constant. On the other hand, in the communities of unfertilized fields, most of the inorganic components do not return to the soil.

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